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Topic: finset proof

Patrick Thomas (May 10 2022 at 05:41):

I was wondering if anyone might have advice on proving this? I think I might make progress if I can get it to a point where I can use something similar to finset.bUnion_insert?

import data.finset

lemma finset_bUnion_sdiff
  {T : Type} [decidable_eq T]
  (x x' : T)
  (S : finset T)
  (f : T  finset T)
  (h1 : f x = {x'}) :
  (finset.bUnion S f) \ {x'} = (finset.bUnion (S \ {x}) f) \ {x'} :=
  by_cases x  S,
    congr, symmetry, exact finset.sdiff_singleton_not_mem_eq_self S h,

Eric Wieser (May 10 2022 at 06:09):

Does docs#finset.bUnion_erase exist?

Stuart Presnell (May 10 2022 at 09:25):

Not particularly elegant, but this does the job:

lemma finset_bUnion_sdiff
  {T : Type} [decidable_eq T]
  (x x' : T)
  (S : finset T)
  (f : T  finset T)
  (h1 : f x = {x'}) :
  (finset.bUnion S f) \ {x'} = (finset.bUnion (S \ {x}) f) \ {x'} :=
  by_cases hxS : x  S,
  { ext,
    simp only [finset.mem_sdiff, finset.mem_bUnion, and.congr_left_iff, finset.mem_singleton],
    intros ha,
  { rintros i, hi1, hi2⟩⟩,
    refine i, ⟨⟨hi1, _⟩, hi2⟩⟩,
    contrapose! ha,
    subst ha,
    exact finset.mem_singleton.1 (h1  hi2) },
  { rintros i, hi1, hi2⟩⟩, exact i, hi1.1, hi2⟩⟩ } },
  { congr, symmetry, exact finset.sdiff_singleton_not_mem_eq_self S hxS }

Patrick Thomas (May 10 2022 at 16:47):

Thank you!

Patrick Johnson (May 10 2022 at 17:41):

Simpler proof:

import tactic

lemma finset_bUnion_sdiff
  {T : Type} [decidable_eq T]
  (x x' : T)
  (S : finset T)
  (f : T  finset T)
  (h1 : f x = {x'}) :
  (finset.bUnion S f) \ {x'} = (finset.bUnion (S \ {x}) f) \ {x'} :=
  ext y, simp, intro, congr', ext z,
  have : y  f z  z  x := by rintro _ rfl; simp * at *,

Kyle Miller (May 10 2022 at 18:13):

Taking care of the nonterminal simp and making it more mathliby:

lemma finset_bUnion_sdiff
  {T : Type} [decidable_eq T]
  (x x' : T)
  (S : finset T)
  (f : T  finset T)
  (h1 : f x = {x'}) :
  (finset.bUnion S f) \ {x'} = (finset.bUnion (S \ {x}) f) \ {x'} :=
  ext y,
  simp only [finset.mem_sdiff, finset.mem_bUnion, exists_prop,
    finset.mem_singleton, and.congr_left_iff],
  congr' with z,
  have : y  f z  z  x,
  { rintro h' rfl,
    simpa only [*, finset.mem_singleton] using h', },

By the way, congr' takes a with clause for doing ext.

Kevin Buzzard (May 10 2022 at 18:38):

Using a non-terminal simp is supposed to be a code smell, but sometimes it's really handy. I understand how simp only [finset.mem_sdiff, finset.mem_bUnion, exists_prop, finset.mem_singleton, and.congr_left_iff], is easier to maintain, but it's a darn sight uglier :-/ Before squeeze_simp we used to write suffices : [result of simp], by simpa; probably this is often shorter than what we do nowadays, as well as being easier to read.

Kevin Buzzard (May 10 2022 at 18:41):

With that way of doing it, the proof looks like this:

  ext y,
  suffices : y  x' 
    (( (a : T), a  S  y  f a)   (a : T), (a  S  a  x)  y  f a),
  { simpa },
  congr' with z,
  have : y  f z  z  x,
  { rintro h' rfl,
    simpa only [*, finset.mem_singleton] using h', },

This way you get a glimpse at what simp actually did, but you have to copy out the goal :-(

Patrick Johnson (May 10 2022 at 19:07):

I think the trade-off between readability and maintainability is unavoidable in this case. If we use simp to modify the goal, we have to specify either what the goal should look like after simplification, or what simplification rules are allowed to be used. Otherwise, adding another @[simp] lemma may break the proof.

Kyle Miller (May 10 2022 at 19:08):

I've been thinking that we should allow this type of nonterminal simp:

  ext y,
  match_target ¬y = x' 
    (( (a : T), a  S  y  f a)   (a : T), (a  S  ¬a = x)  y  f a),
  congr' with z,
  have : y  f z  z  x,
  { rintro h' rfl,
    simpa only [*, finset.mem_singleton] using h', },

Kyle Miller (May 10 2022 at 19:09):

It's a lot more readable than the suffices/simpa pattern in my opinion

Patrick Johnson (May 10 2022 at 19:42):

simp is not aware of the match_target's argument, while simpa ... using is aware of what the result should be. Adding a new @[simp] lemma may break simp, match_target, but not simp only or suffices ... simpa

Kyle Miller (May 10 2022 at 19:44):

simpa doesn't actually use what the result should be -- the algorithm is more-or-less "simp both the target and the specified hypothesis then use exact"

Kyle Miller (May 10 2022 at 19:46):

A reason non-terminal simp is not allowed is that you get brittle code from not knowing what the intermediate goal is supposed to be. When you have a terminal simp, you at least know what the goal is supposed to be, which makes it much easier to fix things when the proof breaks when the simp set changes.

Kyle Miller (May 10 2022 at 19:48):

If the simp set changes, the suffices/simpa construct can also break (if it's not a simpa only), but having the explicit goal right there in the tactic proof makes fixing it easier.

Patrick Thomas (May 15 2022 at 02:44):

Would the previous and the following be worth adding to mathlib? Did I miss simpler proofs from already existing theorems?

import data.finset

  {T : Type}
  [decidable_eq T]
  (x : T)
  (s : finset T)
  (f : T  finset T)
  (h1 :  y : T, y  s  x  (f y)) :
  (finset.bUnion s f) \ {x} = finset.bUnion s f :=
  ext1, finish

  {T : Type}
  [decidable_eq T]
  (s t : finset T)
  (f : T  finset T) :
  (finset.bUnion s f)  (finset.bUnion t f) = finset.bUnion (s  t) f :=
  ext1, simp only [finset.mem_union, finset.mem_bUnion, exists_prop], split, finish, finish

  {T : Type}
  [decidable_eq T]
  {n : }
  (g : T  finset T)
  (f : fin n  finset T) :
  finset.bUnion finset.univ (fun i : fin n, finset.bUnion (f i) g) =
    finset.bUnion (finset.bUnion finset.univ (fun i : fin n, (f i))) g :=
  ext1, simp only [finset.mem_bUnion, finset.mem_univ, exists_prop, exists_true_left], tauto

  {T : Type}
  [decidable_eq T]
  (x : T)
  (S : finset T)
  (f : T  finset T) :
  finset.bUnion ({x}  S) f = (finset.bUnion S f)  f x :=
  ext, simp only [finset.mem_bUnion, finset.mem_union, finset.mem_singleton, exists_prop],
  split, finish, finish,

Kyle Miller (May 15 2022 at 04:21):

@Patrick Thomas I think some versions of these should find their way into mathlib. I had a go at generalizing them and adding some other missing lemmas.

import data.finset

namespace finset
variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*}

lemma mem_ite (x : α) (p : Prop) [decidable p] (s s' : finset α) :
  x  (if p then s else s')  (p  x  s)  (¬ p  x  s') :=
by split_ifs with h; simp [h]

lemma bUnion_sdiff [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β]
  (s : finset α) (t : α  finset β) (s' : finset β) :
  s.bUnion t \ s' = s.bUnion (λ x, t x \ s') :=
by { ext, simp only [mem_sdiff, mem_bUnion, exists_prop], tauto }

lemma bUnion_filter [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β]
  (s : finset α) (t : α  finset β) (p : α  Prop) [decidable_pred p] :
  (s.filter p).bUnion t = s.bUnion (λ x, if p x then t x else ) :=
  simp only [mem_ite, imp_iff_not_or, or_and_distrib_right, mem_bUnion, mem_filter, exists_prop,
    not_mem_empty, not_not, or_false, not_and_self, false_or],

lemma sdiff_singleton_bUnion [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β]
  (s : finset α) (t : α  finset β)
  (x : α) (s' : finset β)
  (h : t x = s') :
  (s \ {x}).bUnion t \ s' = s.bUnion t \ s' :=
  rw [ h, bUnion_sdiff, bUnion_sdiff, sdiff_eq_filter s, bUnion_filter],
  ext y,
  suffices : (a  t y  a  t x)  ¬y = x,
  { simpa [mem_ite, imp_false, imp_iff_not_or, and_or_distrib_left] },
  rw [or_comm,  imp_iff_not_or],
  rintro rfl,
  apply em',

lemma bUnion_union [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β]
  (s s' : finset α) (t : α  finset β) :
  (s  s').bUnion t = s.bUnion t  s'.bUnion t :=
by { ext, simp [or_and_distrib_right, exists_or_distrib] }

lemma bUnion_sdiff_of_forall_disjoint [decidable_eq β]
  (s : finset α) (t : α  finset β) (s' : finset β)
  (h :  y : α, y  s  disjoint (t y) s') :
  (s.bUnion t) \ s' = s.bUnion t :=
by simpa [sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint, disjoint_bUnion_left]

-- Maybe this might be somewhat too specialized?
lemma bUnion_sdiff_singleton_of_forall_not_mem [decidable_eq β]
  (s : finset α) (x : β) (t : α  finset β)
  (h :  y : α, y  s  x  t y) :
  (s.bUnion t) \ {x} = s.bUnion t :=
bUnion_sdiff_of_forall_disjoint s t _ (by simpa [disjoint_singleton_right])

end finset

Kyle Miller (May 15 2022 at 04:21):

Here are then your specializations:

-- This one is `finset.bUnion_bUnion`
  {T : Type}
  [decidable_eq T]
  {n : }
  (g : T  finset T)
  (f : fin n  finset T) :
  finset.bUnion finset.univ (fun i : fin n, finset.bUnion (f i) g) =
    finset.bUnion (finset.bUnion finset.univ (fun i : fin n, (f i))) g :=
(finset.bUnion_bUnion _ _ _).symm

-- This one is essentially `finset.bUnion_union`
  {T : Type}
  [decidable_eq T]
  (x : T)
  (S : finset T)
  (f : T  finset T) :
  finset.bUnion ({x}  S) f = (finset.bUnion S f)  f x :=
by simp [finset.bUnion_union, finset.union_comm]

  {T : Type} [decidable_eq T]
  (x x' : T)
  (S : finset T)
  (f : T  finset T)
  (h1 : f x = {x'}) :
  (finset.bUnion S f) \ {x'} = (finset.bUnion (S \ {x}) f) \ {x'} :=
(finset.sdiff_singleton_bUnion _ _ _ _ h1).symm

Kyle Miller (May 15 2022 at 04:22):

By the way, tactic#finish is no longer used for mathlib since it's not being ported to Lean 4.

Patrick Thomas (May 15 2022 at 04:37):

Thank you!

Kyle Miller (May 15 2022 at 04:45):

Here's a generalization of sdiff_singleton_bUnion:

lemma and_self_imp {p q : Prop} : p  (p  q)  p  q := by tauto

lemma finset.sdiff_bUnion_sdiff [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β]
  (s s' : finset α) (t : α  finset β) :
  (s \ s').bUnion t \ s'.bUnion t = s.bUnion t \ s'.bUnion t :=
  simp only [sdiff_eq_filter, bUnion_filter, filter_bUnion, ite_not, mem_bUnion,
    exists_prop, not_exists, not_and],
  simp only [mem_ite, imp_false, and_self_imp, imp_not_comm, mem_filter, not_mem_empty,
    and.congr_left_iff, and_iff_right_iff_imp],
  intro h,
  exact h x,

Patrick Thomas (May 18 2022 at 02:57):

Thank you! What would be the next step to get these into mathlib?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC