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Topic: get the lastDrop
Moritz Firsching (Jul 06 2023 at 18:55):
I'm trying to get the following version of Legendre's theorem:
where is the -adic valuation and is the sum of the digits of in base
We have a version of this, which is docs4#Nat.Prime.multiplicity_factorial, but this is a little different.
So far I can prove:
theorem ofDigits_div_pow_eq_sum_drop (b i : ℕ) (h : 1 < b) (L : List ℕ) (w₁ : ∀ l ∈ L, l < b)
(w₂ : ∀ h : L ≠ [], L.getLast h ≠ 0) :
((ofDigits b L) / b ^ i) = ∑ j : Fin (L.drop i).length, ((L.drop i).get j) * b ^ j := by
sorry -- proof to long for the margin in zulip
but I'm not sure this is the best way to do it.
On the way I needed the following three statements about lists, which I couldn't find:
theorem non_empty_of_drop_non_empty.{u} {α : Type u} {as : List α} {i : ℕ}
(h: as.drop i ≠ []) : as ≠ [] := by
have : ∃ a, a ∈ as.drop i := by exact List.exists_mem_of_ne_nil (List.drop i as) h
obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := this
refine' List.ne_nil_of_mem <| List.mem_of_mem_drop ha
theorem lt_of_drop_ne_nil.{u} {α : Type u} {as : List α} {i : ℕ} (h : List.drop i as ≠ []) :
i < List.length as :=
Decidable.byContradiction fun hi => h <| (List.drop_eq_nil_of_le <| not_lt.mp hi)
theorem getLast_drop.{u} {α : Type u} {as : List α} {i : ℕ} (h : as.drop i ≠ []) :
(List.getLast as <| non_empty_of_drop_non_empty h) = (as.drop i).getLast h := by
simp only [List.getLast_eq_get]
have h' : i + (as.length - i - 1) = as.length - 1 := by
rw [Nat.sub_right_comm, ← Nat.add_sub_assoc (le_pred_of_lt <| lt_of_drop_ne_nil h) i]
exact add_sub_self_left i (List.length as - 1)
have h'' : i + (as.length - i - 1) < as.length :=
h' ▸ sub_lt (Iff.mpr List.length_pos <| non_empty_of_drop_non_empty h) Nat.one_pos
simpa [h'] using List.get_drop as h''
Should any of those three become part of Std?
Scott Morrison (Jul 06 2023 at 23:39):
I like the first two, and they should put in mathlib4 or std4. For the third one, I would probably generalize the non_empty_of_drop_non_empty h
to an arbitrary w
. This lemma also seems more natural if the equality is flipped over.
Moritz Firsching (Jul 07 2023 at 08:36):
For the first one, I noticed for completeness there is also the take
version and the contraposed version.
There is docs4#Data.List.take_eq_nil_iff, which is only in mathlib, not in std (but there is no corresponding drop_eq_nil_iff.
So I made std4#179 for the first.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC