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Topic: check all the cases mod 4

Kevin Buzzard (Aug 16 2022 at 10:48):

This is more annoying than I want it to be. What tricks am I missing? The proof is "check all the cases mod 4".

import tactic
import data.zmod.basic

-- This was a mild pain. Can it be golfed?
lemma x_eq_1_zmod4 (x y : ) (h : y^2  x^3 - 5 [ZMOD 4]) :
  (x  1 [ZMOD 4]) :=
  -- It's a finite check!
  change _  _ [ZMOD (4 : )] at h,
  change _  _ [ZMOD (4 : )],
  rw  zmod.int_coe_eq_int_coe_iff at h ,
  push_cast at h ,
  revert h, -- generalize misbehaves otherwise?
  generalize : (x : zmod 4) = xbar,
  generalize : (y : zmod 4) = ybar,
  intro h,
  -- aaand...just check all the cases!

-- idea for removing `change`

notation a `  `:50 b ` [ZMOD' `:50 n `]`:0 := int.modeq ((n : ) : ) a b

example (x y : ) (h : y^2  x^3 - 5 [ZMOD' 4]) :
  (x  1 [ZMOD' 4]) :=
  rw  zmod.int_coe_eq_int_coe_iff at h ,
  push_cast at h ,
  revert h,
  generalize : (x : zmod 4) = xbar,
  generalize : (y : zmod 4) = ybar,
  intro h,

Kevin Buzzard (Aug 16 2022 at 10:51):

A related thing that came up when thinking about this: The maths proof of the below is "(note that p is odd)".

import tactic
import data.zmod.basic

lemma annoying
  (p : )
  [fact (nat.prime p)]
  (h8 : p  3 [MOD 4]) :
  1 / (4 : zmod p)  0 :=
  suffices : (4 : zmod p)  0, simpa, -- put there so nobody can cheat and remove the `fact`
  have hpne2 : p  2,
  { unfreezingI {rintro rfl},
    delta nat.modeq at h8,
    norm_num at h8, },
  intro h,
  have h3 : p  4 := (zmod.nat_coe_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd 4 p).mp (by assumption_mod_cast),
  have h4 : p  4 := nat.le_of_dvd (by norm_num) h3,
  have h5 : p  4,
  { unfreezingI {rintro rfl}, have : nat.prime 4 := fact.out _, norm_num at this, },
  delta nat.modeq at h8,
  rw nat.mod_eq_of_lt (lt_of_le_of_ne h4 h5) at h8,
  unfreezingI {subst h8},
  norm_num at h3,

Damiano Testa (Aug 16 2022 at 11:35):

The first lemma can be proved as follows:

import tactic
import data.zmod.basic

lemma x_eq_1_zmod4_aux (x y : zmod 4) (h : y^2 = x^3 - 5) :
  (x = 1) :=
by dec_trivial!

lemma pro (x y : ) (n : ) :
  (x  y [ZMOD n])  (x : zmod n) = y :=
by rw [zmod.int_coe_eq_int_coe_iff_dvd_sub, int.modeq_iff_dvd]

-- This was a mild pain. Can it be golfed?
lemma x_eq_1_zmod4 (x y : ) (h : y^2  x^3 - 5 [ZMOD 4]) :
  (x  1 [ZMOD 4]) :=
  refine (pro x 1 4).mpr ( x_eq_1_zmod4_aux x y _),
  convert (pro _ _ 4).mp h;

You can also compress the last to a single line, if you really want to:

lemma x_eq_1_zmod4 (x y : ) (h : y^2  x^3 - 5 [ZMOD 4]) :
  (x  1 [ZMOD 4]) :=
(pro _ _ _).mpr (x_eq_1_zmod4_aux x y (by convert (pro _ _ _).mp h; simp))

Damiano Testa (Aug 16 2022 at 11:55):

This is also a possibility for the second one:

lemma annoying
  (p : )
  [fact (nat.prime p)]
  (h8 : p  3 [MOD 4]) :
  1 / (4 : zmod p)  0 :=
  suffices : (4 : zmod p)  0, simpa, -- put there so nobody can cheat and remove the `fact`
  suffices : (2 : zmod p) ^ 2  0, norm_num at this,
  apply pow_ne_zero,
  convert zmod.prime_ne_zero p 2 _,
  { norm_num },
  { intros p2,
    rw p2 at h8,
    refine not_ne_iff.mpr h8 _,
    norm_num }

Not sure if it is really better.

Stuart Presnell (Aug 16 2022 at 13:31):

This can probably be tidied up a bit:

lemma annoying
  (p : )
  [fact (nat.prime p)]
  (h8 : p  3 [MOD 4]) :
  1 / (4 : zmod p)  0 :=
  suffices : (4 : zmod p)  0, simpa, -- put there so nobody can cheat and remove the `fact`
  suffices : ¬ p  4, { rw zmod.nat_coe_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd at this, simpa using this },

  intro hp4,
  have hp3 : p  3,
  { apply nat.dvd_of_mod_eq_zero,
    rw [eq_comm, nat.mod_self p],
    exact nat.modeq.modeq_of_dvd hp4 h8 },
  have hp1 := nat.dvd_gcd_iff.2 hp3, hp4⟩,
  norm_num at hp1,

  apply nat.not_prime_one,
  rw hp1,
  apply fact_iff.1,

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC