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Stream: Is there code for X?
Topic: independent random variables
Vincent Beffara (Mar 24 2022 at 10:52):
Do we have somewhere that the expectation of the product of two independent random variables is the product of their expectations?
I am trying to prove this but am running in circles trying to manage putting different sigma-fields and measurable_space structures on the same underlying type (but with the same measure ...). So far I am able to write something that at least type-checks,
def measurable' {α β : Type*} (F : set (set α)) [measurable_space β] (f : α → β) : Prop :=
∀ ⦃t : set β⦄, measurable_set t → f ⁻¹' t ∈ F
lemma indep_fun_of_indep_sets {F1 F2 : set (set Ω)} (hindep : indep_sets F1 F2)
{X Y : Ω → ℝ} {hX : measurable' F1 X} {hY : measurable' F2 Y} : indep_fun X Y
| _ _ ⟨_,hA,rfl⟩ ⟨_,hB,rfl⟩ := hindep _ _ (hX hA) (hY hB)
lemma integral_mul_of_indep_sets {F1 F2 : set (set Ω)} (hindep : indep_sets F1 F2) {X Y : Ω → ℝ}
{hXm : measurable' F1 X} {hXi : integrable X}
{hYm : measurable' F2 Y} {hYi : integrable Y} :
integral volume (X * Y) = integral volume X * integral volume Y := sorry
but it feels like I am doing it wrong. I also tried starting like
lemma integral_indep {X Y : Ω → ℝ} {hX : integrable X} {hY : integrable Y} {hXY : integrable (X * Y)}
{h : indep_fun X Y} : ∫ ω, (X * Y) ω = (∫ ω, X ω) * (∫ ω, Y ω) :=
apply integrable.induction (λ X : Ω → ℝ, ∫ ω, (X * Y) ω = (∫ ω, X ω) * (∫ ω, Y ω)); sorry
but did not manage to go much further.
Rémy Degenne (Mar 24 2022 at 11:20):
We have it for the Lebesgue integral: docs#probability_theory.lintegral_mul_eq_lintegral_mul_lintegral_of_indep_fun but it is not used by anything right now so there is no guarantee that it is usable. I started proving the same statement for the Bochner integral a month ago but I did not have time to work on Lean recently, so I did not finish that work. I realized that you really want to do induction on functions which are measurable with respect to some sub-sigma-algebras in order to prove this, so I wrote such an induction lemma. I will PR that induction lemma during the week-end.
Vincent Beffara (Mar 24 2022 at 11:26):
Thanks! I will have a look ...
Vincent Beffara (Mar 25 2022 at 15:41):
I managed to prove the case of nonnegative variables, using the lintegral
version, but it is very sub-optimal (to say the least):
variables {Ω : Type*} [measure_space Ω] [is_probability_measure (volume : measure Ω)]
lemma integral_indep_of_pos {X Y : Ω → ℝ} {hXYind : indep_fun X Y}
{hXpos : 0 ≤ X} {hXmes : measurable X} {hYpos : 0 ≤ Y} {hYmes : measurable Y}:
𝔼[X * Y] = 𝔼[X] * 𝔼[Y] :=
rw integral_eq_lintegral_of_nonneg_ae,
rw integral_eq_lintegral_of_nonneg_ae,
rw integral_eq_lintegral_of_nonneg_ae,
let f : Ω → ennreal := ennreal.of_real ∘ X,
let g : Ω → ennreal := ennreal.of_real ∘ Y,
have := @lintegral_mul_eq_lintegral_mul_lintegral_of_indep_fun Ω _ volume f g _ _ _,
have := congr_arg ennreal.to_real this,
convert this,
{ funext, simp [f,g], apply ennreal.of_real_mul, apply hXpos },
{ exact ennreal.to_real_mul.symm },
{ exact measurable.ennreal_of_real hXmes },
{ exact measurable.ennreal_of_real hYmes },
{ rintro _ _ ⟨A,hA,rfl⟩ ⟨B,hB,rfl⟩, simp [f,g],
rw @set.preimage_comp _ _ _ X ennreal.of_real _, set A' := ennreal.of_real ⁻¹' A,
rw @set.preimage_comp _ _ _ Y ennreal.of_real _, set B' := ennreal.of_real ⁻¹' B,
apply hXYind,
{ simp,
apply @measurable_set_preimage _ _ _ _ real.measurable_space,
{ apply measurable.of_comap_le, simp },
{ apply measurable_set_preimage ennreal.measurable_of_real hA } },
{ simp,
apply @measurable_set_preimage _ _ _ _ real.measurable_space,
{ apply measurable.of_comap_le, simp },
{ apply measurable_set_preimage ennreal.measurable_of_real hB } }, },
{ apply filter.eventually_of_forall, intro ω, apply hYpos },
{ exact hYmes.ae_measurable },
{ apply filter.eventually_of_forall, intro ω, apply hXpos },
{ exact hXmes.ae_measurable },
{ apply filter.eventually_of_forall, intro ω, apply mul_nonneg, apply hXpos, apply hYpos },
{ apply measurable.ae_measurable, exact measurable.mul hXmes hYmes }
Vincent Beffara (Mar 30 2022 at 08:44):
OK so I finally proved E[X*Y] = E[X] * E[Y]
by adding some plumbing around the lintegral
version, the code is here https://github.com/vbeffara/lean/blob/main/src/probability/indep.lean
@Rémy Degenne I agree that the right way would be to have an induction on functions that are measurable wrt a sub-sigma-algebra, as that will be of more general use, but I needed to scratch that itch :-)
Rémy Degenne (Mar 30 2022 at 08:54):
That code looks good. You should PR it and add that result to the probability.integration
file. If you do, could you generalize your statements to any measure, not only volume
? It should change almost nothing to the proofs.
Vincent Beffara (Mar 30 2022 at 08:58):
Yes, I will see about that. But first I would also like to slightly generalize lintegral_mul_eq_lintegral_mul_lintegral_of_independent_measurable_space
to work on ae_measurable
functions to be able to drop the measurable X
assumption (integrable X
should be enough).
Sebastien Gouezel (Mar 30 2022 at 09:10):
I am not sure you have the right statement yet. Instead, it should probably be : if X
is a real-valued random variable, Y
is vector-valued, and both are integrable and independent, then X • Y
is integrable and E (X • Y) = E X • E Y
. Or, even better: if B
is bilinear continuous and X
and Y
are independent, then E (B X Y) = B (E X) (E Y)
(is that even true? :-)
Vincent Beffara (Mar 30 2022 at 09:40):
What I want is something like X
and Y
are independent (with values in arbitrary types) iff for every f
and g
with values in the reals, E[(f o X) * (g o Y)] = E[f o X] * E[g o Y]
, from which I believed all the others would follow as needed (but I did not think so much about that). I'm not sure I want to break the symmetry with smul
, and I'm not sure either that I want to learn how to use bilinear maps in lean (yet) ;-)
Vincent Beffara (Mar 30 2022 at 09:40):
But certainly the current version is not at the right level of generality!
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC