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Topic: left/right unification
Damiano Testa (Apr 20 2021 at 08:44):
Dear All,
I am testing out whether what is below could be a compromise between allowing a mixture of "order-like conditions" and "monotonicity" conditions in a general setting. This is motivated by trying to prove lemmas about nnreal
by working with linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero
Since there are a lot of assumptions implicit in linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero
and making the whole poset of weakinings into typeclasses does not seem reasonable, I am trying to see if I can tweak the definitions and make do with a single extra class.
If this is already available, I would be more than happy to know! Otherwise, below are my experiments: I would welcome any comment!
import data.real.nnreal
open_locale nnreal
namespace lo
/-- A general predicate on two Types `α β`, together with an "action" `μ : α → β`, a relation
`r : β → β`, asserting that if the relation holds for the pair `(b₁, b₂)`, then it also holds
for the pair `(μ a b₁, μ a b₂) "acted-upon-by `a`". `-/
class is_rel_action (α β : Type*) (μ : α → β → β) (r : β → β → Prop) : Prop :=
(mix : ∀ (a b₁ b₂), r b₁ b₂ → r (μ a b₁) (μ a b₂))
/-- This lemma shortens the name and makes explicit/implicit arguments that I imagine would appear
in normal use. -/
lemma mix {α β : Type*} {μ : α → β → β} {r : β → β → Prop} (h : is_rel_action α β μ r)
(a : α) {b₁ b₂ : β} (bb : r b₁ b₂) : r (μ a b₁) (μ a b₂) :=
is_rel_action.mix a b₁ b₂ bb
/-- An example, exponentiation by a fixed natural number is monotone on `ℝ≥0`. -/
lemma nat.nnreal_pow_mono : is_rel_action ℕ ℝ≥0 (λ n x, x ^ n) (≤) :=
{ mix := λ p x y xy, canonically_ordered_semiring.pow_le_pow_of_le_left xy p }
/-- An example, exponentiation by a fixed `pnat` is strictly monotone on `ℝ≥0`. -/
lemma pnat.nnreal_pow_strict_mono : is_rel_action pnat ℝ≥0 (λ n x, x ^ n.val) (<) :=
{ mix := λ p x y xy, pow_lt_pow_of_lt_left xy (zero_le x) p.property }
/-- The previous lemma can now be used for the natural numbers that are positive. -/
lemma nat.nnreal_pow_strict_mono_of_pos {n : ℕ} (n0 : 0 < n) {x y : ℝ≥0} (xy : x < y) :
x ^ n < y ^ n :=
lift n to pnat using n0,
exact mix pnat.nnreal_pow_strict_mono _ xy,
/-- This is really closer to my intended application. -/
variables {G : Type*} [group G] [preorder G]
namespace left
/-- Assume that the action is by left-multiplication and the relation is an arbitrary preorder
on the group. -/
variable [ρ : is_rel_action G G (*) (≤)]
include ρ
/-- You get that multiplication on the left is monotone. -/
example {a b c : G} (h : b ≤ c) : a * b ≤ a * c :=
mix ρ a h
end left
namespace right
/-- If you start assuming that the action is by right-multiplication... -/
variables [ρ : is_rel_action G G (function.swap (*)) (≤)]
include ρ
/-- ... then you get that multiplication on the right is monotone. -/
example {a b c : G} (h : b ≤ c) : b * a ≤ c * a :=
mix ρ a h
end right
end lo
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 20 2021 at 09:25):
Is this close to the concept of a congruence relation?
Damiano Testa (Apr 20 2021 at 09:27):
I do not know: congruence relation, for me, evokes congruence modulo an integer. I will google for it!
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 20 2021 at 09:27):
I guess μ : α → β → β
is just an indexed family of functions β → β
Damiano Testa (Apr 20 2021 at 09:31):
My only source is this wikipedia page:
From that page, it seems that there is an underlying "equivalence" going about. In the context in which I would like to apply this, the relation would be more an order relation. However, if the r
in is_rel_action
is an equivalence, then it may be very close!
Thanks for the pointer, Kevin!
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 20 2021 at 10:06):
docs#add_con (see the documentation there, or the module docstring in group_theory.congruence
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 20 2021 at 10:12):
But it looks different, like how smul differs from mul.
Damiano Testa (Apr 20 2021 at 10:14):
Thanks Kevin! It does look very close, indeed!
I will see what I can recycle from add_con
. For the intended application, it appears that it might work for one of left (or right) multiplication, but not the other, I think.
It might still be neat to have a lemma establishing exactly the relationship between the two: something like if \mu
is left-multiplication and r
is an equivalence, then we get an add_con
(or something, hopefully close to this, but correct!).
Damiano Testa (Apr 20 2021 at 11:41):
Kevin, this compiles and should be saying that you can get a is_rel_action
out of a con
import group_theory.congruence
lemma add_con_rel {M : Type*} [has_mul M] (c : con M) : lo.is_rel_action M M (*) c.r :=
{ mix := λ a b₁ b₂ bb, c.mul' (con.refl _ _) bb }
Eric Wieser (Apr 20 2021 at 12:32):
Damiano Testa (Apr 20 2021 at 12:53):
Ok, this should complete the relationship between is_rel_action
and con
lemma add_con_rel {M : Type*} [has_mul M] (c : con M) :
lo.is_rel_action M M (*) c.r :=
{ mix := λ a b₁ b₂ bb, c.mul' (con.refl _ _) bb }
lemma add_con_rel' {M : Type*} [has_mul M] (c : con M) :
lo.is_rel_action M M (λ (a b : M), b * a) c.r :=
{ mix := λ a b₁ b₂ bb, c.mul' bb (con.refl _ _) }
lemma add_con_rel_converse {M : Type*} [has_mul M] [setoid M]
(h : lo.is_rel_action M M (*) setoid.r)
(h' : lo.is_rel_action M M (λ (a b : M), b * a) setoid.r) :
con M :=
{ r := setoid.r,
iseqv := iseqv,
mul' := λ w x y z wx yz, begin
have r1 : r (w * y) (w * z) := lo.mix h _ yz,
have r2 : r (w * z) (x * z) := lo.mix h' _ wx,
exact trans r1 r2,
end }
or, more succintly,
lemma con_rel {M : Type*} [has_mul M] (c : con M) :
lo.is_rel_action M M (*) c.r ∧ lo.is_rel_action M M (λ (a b : M), b * a) c.r :=
⟨{ mix := λ a _ _ bb, c.mul' (con.refl _ _) bb }, { mix := λ a _ _ bb, c.mul' bb (con.refl _ _) }⟩
lemma con_rel_converse {M : Type*} [has_mul M] [setoid M]
(h : lo.is_rel_action M M (*) setoid.r ∧ lo.is_rel_action M M (λ (a b : M), b * a) setoid.r) :
con M :=
{ r := setoid.r,
iseqv := iseqv,
mul' := λ w x y z wx yz, trans (lo.mix h.1 _ yz) (lo.mix h.2 _ wx) }
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC