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Stream: Is there code for X?

Topic: example (x : Int) : x % 2 = 0 ∨ x % 2 = 1 := by sorry

Scott Morrison (Nov 11 2023 at 02:32):

I need to prove

example (x : Int) : x % 2 = 0  x % 2 = 1 := by sorry

but only using Std. Any hints?

Timo Carlin-Burns (Nov 11 2023 at 02:51):

One way would be to have docs#Nat.mod_lt and then do cases x % 2 twice

Scott Morrison (Nov 11 2023 at 03:21):

That would work nicely for Nat, but not for Int.

Scott Morrison (Nov 11 2023 at 03:23):

Ah, but

example (x : Int) : x % 2 = 0  x % 2 = 1 := by
  have h₁ := Int.emod_nonneg x (b := 2) (by decide)
  have h₂ := Int.emod_lt_of_pos x (b := 2) (by decide)
  match x % 2, h₁, h₂ with
  | 0, _, _ => simp
  | 1, _, _ => simp

does it.

Scott Morrison (Nov 11 2023 at 03:23):


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC