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Topic: bottom type (⊥)

Robert Osazuwa Ness (Nov 12 2022 at 02:39):

Is there a bottom type ⊥ in Lean4?

For example, in Haskell you might write:
f:: Bool -> Bool f = undefined
and that works because "undefined" evaluates to bottom, which is a member of Bool and any type.
But in lean I tried
def f (α : Bool) : Bool := none
and got a type mismatch. So I guess "none" isn't it.

Yaël Dillies (Nov 12 2022 at 02:40):

Do you mean False?

Yaël Dillies (Nov 12 2022 at 02:41):

Or maybe you're looking for (docs#has_bot in mathlib)

Mario Carneiro (Nov 12 2022 at 02:50):

No, there is no bottom value in the haskell sense. Indeed if there was you could use it to prove any proposition and hence trivialize the logical content of the theory

Mario Carneiro (Nov 12 2022 at 02:52):

(nit: undefined is a bottom value inhabiting every type, not a bottom type. As Yael says, a bottom type is one with no elements and lean has False for the bottom type in the universe of propositions and Empty for the bottom type in Type.)

Robert Osazuwa Ness (Nov 12 2022 at 02:59):

So Lean must then have some mechanism prohibiting non-terminating expressions? What is that? Sorry, I think I read about this somewhere but can't recall where, I'm coming back to learning Lean a brief pause.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 12 2022 at 03:01):

All recursive functions have to decrease along some well founded metric

Mario Carneiro (Nov 12 2022 at 03:02):

in many cases lean can infer an appropriate relation on its own but if it fails you can use the termination_by clause to supply your own

Mario Carneiro (Nov 12 2022 at 03:03):

in particular def foo : p := foo is not accepted

Calvin Lee (Nov 12 2022 at 03:16):

lean has sorry which functions almost exactly the same as undefined in haskell. It is an axiom which can inhabit any value, and you use it when you can't prove something yet.
but it should never be used in proofs or code that exists (and in fact you can figure this out by checking if the definition depends on sorryAx)

Calvin Lee (Nov 12 2022 at 03:16):

I suppose sorry is an answer to any thread in this channel
but I think it deserves special mention as a potential "bottom value"

Mario Carneiro (Nov 12 2022 at 03:22):

that's true, but sorry has special handling and lean will give you grief if you use it

Mario Carneiro (Nov 12 2022 at 03:22):

you can also make your own axioms and use them to prove false things if you want. Lean won't even complain in that case

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC