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Stream: Is there code for X?

Topic: divisibilty of powers

Niels Voss (Dec 20 2022 at 19:49):

In my PR, I also proved the following statements

lemma odd_pow_lem (a : ) (n k : ) (h₁ : k  n) (h₂ : odd (n / k)) : a^k + 1  a^n + 1
lemma sub_one_dvd_pow_sub_one (a n : ) (h : 1  a) : a - 1  a^n - 1

I wasn't able to find these in mathlib. Technically I only need the case when k = 1 for odd_pow_lem. If they aren't already in mathlib, do they belong?
I also have proofs of the more general lemma ab_lem (a b n : ℕ) : (a - b) ∣ (a^n - b^n) and Kevin Buzzard suggested that I reformalize odd_pow_lem as lemma odd_pow_lem (a : ℤ) (q k : ℕ) (h₂ : odd q) : a^k + 1 ∣ a^(q * k) + 1 to avoid natural number division.

Yaël Dillies (Dec 20 2022 at 19:52):

@Mantas Baksys, thoughts?

Martin Dvořák (Dec 20 2022 at 20:00):

I think that lemma ab_lem (a b n : ℕ) : (a - b) ∣ (a^n - b^n) is extremely useful.

Martin Dvořák (Dec 20 2022 at 20:05):

This one is not in your PR, is it?

Niels Voss (Dec 20 2022 at 20:06):

It used to be, but I removed it because I only ever used the b = 1 case.
It has a (ungolfed) proof here

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 20 2022 at 20:08):

I would say that odd_pow_lem is better stated off as odd q -> a + 1 | a^q + 1 avoiding natural division and the divisibility hypothesis, and then you can apply with a = a^k if you want your version. As for sub_one_dvd_pow_sub_one I think it's probably better stated for a : int, and deduced for naturals afterwards (note that it looks true for a=0 so h should be removed in the final version, but you can do cases on a when proving the natural version)

Martin Dvořák (Dec 20 2022 at 20:13):

Niels Voss said:

It used to be, but I removed it because I only ever used the b = 1 case.
It has a (ungolfed) proof here


Just one comment... for me, the terms with "triangle" are hard to read.
Instead of:

exact (eq.symm h₈)  h₇

I'd write:

rwa h₈ at  h₇

Michael Stoll (Dec 20 2022 at 20:17):

docs#geom_sum₂_mul and friends might be useful.

Michael Stoll (Dec 20 2022 at 20:18):

(This came up in my seminar a while ago. I was certain I had seen this somewhere in mathlib, but could not find it when I was looking for it. The name is not what I had expected...)

Niels Voss (Dec 20 2022 at 20:22):

I would say that odd_pow_lem is better stated off as odd q -> a + 1 | a^q + 1 avoiding natural division and the divisibility hypothesis, and then you can apply with a = a^k if you want your version.

I agree, for some reason it never occurred to me that the two forms are actually equivalent

Niels Voss (Dec 20 2022 at 20:44):

Here are some short proofs of ab_lem for and using the lemma Michael Stoll suggested

private lemma ab_lem (a b : ) (n : ) : a - b  a^n - b^n :=
dvd.intro_left _ (geom_sum₂_mul a b n)

private lemma ab_lem' (a b n : ) : a - b  a^n - b^n :=
  by_cases h : b  a,
  { have : b^n  a^n := nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_left h _,
    exact_mod_cast ab_lem a b n },
  { have : a^n  b^n := nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_left (show a  b, by linarith) _,
    exact (nat.sub_eq_zero_iff_le.mpr this).symm  dvd_zero (a - b) }

Junyan Xu (Dec 20 2022 at 21:08):

You can cases le_total b a

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 20 2022 at 22:55):

Or split on le_or_lt.

Niels Voss (Dec 22 2022 at 00:23):

This link suggests that for all a, b, n where n is odd then a + b ∣ a^n + b^n, which is basically a more general version of what I proved. Since geom_sum₂_mul is in the library, is there something similar for sums of odd powers?

Eric Rodriguez (Dec 22 2022 at 00:28):


Eric Rodriguez (Dec 22 2022 at 00:28):

oh great the linkifier is broken

Eric Rodriguez (Dec 22 2022 at 00:29):

geom_sum2_mul seems to pretty much be that lemma with x = a, y = -b, no?

Niels Voss (Dec 22 2022 at 00:31):

Yeah it does, I was just wondering if there was a more convenient form to use

Eric Rodriguez (Dec 22 2022 at 00:40):

I don't think so, I also don't think a PR that makes it would be unwelcome though! not sure how far away geom_sum is from a port but some lemma called odd.pow_add_X or something of the sort would be nice

Niels Voss (Dec 22 2022 at 01:14):

I tried proving that (finset.range n).sum (λ (i : ℕ), (-1)^i * a ^ i * b ^ (n - 1 - i)) * (a + b) = a^n + b^n. Proving that (finset.range n).sum (λ (i : ℕ), (a ^ i * (-b) ^ (n - 1 - i)) * (a + b) = a^n + b^n is basically a direct result of geom_sum₂_mul. Proving that the two finset sums are equal is harder, as it requires showing that (-1 : ℤ) ^ i = (-1) ^ (n - 1 - i), for odd n, which is not true in general due to how natural number subtraction works.

I don't actually care about what is inside the finset sum for my PR because it only depends on divisibility, but I could try finishing the proof if it would be helpful to have in the library.

Eric Rodriguez (Dec 22 2022 at 01:15):

I'd say just upload the divisibility proof and if people want the "proper" proof, they'll ask. Mention these details in the PR description!

Niels Voss (Dec 22 2022 at 01:18):

Which file and namespace would these go into? I'm planning on doing a - b | a^n - b^n and odd n -> a + b | a^n + b^n for both a b : nat and a b : int (maybe it works for any comm ring in general)?

Eric Rodriguez (Dec 22 2022 at 01:20):

I'd try to stick to comm_rings if you can, I find it unlikely it'd be accepted for a b : int only. I'd put the second one in the odd namespace (not sure about the name) and the first one, I'd call sub_dvd_pow_sub_pow maybe?

Niels Voss (Dec 22 2022 at 01:23):

I don't know how far down the import chain algebra.geom_sum is, but I'd imagine it would be after data.nat.parity. Should these just go in algebra.geom_sum?

Junyan Xu (Dec 22 2022 at 01:29):

It may be easier to plug in x = -a, y = b into geom_sum2_mul to get

(finset.range n).sum (λ (i : ), (-a) ^ i * b ^ (n - 1 - i)) * (-a - b) = (-a) ^ n - b ^ n

and cancel a minus sign from both sides (when n is odd).

Niels Voss (Dec 22 2022 at 01:32):

That definitely would help if I was trying to provide a version of geom_sum₂_mul for subtraction. I don't think it matters for just divisibility though.
It would avoid all problems with natural number subtraction in my attempted proof above though.

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 22 2022 at 01:38):

@Niels Voss I don't understand why docs#geom_sum₂_mul doesn't solve all your problems? What are you trying to prove?

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 22 2022 at 01:40):

To get a + b ∣ a^n + b^n for n odd and a, b naturals, just prove it for integers and then observe that a natural divides another one iff the corresponding integer divides the other one.

Niels Voss (Dec 22 2022 at 01:42):

It does, I just thought that it would be nice if the lemmas were in a more convenient and library_search friendly form for the rest of the library. If this isn't necessary, my PR could just use geom_sum₂_mul directly.

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 22 2022 at 01:50):

I was just referring to the fact that you seemed to be re-proving results about (finset.range n).sum (λ (i : ℕ), (-1)^i * a ^ i * b ^ (n - 1 - i)), which should not be necessary. You don't want to go there.

Niels Voss (Dec 22 2022 at 01:52):

Yeah, I don't really know why I was trying to do that (I guess I thought it would add something to algebra.geom_sum?) but you are right that it isn't necessary for divisibility.

Niels Voss (Dec 22 2022 at 01:59):

Here's what I have so far:

theorem sub_dvd_pow_sub_pow [comm_ring α] (x y : α) (n : ) : x - y  x^n - y^n :=
  dvd.intro_left _ (geom_sum₂_mul x y n)

theorem nat.sub_dvd_pow_sub_pow (x y n : ) : x - y  x^n - y^n :=
  cases le_or_lt y x with h,
  { have : y^n  x^n := nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_left h _,
    exact_mod_cast sub_dvd_pow_sub_pow (x : ) y n },
  { have : x^n  y^n := nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_left h.le _,
    exact (nat.sub_eq_zero_of_le this).symm  dvd_zero (x - y) }

theorem odd.add_dvd_pow_add_pow [comm_ring α] (x y : α) {n : } (h : odd n) : x + y  x^n + y^n :=
  have h₁ := geom_sum₂_mul x (-y) n,
  rw [odd.neg_pow h y, sub_neg_eq_add, sub_neg_eq_add] at h₁,
  exact dvd.intro_left _ h₁,

theorem nat.add_dvd_pow_add_pow_of_odd (x y : ) {n : } (h : odd n) : x + y  x^n + y^n :=
by exact_mod_cast odd.add_dvd_pow_add_pow (x : ) y h

I don't really know if I should change any of the names.

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 22 2022 at 02:07):


import tactic
import algebra.geom_sum

variable {α : Type*}

for the #mwe

Niels Voss (Dec 22 2022 at 02:08):

Oh yeah, sorry I forgot to mention that this is in algebra/geom_sum.lean (outside of any namespace though). It can be moved if needed.

Niels Voss (Dec 22 2022 at 02:26):

As a general guideline, is there always a space between x and ^ in x ^ y? Because I haven't always been adding them.

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 22 2022 at 03:05):

I always put them in, others often don't; it's a bit weird because usually there are concrete conventions for everything.

Martin Dvořák (Dec 24 2022 at 10:48):

I put them too.

Yaël Dillies (Dec 24 2022 at 12:49):

It is an infix operator. As such, it should get spaces around it. But this rule is loosely enforced.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC