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Stream: Is there code for X?

Topic: integers are closed in reals

Bhavik Mehta (May 06 2021 at 17:42):

import topology.instances.real

example : is_closed {x :  |  (z : ), x = z} :=

Is there a statement like this in mathlib somewhere?

Adam Topaz (May 06 2021 at 17:43):

It's called is_closed.eq or something like that... Works with t2 instance

Bhavik Mehta (May 06 2021 at 17:44):


Adam Topaz (May 06 2021 at 17:44):

Ah wait not quite, but should be easy with that

Bhavik Mehta (May 06 2021 at 17:44):

I don't think that applies here -- right

Adam Topaz (May 06 2021 at 17:45):

Oh that's a Z, sorry yeah that's a bit different

Adam Topaz (May 06 2021 at 17:47):

Presumably the correct formulation is to have a closed embedding from Z to R

Bhavik Mehta (May 06 2021 at 17:50):

Here's how I ended up doing it:

example : is_closed {x :  |  (z : ), x = z} :=
  rw is_open_compl_iff,
  have : {x :  |  (z : ), x = z} =  (z : ), Ioo z (z+1),
  { ext,
    simp only [not_exists, mem_Union, mem_Ioo, mem_set_of_eq, mem_compl_eq],
    { intro q,
      refine floor x, lt_of_le_of_ne (floor_le x) (ne.symm (q _)), _⟩,
      apply lt_floor_add_one },
    { rintro z, hz₁, hz₂ y rfl,
      norm_cast at hz₁ hz₂,
      linarith } },
  rw this,
  exact is_open_Union (λ i, is_open_Ioo),

Patrick Massot (May 06 2021 at 20:07):

I wanted to have a quick look at Zulip before resuming work after dinner. I saw this. I thought I should do it properly. Then I found a couple of API holes (also called rabbit holes). One hour later...

import topology.instances.real

open_locale topological_space uniformity

open filter uniform_space set

lemma uniform_space.mem_closure_iff_symm_ball  {X : Type*} [uniform_space X] {s : set X} {x} :
  x  closure s   {V}, V  𝓤 X  symmetric_rel V  (s  ball x V).nonempty :=
  simp [mem_closure_iff_nhds_basis (has_basis_nhds x)],

lemma uniform_space.mem_closure_iff_ball  {X : Type*} [uniform_space X] {s : set X} {x} :
  x  closure s   {V}, V  𝓤 X  (ball x V  s).nonempty :=
  simp_rw [mem_closure_iff_nhds, mem_nhds_iff],
  { intros h V V_in,
    exact h (ball x V) V, V_in, subset.refl _ },
  { rintros h t V, V_in, Vt⟩,
    exact nonempty.mono (inter_subset_inter_left s Vt) (h V_in) },

lemma eq_of_uniformity {X : Type*} [uniform_space X] [separated_space X] {x y : X}
  (h :  {V}, V  𝓤 X  (x, y)  V) : x = y :=
separated_def.mp separated_space X x y (λ _, h)

lemma eq_of_uniformity_basis {X : Type*} [uniform_space X] [separated_space X] {ι : Type*}
  {p : ι  Prop} {s : ι  set (X × X)} (hs : (𝓤 X).has_basis p s) {x y : X}
  (h :  {i}, p i  (x, y)  s i) : x = y :=
eq_of_uniformity (λ V V_in, let i, hi, H := hs.mem_iff.mp V_in in H (h hi))

lemma eq_of_forall_symmetric {X : Type*} [uniform_space X] [separated_space X] {x y : X}
  (h :  {V}, V  𝓤 X  symmetric_rel V  (x, y)  V) : x = y :=
eq_of_uniformity_basis has_basis_symmetric (by simpa [and_imp] using λ _, h)

open uniform_space

lemma ball_inter_left {β : Type*} (x : β) (V W : set (β × β)) : ball x (V  W)  ball x V :=
ball_mono (inter_subset_left V W) x

lemma ball_inter_right {β : Type*} (x : β) (V W : set (β × β)) : ball x (V  W)  ball x W :=
ball_mono (inter_subset_right V W) x

lemma is_closed_of_spaced_out {X : Type*} [uniform_space X] [separated_space X] {V₀ : set (X × X)}
  (V₀_in : V₀  𝓤 X) {s : set X} (hs :  {x y}, x  s  y  s  (x, y)  V₀  x = y) :
is_closed s :=
  rcases comp_symm_mem_uniformity_sets V₀_in with V₁, V₁_in, V₁_symm, h_comp⟩,
  apply is_closed_of_closure_subset,
  intros x hx,
  rw [mem_closure_iff_ball] at hx,
  rcases hx V₁_in with y, hy, hy'⟩,
  suffices : x = y, by rwa this,
  apply eq_of_forall_symmetric,
  intros V V_in V_symm,
  rcases hx (inter_mem_sets V₁_in V_in) with z, hz, hz'⟩,
  suffices : z = y,
  { rw  this,
    exact ball_inter_right x _ _ hz },
  exact hs hz' hy' (h_comp $ mem_comp_of_mem_ball V₁_symm (ball_inter_left x _ _ hz) hy)

example : is_closed {x :  |  n : , x = n} :=
  refine is_closed_of_spaced_out (metric.uniformity_basis_dist.mem_of_mem $ one_half_pos) _,
  rintros - - p, rfl q, rfl (h : abs (p - q : ) < 1/2),
  norm_cast at *,
  p q : ℤ,
  h : (abs (p - q) : ℝ) < 1 / 2
  ⊢ p = q

Damiano Testa (May 06 2021 at 20:23):

If I remember correctly, there is a lemma that says that an integer of absolute value less than one is zero, though it might be for nat.abs. I'm on mobile, though

Patrick Massot (May 06 2021 at 20:25):

I certainly hope this sorry is provable. But I have no interest at all in proving it. All the fun is above the example.

Damiano Testa (May 06 2021 at 20:31):

Sure, I just felt proud, since I think that the lemma about abs was my first PRed simp lemma! :upside_down:

Damiano Testa (May 06 2021 at 20:36):


Damiano Testa (May 06 2021 at 20:37):

You never forget your first simp lemma...

Patrick Massot (May 06 2021 at 20:39):

example : is_closed {x :  |  n : , x = n} :=
  refine is_closed_of_spaced_out (metric.uniformity_basis_dist.mem_of_mem $ zero_lt_one) _,
  rintros - - p, rfl q, rfl (h : abs (p - q : ) < 1),
  norm_cast at *,
  exact eq_of_sub_eq_zero (int.eq_zero_iff_abs_lt_one.mp h)

Patrick Massot (May 06 2021 at 20:39):

Indeed it does the job

Patrick Massot (May 06 2021 at 20:40):

Note that I opened #7538 containing all preliminaries for the above proof.

Bhavik Mehta (May 06 2021 at 22:59):

Nice! I also used docs#int.eq_zero_iff_abs_lt_one for similar proofs :D

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC