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Stream: Is there code for X?

Topic: exists and forall in subsingleton

Devon Tuma (Jul 19 2022 at 01:12):

Is there already some lemma that directly gives:

lemma forall_iff_of_subsingleton_of_inhabited {α : Type*} [subsingleton α] [inhabited α]
  (p : α  Prop) : ( x, p x)  p (arbitrary α) :=
λ h, h $ arbitrary α, λ h, (λ x, subsingleton.elim (arbitrary α) x  h)⟩

lemma exists_iff_of_subsingleton_of_inhabited {α : Type*} [subsingleton α] [inhabited α]
  (p : α  Prop) : ( x, p x)  p (arbitrary α) :=
λ h, let x, h := h in (subsingleton.elim x (arbitrary α)  h), λ h, arbitrary α, h⟩⟩

the second is technically equivalent to subsingleton.mem_iff_nonempty.symm when the compiler expands the term out, but I haven't found the first one at all.

Patrick Johnson (Jul 19 2022 at 01:52):

I don't think the first one is in mathlib. Note that arbitrary α can be generalized to any x : α and then [inhabited α] is redundant:

lemma subsingleton.forall_iff {α : Type*} [subsingleton α]
  {p : α  Prop} {x : α} : ( y, p y)  p x :=
λ h, h x, λ h y, subsingleton.elim x y  h

lemma subsingleton.exists_iff {α : Type*} [subsingleton α]
  {p : α  Prop} {x : α} : ( y, p y)  p x :=

Kyle Miller (Jul 19 2022 at 02:21):

@Patrick Johnson I think the point of formulating this with inhabited is that you can rewrite without creating any new goals, but your version could be useful if x were explicit.

Eric Wieser (Jul 19 2022 at 06:36):

Note that [inhabited X] [subsingleton X] is usually spelt [unique X]

Violeta Hernández (Jul 19 2022 at 15:08):

docs#unique.exists_iff and docs#unique.forall_iff

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC