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Stream: Is there code for X?

Topic: show with turnstile

David A (Jan 24 2022 at 21:02):

Is there any prior work on a show tactic with ; i.e. one which could match (reordering goals) and unify hypotheses? This could make my proofs much more readable. Or is there another way to accomplish the same thing?

Yaël Dillies (Jan 24 2022 at 21:03):

What leads you to using show that much? Presentation style? because it's barely used in mathlib.

David A (Jan 24 2022 at 21:08):

The case I'm hitting now uses split_ifs over a fairly large if/else tree. I'd like to be able to annotate each proof branch with what hypotheses have been introduced, and potentially clean up those hypotheses. But I run into this in other cases too; I'd hardly call split_ifs common in my code.

Eric Rodriguez (Jan 24 2022 at 21:10):

I don't think it works for split_ifs, but the case tactic is nice for when these are generated from induction or such like

Eric Rodriguez (Jan 24 2022 at 21:10):

it's worth trying to see if it works but I doub tit

David A (Jan 24 2022 at 21:10):

Actually, a better reason is: after an rcases or rintro with multiple | to show which branch we're in. And usually what I'm doing is dispatching all but one of the cases with one-liners, but there's no reason the "interesting" case will be last. I need to reorder them but the only difference between the cases is what's been introduced.

Yaël Dillies (Jan 24 2022 at 21:11):

David A said:

there's no reason the "interesting" case will be last.

Surprisingly, there is. But it's quite an art to get your definitions to spit out the hardest case last.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC