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Topic: cardinal.le_of_add_le_add

Andrew Yang (Aug 25 2022 at 15:18):

Do we have any of the following somewhere?

/- This seems to be the right generality. -/
example {α β γ : cardinal} (h : γ < cardinal.aleph_0) (h : α + γ  β + γ) : α  β := sorry
/- I have a lousy lean proof for this -/
example {α β : cardinal} (h : α + 1  β + 1) : α  β := sorry
/- This is what I actually need -/
example {α β : cardinal} (h : α + 1 = β + 1) : α = β := sorry

Yaël Dillies (Aug 25 2022 at 15:22):

I think we have neither.

Damiano Testa (Aug 26 2022 at 07:11):

As for your final example, I do not know if this counts as lousy, but here is a proof:

import set_theory.cardinal.ordinal

example {α β : cardinal} (h : α + 1 = β + 1) : α = β :=
  wlog ab : α  β,
  by_cases α₀ : cardinal.aleph_0  α;
  by_cases β₀ : cardinal.aleph_0  β,
  { rwa [cardinal.add_one_eq α₀, cardinal.add_one_eq β₀] at h },
  { exact (lt_irrefl β ((not_le.mp β₀).trans_le (α₀.trans ab))).elim },
  { rwa cardinal.add_one_eq β₀ at h,
    subst h,
    rcases cardinal.lt_aleph_0.mp (not_le.mp α₀) with n, rfl⟩,
    exact ((not_lt.mpr β₀) (cardinal.lt_aleph_0.mpr n + 1, by simp⟩)).elim },
  { rcases cardinal.lt_aleph_0.mp (not_le.mp α₀) with m, rfl⟩,
    rcases cardinal.lt_aleph_0.mp (not_le.mp β₀) with n, rfl⟩,
    exact nat.cast_inj.mpr (nat.succ_injective (nat.cast_inj.mp h)) },

(I never used the cardinal API before, but was curious to try it and your examples were good excuses! :smile: )

Damiano Testa (Aug 26 2022 at 07:52):

It seems that the cardinal API revolves around using < aleph_0 instead of casting nats:

lemma succ_inj {α β : cardinal} : α + 1 = β + 1  α = β :=
λ h, cardinal.eq_of_add_eq_add_right h one_lt_aleph_0, λ h, congr_fun (congr_arg (+) h) 1

Andrew Yang (Aug 26 2022 at 08:28):

Ah I didn't know that docs#cardinal.eq_of_add_eq_add_right exists. Thanks.
My proof of α + 1 ≤ β + 1→ α ≤ β is by constructing the injection explicitly, so your approach is definitely better.
By the way, I think α.succ and α + 1 are not the same thing (regarding the name of your lemma).

Ruben Van de Velde (Aug 26 2022 at 08:31):

docs#cardinal.succ_order agrees:

Note that the successor of c is not the same as c + 1 except in the case of finite c.

Damiano Testa (Aug 26 2022 at 08:52):

In case it helps, these are proofs of the statements that you mentioned:

lemma add_one_inj {α β : cardinal} : α + 1 = β + 1  α = β :=
λ h, cardinal.eq_of_add_eq_add_right h one_lt_aleph_0, λ h, congr_fun (congr_arg (+) h) 1

lemma le_of_add_le_add_of_lt_aleph_0 {α β γ : cardinal}
  (γ₀ : γ < cardinal.aleph_0) (h : α + γ  β + γ) :
  α  β :=
  by_cases β₀ : aleph_0  β,
  { rw add_eq_left β₀ (γ₀.le.trans β₀) at h,
    exact le_self_add.trans h },
  { rcases lt_aleph_0.mp (not_le.mp β₀) with b, rfl⟩, clear β₀,
    rcases lt_aleph_0.mp γ₀ with c, rfl⟩, clear γ₀,
    have : α < aleph_0 := le_self_add.trans_lt (h.trans_lt (lt_aleph_0.mpr b + c, by simp⟩)),
    rcases lt_aleph_0.mp this with a, rfl⟩, clear this,
    rw [ nat.cast_add,  nat.cast_add] at h,
    exact nat_cast_le.mpr (le_of_add_le_add_right (nat_cast_le.mp h)) }

example {α β : cardinal} (h : α + 1  β + 1) : α  β :=
le_of_add_le_add_of_lt_aleph_0 one_lt_aleph_0 h

Damiano Testa (Aug 26 2022 at 08:54):

Ah, I missed the "not c + 1" bit! I renamed the lemma above!

Junyan Xu (Aug 26 2022 at 14:38):


import set_theory.cardinal.ordinal
open cardinal

lemma add_right_inj_of_lt_aleph_0 {α β γ : cardinal} (γ₀ : γ < aleph_0) :
  α + γ = β + γ  α = β :=
λ h, cardinal.eq_of_add_eq_add_right h γ₀, λ h, congr_fun (congr_arg (+) h) γ

lemma add_one_inj {α β : cardinal} : α + 1 = β + 1  α = β :=
add_right_inj_of_lt_aleph_0 one_lt_aleph_0

lemma add_le_add_iff_of_lt_aleph_0 {α β γ : cardinal} (γ₀ : γ < aleph_0) :
  α + γ  β + γ  α  β :=
  refine λ h, _, λ h, add_le_add_right h γ⟩,
  contrapose h,
  rw [not_le, lt_iff_le_and_ne, ne] at h ,
  exact add_le_add_right h.1 γ, mt (add_right_inj_of_lt_aleph_0 γ₀).1 h.2⟩,

example {α β : cardinal} (h : α + 1  β + 1) : α  β :=
(add_le_add_iff_of_lt_aleph_0 one_lt_aleph_0).mp h

Damiano Testa (Aug 26 2022 at 14:42):

Very nice!

I wonder if this version of injectivity is also useful:

@[simp] lemma add_nat_inj {α β : cardinal} (n : ) :
  α + n = β + n  α = β :=
λ h, cardinal.eq_of_add_eq_add_right h (nat_lt_aleph_0 n), λ h, congr_fun (congr_arg (+) h) n

Damiano Testa (Aug 26 2022 at 14:55):

To avoid leaving this one hanging, I PRed these lemmas: if anyone wants to add/change stuff, feel free to do so!


Andrew Yang (Aug 26 2022 at 14:58):

I think the add_nat and add_one versions of le can also be useful (potentially also as simp lemmas?)

Damiano Testa (Aug 26 2022 at 15:10):

Just added them!

Damiano Testa (Aug 26 2022 at 15:18):

We are also lucky enough that one of the hoskinson machines is taking care of building mathlib! :upside_down:

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC