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Topic: induction on an index type

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 26 2022 at 18:42):

I am trying to show [is_domain (mv_power_series I R)], generalizing from [is_domain (power_series R)]. I am hoping to "induct" on the index type, proving the R[X] case first, using the proof we have already. Do we have code that helps facilitate this? I was thinking of something like:

import ring_theory.power_series.basic

universes u v w
noncomputable theory

namespace mv_power_series
variables {σ : Type v} {τ : Type w} {R : Type u}

/-- The contravariant map between multivariate formal power series
induced by a map on the indeterminates. -/
def map_indeterminate (φ : τ  σ) : mv_power_series σ R  mv_power_series τ R :=
λ f x, f (x.map_domain φ)

lemma indeterminate_induction (P : Π σ, mv_power_series σ R  Prop)
  (h_empty :  (E : Type*) [subsingleton E] (f : mv_power_series E R), P _ f)
  (h_sum :  (σₗ σ : Type*) (hl :  f : mv_power_series σₗ R, P _ f)
    (hr :  g : mv_power_series σ R, P _ g) (fg : mv_power_series (σₗ  σ) R), P _ fg)
  (h_iso :  (τ : Type*) (e : σ  τ) (f : mv_power_series τ R) (hf : P _ f),
    P σ (f.map_indeterminate e))
  (f : mv_power_series σ R) : P _ f :=

end mv_power_series

Alex J. Best (Jan 26 2022 at 19:01):

You already showed this fact for hahn_series right? So it seems a bit of a shame to have to give a separate proof here, I couldn't find the equivalence between hahn series on \sigma \to \N and mv_power_series \sigma (hopefully I'm not mathematically wrong and it doesnt exist xD) but there is the single variable case already docs#hahn_series.to_power_series. Do you think it'll be easier to just transfer this fact from a ring equivalence to hahn_series?

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 26 2022 at 19:02):

Maybe -- I did want it in ring_theory.power_series.basic so I could generalize inv from field to division_ring though.

Alex J. Best (Jan 26 2022 at 19:03):

You could always split the file? Mathematically if a fact about power series is a special case of one about hahn series I'd say there is a dependency there and we shouldn't reprove things

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 26 2022 at 22:21):

Alex, can you clarify something for me please? Do you mean we should prove it via the hahn_series sigma X and a compatible \sigma to nat? (First showing that those are ring isomorphic?)

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 26 2022 at 22:21):

And in general refactor to make power_series/basic import hahn_series?

Alex J. Best (Jan 26 2022 at 23:38):

I was thinking of the following def, sans sorries + API

@[simps] def to_mv_power_series {σ : Type*} : (hahn_series (σ →₀ ) R) ≃+* mv_power_series σ R :=
{ to_fun := λ f, f.coeff,
  inv_fun := λ f, ⟨(f : (σ →₀ )  R), sorry⟩,
  left_inv := λ f, by { ext, simp },
  right_inv := λ f, by { ext, simp },
  map_add' := λ f g, by { ext, simp },
  map_mul' := λ f g, begin
    ext n,
    simp [mv_power_series.coeff_mul, power_series.coeff_mk, mul_coeff, is_pwo_support],
    change (f * g).coeff n = _,
    simp_rw [mul_coeff],
    refine sum_filter_ne_zero.symm.trans
      ((sum_congr _ (λ _ _, rfl)).trans sum_filter_ne_zero),
    ext m,
    simp [nat.mem_antidiagonal, and.congr_left_iff, mem_add_antidiagonal, ne.def,
      and_iff_left_iff_imp, mem_filter, mem_support],
    intros h1 h2,
    contrapose h1,
    rw  decidable.or_iff_not_and_not at h1,
    cases h1; simp [h1],
  end }

Alex J. Best (Jan 26 2022 at 23:42):

Refactoring power_series/basic completely to depend on hahn_series would be quite a job right now (but might be worth it eventually), however its almost 2000 lines so it definitely needs a haircut or two. (One obvious thing is that docs#power_series is only defined on line 800 so could be split off but thats slightly orthogonal).
Domain for power_series is on line ~1300 of that file, so maybe stuff after that is more commutative algebra than just basic facts about power series, that could be a good point to split perhaps and have that part import hahn_series

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 26 2022 at 23:53):

Is this even true though? What if \sigma is complex? It's not ordered, but one can still have a completely valid mv_power_series complex R

Alex J. Best (Jan 27 2022 at 00:03):

Maybe you need fintype sigma yeah? That certainly was the case for the inductive proof you proposed too I guess

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 27 2022 at 00:04):

If my sigma was nat or even nat \o+ nat I think my proof would still work?

Alex J. Best (Jan 27 2022 at 00:06):

The induction you asked about above is summing subsingleton sigmas only so I don't think you can get nat from that

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 27 2022 at 00:06):

Or is it really only true for fintype in general?

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 27 2022 at 00:07):

I thought the summing singletons would be enough for any encodable type

Alex J. Best (Jan 27 2022 at 00:23):

I don't think thats possible, your induction principle can prove things about arbitrarily large fintypes but not infinite types. I think the statement that mv_power_series are a domain when R is is true in complete generality, but I cant think of a good way to approach proving it

Reid Barton (Jan 27 2022 at 00:28):

It seems to me that if you have countably many variables X1X_1, X2X_2, ... then X1+X2+X_1 + X_2 + \cdots is not a Hahn series. (I checked the referenced paper by van der Hoeven and it seems to agree with this.) On the other hand it is an mv_power_series. I'm not sure whether this is a good thing or a bad thing--apparently SGA3 has an opinion about this which I'm trying to look up

Alex J. Best (Jan 27 2022 at 00:30):

Yeah my sorry above is unprovable (as they often are :grinning:) except in the fintype sigma case

Reid Barton (Jan 27 2022 at 00:43):

I didn't find whatever I was supposed to be looking for in SGA3, but Wikipedia agrees with mathlib's definition of the power series ring at least.

Reid Barton (Jan 27 2022 at 00:44):

How about this argument to reduce to the case of finitely many variables. Suppose ab=0ab = 0 but a0a \ne 0 and b0b \ne 0 in R[[S]]R[[S]]. Pick a nonzero monomial of each of aa and bb. Together they contain only finitely many variables. Send the rest of the variables to 0. Then we get nonzero elements of a power series ring in finitely many variables, which multiply to zero

Alex J. Best (Feb 03 2022 at 18:47):

I just got back to this and finally proved the fintype version. Some lemmas need breaking out but I'll try and PR it today

@[simps] def to_mv_power_series {σ : Type*} [fintype σ] : (hahn_series (σ →₀ ) R) ≃+* mv_power_series σ R :=
{ to_fun := λ f, f.coeff,
  inv_fun := λ f, ⟨(f : (σ →₀ )  R), begin
    refine set.partially_well_ordered_on.mono _ (set.subset_univ _),
    change set.is_pwo (set.univ), -- mono for is_pwo?
    rw set.is_pwo_iff_exists_monotone_subseq,
    simp_rw [monotone, finsupp.le_def],
    suffices :  s : finset σ,  (f :   σ →₀ ), set.range f  set.univ   (g :  o ),
       a b : ⦄, a  b   (x : σ) (hs : x  s), (f  g) a x  (f  g) b x,
    { simpa using this univ, },
    apply' finset.induction,
    { intros f hf, existsi rel_embedding.refl (),
      simp, },
    { intros x s hx ih f hf,
      obtain g, hg := (is_well_order.wf.is_wf (set.univ : set )).is_pwo.exists_monotone_subseq
        ((λ mo : σ →₀ , mo x)  f) (set.subset_univ _),
      obtain g', hg' := ih (f  g) (set.subset_univ _),
      refine g'.trans g, _⟩,
      simp only [mem_insert, forall_eq_or_imp, comp_app, rel_embedding.coe_trans],
      intros a b hab,
      { simpa using hg (order_hom_class.mono g' hab), },
      { exact hg' hab, }, },
  left_inv := λ f, by { ext, simp },
  right_inv := λ f, by { ext, simp },
  map_add' := λ f g, by { ext, simp },
  map_mul' := λ f g, begin
    ext n,
    simp [mv_power_series.coeff_mul, power_series.coeff_mk, mul_coeff, is_pwo_support],
    change (f * g).coeff n = _,
    simp_rw [mul_coeff],
    refine sum_filter_ne_zero.symm.trans
      ((sum_congr _ (λ _ _, rfl)).trans sum_filter_ne_zero),
    ext m,
    simp [nat.mem_antidiagonal, and.congr_left_iff, mem_add_antidiagonal, ne.def,
      and_iff_left_iff_imp, mem_filter, mem_support],
    intros h1 h2,
    contrapose h1,
    rw  decidable.or_iff_not_and_not at h1,
    cases h1; simp [h1],
  end }

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC