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Topic: not_dvd_pow_sub_one

Bolton Bailey (Jul 02 2023 at 16:50):

Is there code for this?

theorem not_dvd_pow_sub_one (p n: ) (hn : 0 < n) (hp : 2  p) (hnp : p  p ^ n - 1) : False :=

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 02 2023 at 17:44):

I don't like the look of statements which involve natural subtraction. How did you even end up with that as a hypothesis? I should think a % p = b % p is a better way of saying "p divides a - b and by the way I can prove a>=b".

Bolton Bailey (Jul 02 2023 at 17:46):

The minus one comes from docs#Fintype.card_units

Bolton Bailey (Jul 02 2023 at 17:47):

The theorem I am ultimately trying to prove is that the subgroup of units of a field, cast to the field, is not zero, here is what I have:

import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Sylow
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Subgroup.Finite
import Mathlib.Data.Polynomial.Eval
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.OrderOfElement
import Mathlib.FieldTheory.Finite.Basic

open scoped BigOperators Classical

theorem not_dvd_pow_sub_one (p n: ) (hn : 0 < n) (hp : 2  p) (hnp : p  p ^ n - 1) : False :=
  have k, hk := foobar n hn
  rw [hk] at hnp
  simp at hnp
  rw [pow_add] at hnp
  simp at hnp
  -- exact
-- aesop
  rw [Nat.dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero] at hnp
  rw [Nat.sub_mod]
  have foo : 1  p ^ n := by sorry
  zify [foo] at hnp hp
  rw [Int.sub_emod] at hnp
  -- simp at hnp
  rw [foob (p : ) n hn] at hnp
  simp only [zero_sub, dvd_neg] at hnp
  simp only [-EuclideanDomain.mod_eq_zero, hp] at hnp -- This should simplify the
  rw [@Int.emod_eq_of_lt 1 (p : ) _ _]

theorem subgroup_of_units_card_ne_zero {F : Type} [Field F] [Fintype F]
    (G : Subgroup (Units (F))) : (Fintype.card G : F)  0 :=
  -- Group of units of a finite field of order p^n is p^n-1
  have p, char_p := CharP.exists F
  have n, hp, hnp := FiniteField.card F p
  have card_units_F := @Fintype.card_units F _ _ _
  rw [hnp] at card_units_F
  -- As a subgroup, G's card must divide this
  have hl := Subgroup.card_subgroup_dvd_card G
  rw [card_units_F] at hl
  -- To equal zero when cast to field, subgroup card must be multiple of p
  intro heq0
  rw [(charP_iff F p).mp char_p] at heq0
  -- This implies p ∣ p^n - 1
  have hdvd := dvd_trans heq0 hl
  unfold PNat.val at hdvd
  clear heq0 hl card_units_F hnp char_p G
  -- This should lead to a contradiction, but this is hard to prove in lean due to tsub hell
  apply not_dvd_pow_sub_one p n.val
  exact PNat.pos n
  exact Nat.Prime.two_le hp
  exact hdvd

Bolton Bailey (Jul 02 2023 at 17:58):

What I think I want to do is move to the integers mod p and simplify, is there a standard way to convert a statement a % p = 0 into "a cast to Zmod p" = 0

Bolton Bailey (Jul 02 2023 at 18:06):

Ok I've got it down to something much simpler

theorem not_dvd_of_lt (p : ) (h : 1 < p) : ¬ p  1 := by

Is this somewhere? Edit: managed to solve this via Int.mod_eq_of_lt

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 02 2023 at 18:13):

Bolton Bailey said:

The minus one comes from docs#Fintype.card_units

I think that it would be better to write that lemma as card(units) + 1 = card(thing). Note that a+1=b implies b-1=a but not the other way around, so my suggestion is a better lemma.

Bolton Bailey (Jul 02 2023 at 18:14):

Ok, but then how am I supposed to apply transitivity of divisibility?

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 02 2023 at 18:15):

you can still talk about p divides a or p divides b, you just are in better shape because there's no natural subtraction

Bolton Bailey (Jul 02 2023 at 18:16):

I'm still confused. The crux of my proof is that p | card G and card G | p^n - 1, so there's a contradiction. I'm not even sure how I express the second one without nat subtraction.

Bolton Bailey (Jul 02 2023 at 18:35):

Hmm, I guess the idea is that I use p | card G and card G | card (Units F) to prove p | card (Units F), and then I also have p | card F <-> p | card (Units F) + 1 and then I somehow show that a number greater than 1 can't divide k and k+1 at the same time?

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 02 2023 at 18:35):

theorem not_dvd_pow_sub_one (p n: ) (hn : 0 < n) (hp : 2  p) (hnp : p  p ^ n - 1) : False :=
  rw [ Nat.modEq_iff_dvd' (one_le_pow_of_one_le (by linarith) n)] at hnp -- no more nat subtraction
  have := dvd_pow_self p hn.ne'
  rw [ Nat.modEq_zero_iff_dvd] at this
  refine Nat.zero_ne_one $ Nat.ModEq.eq_of_abs_lt (hnp.trans this).symm (?_ : (1 : ) < p)
  exact_mod_cast hp

Bolton Bailey (Jul 02 2023 at 19:34):

After seeing how this can still be proved without tsub, I think I agree that card_units would be better off expressed in terms of add. Maybe the biggest objection is the aesthetics: I feel for some reason like I am more used to expressing this theorem the way it's currently written, maybe because I think of totient p as being p-1 for prime p (docs#Nat.totient_prime also seems to use tsub). At the very least, there should be primed versions of these lemmas to express them without tsub.

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 02 2023 at 19:39):

Here is a proof with nat subtraction:

import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Order.Lemmas
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Pow

theorem not_dvd_pow_sub_one (p n: ) (hn : 0 < n) (hp : 2  p) (hnp : p  p ^ n - 1) : False := by
  have : ¬(p  1) := mt Nat.dvd_one.1 <| ne_of_gt hp
  rw [Nat.dvd_add_iff_right hnp, Nat.sub_add_cancel] at this
  exacts [this (dvd_pow_self _ hn.ne'), Nat.one_le_pow _ _ <| lt_of_lt_of_le two_pos hp]

Jz Pan (Jul 02 2023 at 21:08):

I have a question on your subgroup_of_units_card_ne_zero. Since G is a group, it must contains 1 whose image in F is also 1. So I think (Fintype.card G : F) ≠ 0 is trivial?

Kyle Miller (Jul 02 2023 at 21:19):

@Jz Pan What if card F | card G? (It's clear that card G itself is not zero, but not that it's nonzero as an element of F.)

Jz Pan (Jul 02 2023 at 22:39):

Sorry I am confused by the theorem name. So you mean the characteristic of F does not divide the size of G. I got it.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC