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Topic: p-adic valuation

Michael Stoll (Mar 24 2022 at 21:00):

I'm struggling to prove

example (x : ℚ_[2]) : (x^2).valuation = 2*x.valuation

It looks like it should be in the library, but suggest and library_search give me timeouts.

There is docs#add_valuation.map_pow , but it wants an explicit valuation as an argument, whose target is supposed to be a linear_ordered_add_comm_monoid_with_top, which I don't think ℤ is. I would think the corresponding statement should be an API lemma somewhere in the padics folder.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 24 2022 at 21:07):

Yeah it looks like you're using padic.valuation which doesn't seem to have any API.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 24 2022 at 21:08):

add_valuations are valuations which behave "correctly" on 0; padic.valuation isn't a valuation (it's additive) but it doesn't behave correctly on 0 (v(0)=0) so it's not an add_valuation either.

Michael Stoll (Mar 24 2022 at 21:15):

So what would be preferable?

  1. Write an API for padic.valuation.
  2. Change padic.valuation to be a well-behaved valuation (which would entail replacing the target by ℤ ∪ {∞}) and somehow set things up so one can use the general stuff.

Adam Topaz (Mar 24 2022 at 21:26):

Do we not have the p-adic valuation as a docs#valuation ?

Michael Stoll (Mar 24 2022 at 21:31):

No: docs#valuation is a multiplicative map; this corresponds to the p-adic norm.
We are talking about the additive valuation here.

Adam Topaz (Mar 24 2022 at 21:34):

Yeah, I understand, but I seem to vaguely remember @Aaron Anderson constructing the p-adic valuation as a (multiplicative) valuation, and presumably that would have involved a way to go back and forth between the additive and multiplicative version. But I might be misremembering, because I can't seem to find the multiplicative p-adic valuation.

Michael Stoll (Mar 24 2022 at 21:38):

There is docs#padic.has_norm; this is the multplicative valuation.

Aaron Anderson (Mar 24 2022 at 23:30):

I don't really remember getting anything closer to this than docs#multiplicity.add_valuation.

María Inés de Frutos Fernández (Mar 25 2022 at 15:00):

I was just talking about docs#padic.valuation with Kevin yesterday. I think this should renamed to something like padic.int_add_valuation (since as pointed out above it's not a docs#valuation).
I actually defined padic.add_valuation a couple of days ago (as an docs#add_valuation with values in with_top Z). I'll PR it now , and then #12914 could be used to get the corresponding absolute value.

María Inés de Frutos Fernández (Mar 25 2022 at 16:23):

I opened #12939.

Michael Stoll (Apr 03 2022 at 19:44):

I would like to keep the version with values in the integers as an alternative, since I imagine trying to work with the condition that the valuation is even (say) is likely to be a bit painful when it is of type with_top ℤ instead of .

Eric Wieser (Apr 03 2022 at 22:30):

I'm not at all familiar with the area, but it feels rather messy that the definition of all this stuff around padic norms seems to expand to an if with a special case, rather than letting a with_bot handle the special cases somehow

Adam Topaz (Apr 03 2022 at 22:38):

As long as with_top \Z has whatever algebraic structure mimics comm_group_with_zero, then it should be natural enough to use without always translating to \Z. I assume we have docs#add_comm_group_with_top ?
Edit: it's docs#linear_ordered_add_comm_group_with_top

Michael Stoll (Apr 04 2022 at 18:27):

How would even n and odd n be defined for n : with_top ℤ?
I don't see a way around distinguishing cases here.
(Background: I want to formulate (and prove) a statement like "a nonzero p-adic number is a square iff...".)

Adam Topaz (Apr 04 2022 at 18:29):

If we generalize docs#even and docs#odd slightly, it would be possible.

Adam Topaz (Apr 04 2022 at 18:31):

import ring_theory.valuation.basic

def even' {α : Type*} [has_one α] [has_zero α] [has_add α] [has_mul α] (a : α) : Prop :=
   k, a = 2 * k

def odd' {α : Type*} [has_one α] [has_zero α] [has_add α] [has_mul α] (a : α) : Prop :=
   k, a = 2 * k + 1

example (a : with_top ) : Prop := even' a
example (a : with_top ) : Prop := odd' a

Adam Topaz (Apr 04 2022 at 18:32):

Of course, \infty would be both even and odd, but :shrug: ...

Damiano Testa (Apr 04 2022 at 19:49):

Note that there is already a more general proposal for even: #13037.

Adam Topaz (Apr 04 2022 at 20:22):

@Damiano Testa does your PR also includes a generalization of docs#odd ?

Adam Topaz (Apr 04 2022 at 20:23):

It seems that the answer is "no". But perhaps if all @Michael Stoll needs is even, then that's okay.

Michael Stoll (Apr 04 2022 at 20:24):

even is sufficient for what I have in mind for now.

Reid Barton (Apr 04 2022 at 21:00):

Is there something special about divisibility by 2 in this context?

María Inés de Frutos Fernández (Apr 04 2022 at 21:28):

Michael Stoll said:

I would like to keep the version with values in the integers as an alternative, since I imagine trying to work with the condition that the valuation is even (say) is likely to be a bit painful when it is of type with_top ℤ instead of .

I would vote for keeping both versions, with some API relating them (same as for polynomials we have nat_degree with values in and degree with values in with_bot ℕ).

Adam Topaz (Apr 04 2022 at 21:39):

@Reid Barton -- I don't know exactly what result Michael has in mind here, but the multiplicative group of Qp\mathbb{Q}_p with pp odd has a very explicit description: Qp×Z×Fp××(1+pZp)\mathbb{Q}_p^\times \cong \mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{F}_p^\times \times (1 + p \cdot \mathbb{Z}_p) where the first component is the valuation, the second is the Teichmuller representative of the first nonzero coefficient in the Teichmuller expansion, and the rest is "the rest". By Hensel's lemma "the rest" consists of squares (since pp is odd), so to test whether you have a square in Qp×\mathbb{Q}_p^\times you need to do ensure that the valuation is even and that the part in the residue field is a square, which means you need to compute some Legendre symbol. You can generalize this in various ways, but I think the statement for squares is natural enough to be in mathlib.

Damiano Testa (Apr 05 2022 at 04:17):

Adam, the PR above only deals with even.

There has been a discussion about this in a different thread (General - even/odd, I think, but I'm on mobile now). The conclusion was that even was "more fundamental".

Besides, I am still not sure if I prefer odd to require also the existence of a 1, making the two notions asymmetric, or whether it is better to define odd = ¬even and get the usual 2*n+1 only once you assume more.

Damiano Testa (Apr 05 2022 at 04:19):

Honestly, regardless of whether it is called odd or not, ¬even is a much better concept than ∃n, x=2*n+1.

Damiano Testa (Apr 05 2022 at 04:20):

I also thought that introducing is_square at the same time as refactoring even was more than enough for a single PR!

Damiano Testa (Apr 05 2022 at 04:25):

Regarding using with_top ℤ, I very much like the option of keeping both. One thing that I had not noticed earlier is that you cannot subtract one from a degree, since subtraction is not defined on the type. Nevertheless, it is very useful to be able to talk about subtracting valuations!

Damiano Testa (Apr 05 2022 at 07:15):

Now at a computer: this is the chat and approximate location of the discussion relevant to what the PR contains.

Adam Topaz (Apr 05 2022 at 14:36):

María Inés de Frutos Fernández said:

I would vote for keeping both versions, with some API relating them (same as for polynomials we have nat_degree with values in and degree with values in with_bot ℕ).

I completely agree with this -- we need a good API to go back and forth between the two notions.

But the valuation theory situation in mathlib still bothers me for some reason. We have this docs#padic.valuation as a map from Qp\mathbb{Q}_p to Z\mathbb{Z} which behaves as expected on nonzero elements and sends 00 to 00. But we don't have a version which is a homomorphism vp:Qp×Zv_p : \mathbb{Q}_p^\times \to \mathbb{Z}. If we had such a vpv_p, then we could define padic.valuation using if h : x = 0 then 0 else v_p (units.mk0 x h) (cf. docs#units.mk0 ). In general it seems pretty strange to me that we can consider docs#add_valuation on fields taking values in with_top \Z, but we don't have anything that would let us work with a valuation of the form v:K×Zv : K^\times \to \mathbb{Z}.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 05 2022 at 14:38):

Choosing an orientation for v_p is like deciding whether your canonical Frobenii are going to be arithemetic Frobenii or geometric Frobenii

Adam Topaz (Apr 05 2022 at 14:39):

Why? vp(p)=1v_p(p) = 1.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 05 2022 at 14:39):

No, it really is not, is it.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 05 2022 at 14:39):

Inversion on K×K^\times doesn't extend to a ring morphism

Adam Topaz (Apr 05 2022 at 14:44):

The issue with defining valuations as v:K×Γv : K^\times \to \Gamma is that the theory for valuations on rings must involve the top from the very start, since you have have nonzero elements mapping to top. The field case is still an important special case, as one can prove that any valuation on a commutative ring arises from a valuation on the residue field of one of its primes. In this sense, it might be worthwhile to focus more on developing the theory for valued fields where one can have a nice picture using valuations of the form v:K×Γv : K^\times \to \Gamma.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 05 2022 at 14:45):

Why can't we have a predicate is_isomorphic_to_top_of Gamma?

Adam Topaz (Apr 05 2022 at 14:45):

Yeah! I think that's a very good idea.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 05 2022 at 14:46):

Is it called is_top? What's the corresponding naming convention for localisations? docs#localization

Adam Topaz (Apr 05 2022 at 14:47):

I assume you want some predicate saying that a linear_ordered_comm_group_with_top is isomorphic to with_top \Gamma?

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 05 2022 at 14:47):

ha, is_top is taken!

Yaël Dillies (Apr 05 2022 at 14:49):

I wonder who took it :grinning:

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 05 2022 at 14:55):

Adam I think you're right. I have learnt a bunch about valuation theory recently. For the perfectoid project there were rings everywhere, we couldn't use this hack. But I remember skipping over a bunch of proofs because we didn't need them for the definition of a perfectoid space but would need to be able to build one jot of API, and valuation theory of fields was in the part which we skipped.

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 05 2022 at 15:00):

Do you think there should be a field_valuation K \Gamma typeclass? And then a bridge: if I have a ring R with is_field R and a monoid with zero M then you give me a field_valuation R Mˣ and conversely if you give me a field_valuation K \Gamma I'll return a valuation K (with_zero \Gamma)

Adam Topaz (Apr 05 2022 at 15:03):

Yeah, that might be the way to go (sorry, I can't discuss this more right now, even though I would like to! I have to teach in 25mins.)

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 05 2022 at 16:04):

Or how about this: make is_field a class and then just make a more fieldy API contructors/eliminators but leave the implementation. Although I guess we don't seem to have an is_group predicate on monoids -- do we? docs#is_group

Michael Stoll (Apr 05 2022 at 19:12):

Reid Barton said:

Is there something special about divisibility by 2 in this context?

If you are interested in squares (which I am right now because of the relation to quadratic Hilbert symbols), then yes. But of course, if you look at n-th powers more generally, then divisibility by n will be relevant.

Reid Barton (Apr 05 2022 at 20:13):

I guess a better formulation of my question would have been: are you going to face a similar issue regarding "valuation is divisible by nn" for n>2n > 2, and if so, is it worth giving special attention to the statement for n=2n = 2

Michael Stoll (Apr 05 2022 at 20:34):

In this respect, I'd say no. On the other hand, divisibility by 2 is already given special attention -- we don't have an analogue of even for divisibility by 3, say.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC