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Topic: prove instance equality

Miguel Marco (Jul 02 2023 at 19:13):

I am writing Lean files that try to follow what we cover in a general topology course. I define topological spaces as a class that contains a family of subsets (the open sets) and proofs for the properties that a topology should satisfy.

In some exercises, we must prove that two topologies over the same type are equal, but I am stuck trying to do so.

What is the way to prove that two instances of a class are equal?

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 02 2023 at 19:32):

You shouldn't have two non-equal instances of a class full stop. But if by "instance" you just mean "term" then maybe ext is the tactic you're looking for

Kyle Miller (Jul 02 2023 at 19:36):

(A class is a structure whose terms are allowed to have the instance attribute. If an "instance" is an instance-tagged term of a class, then Kevin is saying the fact that one should never have non-equal instances with the same type. It's perfectly fine working with different topologies on the same type, so long as you don't make them both instances.)

Kyle Miller (Jul 02 2023 at 19:38):

For ext to work, you need to register an ext lemma (an extensionality lemma). Usually you can put @[ext] on your structure/class to auto-generate one.

Kyle Miller (Jul 02 2023 at 19:39):

It looks like mathlib's TopologicalSpace defines its own ext lemma and registers it with @[ext]: https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/blob/6c1021b515a78ff4a8f628aa8720dbd22d2570a8/Mathlib/Topology/Basic.lean#L113

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC