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Topic: rectangle is convex hull
Alex Kontorovich (Dec 17 2023 at 01:43):
Is there an easy way to prove this? (Here and are two complex numbers, and I want to realize the axis-parallel rectangle with opposite corners z and w as the convex hull of those four points.) Thanks!
import Mathlib
open Complex Topology
set_option autoImplicit true
open scoped Interval
theorem rect_eq_convex_hull (z w : ℂ) :
([[z.re, w.re]] ×ℂ [[z.im, w.im]]) =
convexHull ℝ {z, w, z.re + w.im * I, w.re + z.im * I} := by
Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 17 2023 at 03:58):
You should prove a reProdIm
version of convexHull_prod
Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 17 2023 at 03:59):
Then you can write the set in the RHS as {z.re, w.re} ×ℂ {z.im, w.im}
Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 17 2023 at 04:00):
Unfortunately, following equivalences is far from automatic.
Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 17 2023 at 04:02):
I'll try to do it now
Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 17 2023 at 04:16):
I have this:
import Mathlib.Analysis.Convex.Combination
import Mathlib.Data.Complex.Module
open scoped Interval
namespace Complex
lemma convexHull_reProdIm (s t : Set ℝ) :
convexHull ℝ (s ×ℂ t) = convexHull ℝ s ×ℂ convexHull ℝ t :=
convexHull ℝ (equivRealProdLm ⁻¹' (s ×ˢ t)) = equivRealProdLm ⁻¹' (convexHull ℝ (s ×ˢ t)) := by
simpa only [← LinearEquiv.image_symm_eq_preimage]
using equivRealProdLm.symm.toLinearMap.convexHull_image (s ×ˢ t)
_ = convexHull ℝ s ×ℂ convexHull ℝ t := by rw [convexHull_prod]; rfl
lemma segment_reProdIm_segment_eq_convexHull (z w : ℂ) :
[[z.re, w.re]] ×ℂ [[z.im, w.im]] = convexHull ℝ ({z.re, w.re} ×ℂ {z.im, w.im}) := by
simp_rw [← segment_eq_uIcc, ← convexHull_pair, ← convexHull_reProdIm]
end Complex
Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 17 2023 at 04:17):
If you really want {z, w, z.re + w.im * I, w.re + z.im * I}
, then you need to go along equivRealProd
Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 17 2023 at 04:25):
This is a version with a different order of points:
import Mathlib.Analysis.Convex.Combination
import Mathlib.Data.Complex.Module
open Set
open scoped Interval
namespace Complex
lemma convexHull_reProdIm (s t : Set ℝ) :
convexHull ℝ (s ×ℂ t) = convexHull ℝ s ×ℂ convexHull ℝ t :=
convexHull ℝ (equivRealProdLm ⁻¹' (s ×ˢ t)) = equivRealProdLm ⁻¹' (convexHull ℝ (s ×ˢ t)) := by
simpa only [← LinearEquiv.image_symm_eq_preimage]
using equivRealProdLm.symm.toLinearMap.convexHull_image (s ×ˢ t)
_ = convexHull ℝ s ×ℂ convexHull ℝ t := by rw [convexHull_prod]; rfl
lemma preimage_equivRealProd_prod (s t : Set ℝ) : equivRealProd ⁻¹' (s ×ˢ t) = s ×ℂ t := rfl
lemma segment_reProdIm_segment_eq_convexHull (z w : ℂ) :
[[z.re, w.re]] ×ℂ [[z.im, w.im]] = convexHull ℝ {z, z.re + w.im * I, w.re + z.im * I, w} := by
simp_rw [← segment_eq_uIcc, ← convexHull_pair, ← convexHull_reProdIm,
← preimage_equivRealProd_prod, insert_prod, singleton_prod, image_pair,
insert_union, ← insert_eq, Set.preimage_equiv_eq_image_symm, image_insert_eq, image_singleton,
equivRealProd_symm_apply, re_add_im]
end Complex
Alex Kontorovich (Dec 17 2023 at 04:26):
Great thanks! I'm trying to use this to see that a rectangle with all four endpoints in a disc is itself a subset of the disc. Do you see a better way to do this?
import Mathlib.Analysis.Convex.Combination
import Mathlib.Data.Complex.Module
open Set
open scoped Interval
namespace Complex
theorem rectangle_inside_disc {c : ℂ} {r : ℝ} {z w : ℂ} (hz : z ∈ Metric.ball c r)
(hw : w ∈ Metric.ball c r) (hzw : (z.re + w.im * I) ∈ Metric.ball c r)
(hwz : (w.re + z.im * I) ∈ Metric.ball c r) :
([[z.re, w.re]] ×ℂ [[z.im, w.im]]) ⊆ Metric.ball c r := by
rw [rect_eq_convex_hull]
convert convexHull_min ?_ (convex_ball c r)
refine Set.insert_subset hz ?_
refine Set.insert_subset hw ?_
refine Set.insert_subset hzw ?_
exact Set.singleton_subset_iff.mpr hwz
Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 17 2023 at 04:29):
No, I don't have any better idea. If you generalize this lemma from Metric.ball
to any convex set, then you can probably replace the last 4 lines with simp [*]
(not tested)
Yaël Dillies (Dec 17 2023 at 08:12):
Also I am planning to formalise some material related to Krein-Milman, if ever you need to find the extreme points of a set (as the convex hull of those is your original set if it is convex, at least in finite dimensions).
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC