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Stream: Is there code for X?

Topic: nonzero thing in `with_zero X`

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 07 2021 at 17:30):

Because with_zero is irreducible I would expect to see some kind of with_zero.rec or with_zero.elim which I can use to do basic stuff. But I can't find it. How do I make the following definition without locally marking with_zero as reducible? Or am I supposed to make it reducible for the purposes of the definition and then make the API?

import tactic

/-- The term of type α corresponding to a non-zero element of `with_zero α`. -/
def to_nonzero {α : Type} {P : with_zero α} (hP : P  0) : α := sorry

-- is `rfl` too much to ask for?
example (α : Type) (P : α) : to_nonzero (@with_zero.coe_ne_zero α P) = P := sorry

Adam Topaz (Sep 07 2021 at 17:48):

import tactic

/-- The term of type α corresponding to a non-zero element of `with_zero α`. -/
noncomputable def to_nonzero {α : Type} {P : with_zero α} (hP : P  0) : α :=
(with_zero.ne_zero_iff_exists.mp hP).some

lemma to_nonzero_spec {α : Type} {P : with_zero α} (hP : P  0) : (to_nonzero hP) = P :=
(with_zero.ne_zero_iff_exists.mp hP).some_spec

-- is `rfl` too much to ask for?
example (α : Type) (P : α) : to_nonzero (@with_zero.coe_ne_zero α P) = P :=
  apply_fun (λ e : α, (e : with_zero α )),
  -- now I can't find the fact that coe is injective...

Adam Topaz (Sep 07 2021 at 17:51):

Oh, that's silly... we have docs#with_zero.coe_inj but it's an iff not a function.injective statement.

Adam Topaz (Sep 07 2021 at 17:53):

I guess this is just like when one has an injective map ι:XY\iota : X \to Y and you want to produce an element of XX given a proof that y:Yy : Y is in the image of ι\iota.

Adam Topaz (Sep 07 2021 at 17:53):

We probably have some API for this more general question.

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 07 2021 at 17:57):

import tactic

local attribute [reducible] with_zero

/-- The term of type α corresponding to a non-zero element of `with_zero α`. -/
def to_nonzero {α : Type} {P : with_zero α} (hP : P  0) : α :=
  cases P,
  { exact false.elim (hP rfl)},
  { exact P}

example (α : Type) (P : α) : to_nonzero (@with_zero.coe_ne_zero α P) = P := rfl

is one way of doing it, but I feel a bit dirty making with_zero locally reducible (not least because I was one of the people clamouring to make it irreducible)

Eric Wieser (Sep 07 2021 at 20:48):

Do we have an analog to docs#with_bot.rec_bot_coe?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC