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Topic: simple function from finite restriction

Alex Kontorovich (May 06 2022 at 21:38):

Can someone please help me create a simple function? Say I have a function f and a finite set s; I want to say that the restriction of f to s is a simple function, something like this...?

import measure_theory.integral.lebesgue

example (f :   ) (s : finset ) :  g : measure_theory.simple_func  , (g :   ) = (s : set ).indicator f :=

Eric Wieser (May 06 2022 at 21:46):

I would probably start as

import measure_theory.integral.lebesgue

noncomputable example (f :   ) (s : finset ) : measure_theory.simple_func   :=
{ to_fun := (s : set ).indicator f,
  measurable_set_fiber' := λ x, sorry,
  finite_range' := sorry  }

but maybe that's obvious

Adam Topaz (May 06 2022 at 22:25):

This might be one of the ugliest proofs I've written in a while... plenty of golfing room...

import tactic
import measure_theory.integral.lebesgue

open_locale classical

lemma measurable_of_cofinite (S T : set )
  (hT : T.finite) (h : T  S) : measurable_set S :=
  suffices : Sᶜ.finite,
  { rw (show S = Sᶜᶜ, by simp),
    apply measurable_set.compl,
    apply set.finite.measurable_set this },
  suffices : S  T,
  { exact hT.subset this },
  exact set.compl_subset_comm.mp h

def foobar (f :   ) (S : finset ) : measure_theory.simple_func   :=
{ to_fun := (S : set ).indicator f,
  measurable_set_fiber' := begin
    intros x,
    by_cases hx : x = 0,
    rw hx,
    { suffices : (S : set )  (S : set ).indicator f ⁻¹' {0},
      { apply measurable_of_cofinite _ S _ this,
        exact finset.finite_to_set S },
      intros t ht,
      simp only [set.indicator_apply, set.mem_preimage,
        finset.mem_coe, set.mem_singleton_iff, ite_eq_right_iff],
      intros ht',
      exact false.elim (ht ht') },
    have : (S : set ).indicator f ⁻¹' {x} = S.filter (λ y, f y = x),
    { ext t,
      simp only [set.mem_preimage, set.mem_singleton_iff,
        finset.coe_filter, set.mem_sep_eq, finset.mem_coe,
      { refine λ hh, h, hh⟩, λ hh, hh.2 },
      { refine λ hh, false.elim (hx hh.symm), λ hh,
          false.elim (h hh.1)⟩, } },
    rw this,
    apply set.finite.measurable_set,
    exact (finset.filter (λ (y : ), f y = x) S).finite_to_set
  finite_range' := begin
    suffices : set.range ((S : set ).indicator f)  (f '' (S : set )  {0}),
    { apply set.finite.subset _ this,
      apply set.finite.union, swap, { apply set.finite_singleton },
      apply set.finite.image,
      exact finset.finite_to_set S },
    intros x hx,
    simp at hx,
    obtain y,hy := hx,
    simp [set.indicator_apply] at hy,
    by_cases y  S,
    left, { rw if_pos h at hy, rw  hy, use [y, h, rfl] },
    right, { rw if_neg h at hy, rw  hy, simp }
  end }

Floris van Doorn (May 06 2022 at 23:14):

Golfed a bit :-)

import measure_theory.integral.lebesgue

noncomputable theory
open set measure_theory
open_locale big_operators

def foo (f :   ) (s : finset ) : simple_func   :=
 i in s, (simple_func.const  (f i)).piecewise
  {i} (measurable_set_singleton i) (simple_func.const  0)

lemma coe_sum {s : finset } (f :   simple_func  ) (x : ) :
  ( i in s, f i) x =  i in s, f i x :=
by { induction s using finset.induction with i s hi ih, simp, simp [hi, ih] }

lemma coe_foo (f :   ) (s : finset ) : (foo f s :   ) = (s : set ).indicator f :=
  ext x,
  simp_rw [foo, coe_sum, simple_func.piecewise_apply, simple_func.const_apply, mem_singleton_iff,
    finset.sum_ite_eq, indicator_apply, finset.mem_coe]

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC