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Stream: Is there code for X?

Topic: multiplication by a unit is injective

Michael Stoll (May 20 2022 at 19:38):

I can't find the following in the library:

import tactic.apply_fun
import algebra.group_with_zero.basic

example {M} [monoid_with_zero M] {m : M} (hm : is_unit m) : function.injective (λ x, m * x) :=
  intros x y h,
  simp only at h,
  cases hm with u hu,
  rw  hu at h,
  let ui := u⁻¹,
  apply_fun (λ z : M, ui * z) at h,
  simp only [units.inv_mul_cancel_left] at h,
  exact h,

There is mul_left_injective₀, but it requires a cancel_monoid_with_zero (and then works for all non-zero elements) and group_with_zero.mul_left_injective, which (as the name indicates) even needs a group_with_zero.

Michael Stoll (May 20 2022 at 19:39):

Found a shorter proof:

import tactic.apply_fun
import algebra.group_with_zero.basic
import algebra.regular.basic

example {M} [monoid_with_zero M] {m : M} (hm : is_unit m) : function.injective (λ x, m * x) := (is_unit.is_regular hm).left

Michael Stoll (May 20 2022 at 19:39):

So maybe it's not worth the effort of adding?

Thomas Browning (May 20 2022 at 19:47):

There is also

example {M} [monoid_with_zero M] {m : M} (hm : is_unit m) : function.injective (λ x, m * x) :=
λ _ _, (hm.mul_right_inj).mp

Yaël Dillies (May 20 2022 at 19:48):

I'm adding it in #14212 already

Michael Stoll (May 20 2022 at 19:53):

Thomas Browning said:

There is also

example {M} [monoid_with_zero M] {m : M} (hm : is_unit m) : function.injective (λ x, m * x) :=
λ _ _, (hm.mul_right_inj).mp

Ah, OK. There are too many places where to look... (and I was looking for injective and not just inj).

Kevin Buzzard (May 20 2022 at 21:22):

I think it's got to the point now where nobody knows all the library; after a while you either know where it is, or how to find it, or who to ask :-)

Violeta Hernández (May 20 2022 at 21:32):

I call dibs on the entire set_theory folder :P

Yaël Dillies (May 20 2022 at 22:23):

And me order :sweat_smile:

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC