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Stream: Is there code for X?

Topic: dfinsupp of product is dfinsupp of dfinsupp

Eric Wieser (Jul 21 2020 at 11:39):

Is there anything in mathlib resembling the sorry here?

import data.dfinsupp
import tactic

universes u v w

variables {ii : Type u} {jj : Type v} [decidable_eq ii] [decidable_eq jj]
variables (β : ii  jj  Type w) [Π i j, has_zero (β i j)]

example : (Π (ij : ii × jj), β ij.1 ij.2)  Π i, Π j, β i j := sorry

Scott Morrison (Jul 21 2020 at 12:29):

Quite possibly not. dfinsupp is not very well developed.

Eric Wieser (Jul 21 2020 at 14:07):

Is the right statement to try to make?

Scott Morrison (Jul 21 2020 at 14:10):

Depends what you need it for. Lots of algebra structures are going to be compatible with this equivalence, too.

Eric Wieser (Jul 21 2020 at 16:26):

I can make a start on this with:

def prod_to_nested (f : Π (ij : ii × jj), β ij.1 ij.2) : Π i, Π j, β i j := begin
    fapply quotient.lift_on f,
    exact λ fij, {
        to_fun := λ i,  {
            to_fun := λ j, fij.to_fun (i, j),
            pre_support := fij.pre_support.map (λ (ij : ii × jj), ij.snd),
            zero := λ j, begin
                obtain hin | h0 := fij.zero (i, j),
                {apply or.inl, rw multiset.mem_map, use (i, j), simp only [hin, eq_self_iff_true, and_self]},
                {exact or.inr h0},
        } ,
        pre_support := fij.pre_support.map (λ ij, ij.fst),
        zero := λ i, begin
            have h := λ j, fij.zero (i, j),
            rw multiset.mem_map,
    exact λ a b H, quotient.sound $ λ i, by {
        simp [H (i, _)],
        exact λ j, by simp [H (i, j)]

although this all feels super awkward

Eric Wieser (Jul 21 2020 at 18:27):

Updated the above to be sorry-free, would appreciate feedback on whether I'm missing a trick.
In paticular, the λ j, (fij.zero (i, j)).elim proof is repeated twice, and I'm not sure how to remove it.

Eric Wieser (Jul 21 2020 at 19:30):

The other direction is proving even more challenging:

def nested_to_prod (f : Π i j, β i j) : Π (ij : ii × jj), β ij.1 ij.2 := begin
    fapply quotient.lift_on f,
        intro fi,
        refine {
            to_fun := λ ij, fi.to_fun ij.fst ij.snd,
            pre_support := fi.pre_support.product (begin
                let j_sets := fi.pre_support.map (λ i, begin
                    let fi_val := (fi.to_fun i),
                    /- This is unprovable, I think lift_on is the wrong approach, or I need to return a clever quotient -/
                    exact quotient.lift_on fi_val
                        (λ a b H, begin
                /- should be union of j_sets -/
                exact (sorry : multiset jj),
            zero := λ ij, begin
                rw multiset.mem_product,
                cases fi.zero ij.fst,
                { left, simp [h], sorry},
                { right, simp [h] }
    exact λ a b H, quotient.sound $ λ ij, by simp [H ij.fst],

Eric Wieser (Jul 22 2020 at 11:51):

Would this be more suited to #general, now that it's established the answer to "is there code for X in mathlib" is no?

Johan Commelin (Jul 22 2020 at 11:52):

Yes, or #maths

Eric Wieser (Jul 22 2020 at 11:52):

Shall I repost, or ask someone with the magic bit to move it?

Johan Commelin (Jul 22 2020 at 11:52):

I think reposting is easier

Johan Commelin (Jul 22 2020 at 11:52):

Just add a link to this thread

Eric Wieser (Jul 22 2020 at 12:14):

Posted as https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/116395-maths/topic/dfinsupp.20of.20product.20is.20dfinsupp.20of.20dfinsupp

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC