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Topic: big_operators and bijections
Heather Macbeth (Oct 17 2020 at 01:56):
I would like to use the fact that one can pull back a sum over a fintype under a bijection. I can prove this as follows:
lemma sum_bij'' {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*} [add_comm_monoid β] [fintype α] [fintype γ]
{g : γ → β} (i : α → γ) (i_inj : injective i) (i_surj : surjective i) :
(∑ x, g (i x)) = (∑ x, g x) :=
refine finset.sum_bij _ _ _ (λ a₁ a₂ _ _ , @i_inj a₁ a₂) _,
{ simp },
{ simp },
{ intros b _,
obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := @i_surj b,
exact ⟨a, finset.mem_univ a, ha.symm⟩ },
Heather Macbeth (Oct 17 2020 at 01:57):
As one can see, the key point of the proof is docs#finset.sum_bij. I found the hypotheses there quite hard to check, which is why I wrote my own lemma (for now -- not sure whether it's appropriate for a PR).
Heather Macbeth (Oct 17 2020 at 01:58):
But I was wondering if I am missing some folk wisdom on how to use a lemma like this docs#finset.sum_bij neatly.
Heather Macbeth (Oct 17 2020 at 01:59):
For example, the "surjectivity" hypothesis on that lemma is
∀ (b : γ), b ∈ t → (∃ (a : α) (ha : a ∈ s), b = i a ha)
Is there a cleaner way of deducing this from surjective i
than what I wrote?
Heather Macbeth (Oct 17 2020 at 02:00):
And perhaps more generally, docs#finset.sum_bij is written for a strange object of type Π (a : α), a ∈ s → γ
-- effectively a partially defined function. I can see why that choice is made, but how do I turn my actual function i
into an object like this?
Johan Commelin (Oct 17 2020 at 04:18):
I think there is also sum_equiv
Johan Commelin (Oct 17 2020 at 04:18):
Let me search a bit
Johan Commelin (Oct 17 2020 at 04:24):
Test: docs#equiv.sum_comp
Johan Commelin (Oct 17 2020 at 04:25):
@Heather Macbeth If you upgrade your map i
to an equiv
then you're done by that lemma.
Heather Macbeth (Oct 17 2020 at 04:27):
Great! Thank you! Actually my map was already an equiv, I downgraded it to try to match the other lemma :)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC