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Stream: Is there code for X?

Topic: cardinality of disjoint union

Thomas Browning (Apr 21 2021 at 16:55):

Does this lemma exist in mathlib? (or at least a simpler proof?)

example {α : Type*} (s t : set α) (h : disjoint s t) [hs : fintype s] [ht : fintype t] :
  fintype.card ((s  t) : set α) = fintype.card s + fintype.card t :=
  let x := hs.elems.image (coe : s  α),
  let y := ht.elems.image (coe : t  α),
  have hx : s = x,
  { ext a,
    rw [finset.mem_coe, finset.mem_image],
    { refine λ ha, ⟨⟨a, ha⟩, _, rfl⟩,
      apply hs.complete },
    { rintros a, ha, rfl⟩,
      exact a.mem } },
  have hy : t = y,
  { ext a,
    rw [finset.mem_coe, finset.mem_image],
    { refine λ ha, ⟨⟨a, ha⟩, _, rfl⟩,
      apply ht.complete },
    { rintros a, ha, rfl⟩,
      exact a.mem } },
  suffices : (x  y).card = x.card + y.card,
  { simp_rw [fintype.card_coe, finset.coe_union, hx, hy] at this,
    convert this },
  apply finset.card_disjoint_union,
  rwa [finset.disjoint_iff_disjoint_coe, hx, hy],

Yakov Pechersky (Apr 21 2021 at 16:59):

Here's a related lemma I prove in my perm.support refactor:

lemma disjoint.card_support_mul (h : disjoint f g) (hf : f.support.finite) (hg : g.support.finite)
  (hfg : (f * g).support.finite) :
  hfg.to_finset.card = hf.to_finset.card + hg.to_finset.card :=
  letI := hf.fintype,
  letI := hg.fintype,
  letI := hfg.fintype,
  simp_rw [finite.card_to_finset, to_finset_card],
  rw finset.card_disjoint_union,
  { congr,
    simp [h.support_mul] },
  { simpa using h.disjoint_support }

Yakov Pechersky (Apr 21 2021 at 17:04):

Most of the way there:

example {α : Type*} (s t : set α) (h : _root_.disjoint s t) [fintype s] [fintype t]
  [fintype (s  t : set α)] :
  fintype.card ((s  t) : set α) = fintype.card s + fintype.card t :=
  rw [to_finset_card, to_finset_card, to_finset_card],
  have : _root_.disjoint s.to_finset t.to_finset := to_finset_disjoint_iff.mpr h,
  convert finset.card_disjoint_union this,

Thomas Browning (Apr 21 2021 at 17:06):

Thanks! It seems like it might be best to phrase this in terms of set.finite

Yakov Pechersky (Apr 21 2021 at 17:06):

example {α : Type*} (s t : set α) (h : _root_.disjoint s t) [fintype s] [fintype t]
  [fintype (s  t : set α)] :
  fintype.card ((s  t) : set α) = fintype.card s + fintype.card t :=
  rw [to_finset_card, to_finset_card, to_finset_card],
  have : _root_.disjoint s.to_finset t.to_finset := to_finset_disjoint_iff.mpr h,
  convert finset.card_disjoint_union this,
  exact to_finset_union _ _

Thomas Browning (Apr 21 2021 at 17:07):

and here's the set.finite version:

example {α : Type*} (s t : set α) (h : disjoint s t) (hs : s.finite) (ht : t.finite) :
  (set.finite.union hs ht).to_finset.card = hs.to_finset.card + ht.to_finset.card :=
  rw  finset.card_disjoint_union,
  { apply congr_arg finset.card,
    ext a,
    simp_rw [finset.mem_union, set.finite.mem_to_finset, set.mem_union] },
  { apply set.to_finset_disjoint_iff.mpr,
    exact h },

Yakov Pechersky (Apr 21 2021 at 17:08):

Depends. You can see my #7118 for how I did it in my finset to set refactor. For the cases where you don't know that the underlying type is fintype, I refactored the card lemmas to take set.finite hypotheses. In some sections, I didn't refactor the "underlying type is fintype" and just could infer that fintype s etc.

Yakov Pechersky (Apr 21 2021 at 17:09):

I'd just use set.finite.card_to_finset for the finite proof, and use the proof we just wrote.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC