Zulip Chat Archive

Stream: Is there code for X?

Topic: ordered_module ℚ ℝ

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 30 2021 at 23:30):

What's the right generality to provide the instance that would give the instance here:

import algebra.module.ordered
import data.real.sqrt

instance : ordered_module   := sorry

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 30 2021 at 23:31):

I don't need it directly, but came across it missing during debugging. In particular, it would make shorter proofs here:

example (q : ) (x y : ) (hq : 0  q) (h : x  y) :
  q  x  q  y :=
  have :  (r : ), q  r = (q : ) * r := λ _, rfl,
  rw [this, this],
  refine mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left h _,
  simpa using hq

example (q : ) (x y : ) (hq : 0  q) (h : x  y) :
  q  x  q  y :=
smul_le_smul_of_nonneg h hq -- doesn't work without instance

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC