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Topic: some linear algebra

Alex Kontorovich (Aug 03 2022 at 16:33):

Can someone please let me know if there is a slick way to prove this? I have an n by n matrix Q (which is really a bilinear form on an n-dimensional real vector space F), and a basis vs for F having gram matrix G, that is, the matrix of Q inner products of the vs. Then Q can be expressed as claimed below:

import linear_algebra.matrix.bilinear_form
import data.real.basic

open_locale big_operators

lemma linear_algebra_thing {F : Type*} [add_comm_group F] [module  F] (Q : bilin_form  F)
{n : } (hdim : finite_dimensional.finrank  F = n) (vs : (fin n)  F) (G : matrix (fin n) (fin n) ) (hG : invertible G)
(hvG :  i j, G i j = Q (vs i) (vs j)) (w₁ w₂ : F) :
Q w₁ w₂ =  i,  j, Q w₁ (vs i) * Q w₂ (vs j) * (G⁻¹ i j) :=

Moritz Doll (Aug 03 2022 at 16:47):

before looking at the code more closely (I just came home) : please avoid bilin_form, we have https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib_docs/linear_algebra/sesquilinear_form.html which is way better

Moritz Doll (Aug 03 2022 at 16:49):

in your case it would be Q : F →ₗ[ℝ] F →ₗ[ℝ] ℝ

Moritz Doll (Aug 03 2022 at 17:07):

my first point would be that what you wrote in the text does not match the statement, since vs is not necessarily a basis, so I am not sure whether your claim is actually correct as stated.

Moritz Doll (Aug 03 2022 at 17:08):

so I guess you want rather something like

import linear_algebra.sesquilinear_form
import linear_algebra.matrix.default
import data.real.basic

open_locale big_operators

variables {F : Type*} [add_comm_group F] [module  F]

lemma linear_algebra_thing (Q : F →ₗ[] F →ₗ[] )
{n : }  (vs : basis (fin n)  F) (G : matrix (fin n) (fin n) ) (hG : invertible G)
(hvG :  i j, G i j = Q (vs i) (vs j)) (w₁ w₂ : F) :
Q w₁ w₂ =  i,  j, Q w₁ (vs i) * Q w₂ (vs j) * (G⁻¹ i j) :=

Alex Kontorovich (Aug 03 2022 at 17:11):

Thanks for your comments! Well, the fact that the gram matrix is invertible and the cardinality of vs is the rank of F means (to a human) that it's a basis. For my application, I'd rather not assume that it's a basis, but sure, I'd be delighted if there was a slick Lean proof of your version of the statement.

Moritz Doll (Aug 03 2022 at 17:32):

I think I have to rephrase your problem a little more..

Moritz Doll (Aug 03 2022 at 17:37):

def coord_bilin_form (Q : F →ₗ[] F →ₗ[] ) {n : }
  (vs : basis (fin n)  F) (G : matrix (fin n) (fin n) ) : F →ₗ[] F →ₗ[]  :=
linear_map.mk₂  (λ w₁ w₂,  i,  j, Q w₁ (vs i) * Q w₂ (vs j) * (G⁻¹ i j))
  sorry sorry sorry sorry

lemma coord_bilin_form_apply (Q : F →ₗ[] F →ₗ[] ) {n : }
  (vs : basis (fin n)  F) (G : matrix (fin n) (fin n) ) (w₁ w₂ : F) :
  coord_bilin_form Q vs G w₁ w₂ =  i,  j, Q w₁ (vs i) * Q w₂ (vs j) * (G⁻¹ i j) := rfl

lemma linear_algebra_thing (Q : F →ₗ[] F →ₗ[] )
{n : } (vs : basis (fin n)  F) (G : matrix (fin n) (fin n) ) (hG : invertible G)
(hvG :  i j, G i j = Q (vs i) (vs j)) :
Q = coord_bilin_form Q vs G :=
  refine linear_map.ext_basis vs vs _,
  intros i j,
  rw hvG i j,
  rw coord_bilin_form_apply,
  simp_rw [hvG],

So now it is at least reduced to a calculation of matrices.

Alex Kontorovich (Aug 03 2022 at 17:39):

Ah great, thanks! The human proof of this is completely trivial, by the way. If Q is a matrix and V is a matrix of basis vectors for F with gram matrix G=V^t*Q*V, then taking inverses and moving the V's to the other side, we get Q⁻¹ = V * G⁻¹ * V^t, which is equivalent to the claim...

Moritz Doll (Aug 03 2022 at 17:43):

Depending on what you want to use this for it might be easier to express everything in terms of matrices and matrix multiplication first.

Moritz Doll (Aug 03 2022 at 17:44):

inverting and transposing matrices works quite well in Lean

Moritz Doll (Aug 03 2022 at 17:45):

my idea was to go the exact opposite road and state your lemma in a rather weird invariant way

Moritz Doll (Aug 03 2022 at 18:02):

The proof is really not nice:

import linear_algebra.sesquilinear_form
import linear_algebra.matrix.default
import data.real.basic

open_locale big_operators

variables {F : Type*} [add_comm_group F] [module  F]

def coord_bilin_form (Q : F →ₗ[] F →ₗ[] ) {n : }
  (vs : basis (fin n)  F) (G : matrix (fin n) (fin n) ) : F →ₗ[] F →ₗ[]  :=
linear_map.mk₂  (λ w₁ w₂,  i,  j, Q w₁ (vs i) * Q w₂ (vs j) * (G⁻¹ i j))
  sorry sorry sorry sorry

lemma coord_bilin_form_apply (Q : F →ₗ[] F →ₗ[] ) {n : }
  (vs : basis (fin n)  F) (G : matrix (fin n) (fin n) ) (w₁ w₂ : F) :
  coord_bilin_form Q vs G w₁ w₂ =  i,  j, Q w₁ (vs i) * Q w₂ (vs j) * (G⁻¹ i j) := rfl

lemma linear_algebra_thing (Q : F →ₗ[] F →ₗ[] )
{n : } (vs : basis (fin n)  F) (G : matrix (fin n) (fin n) ) (hG : invertible G)
(hvG :  i j, G i j = Q (vs i) (vs j)) :
Q.flip = coord_bilin_form Q vs G :=
  refine linear_map.ext_basis vs vs _,
  intros i j,
  rw linear_map.flip_apply,
  rw hvG j i,
  rw coord_bilin_form_apply,
  simp_rw [hvG],
  simp_rw mul_comm (G i _),
  simp_rw mul_assoc,
  rw finset.sum_comm,
  simp_rw finset.mul_sum,
  simp_rw matrix.mul_apply,
  simp_rw matrix.mul_inv_of_invertible,
  simp_rw matrix.one_apply,

Moritz Doll (Aug 03 2022 at 18:07):

it would be ok if there is a lemma that calculates (A.mul (B.mul C)) x y as the finsum, but I haven't found anything in that direction

Moritz Doll (Aug 03 2022 at 18:08):

but note the flip, it seems that I forgot one transposition when first rewriting your lemma

Alex Kontorovich (Aug 04 2022 at 13:38):

Great, thanks!

Heather Macbeth (Aug 04 2022 at 13:51):

Moritz Doll said:

def coord_bilin_form (Q : F →ₗ[] F →ₗ[] ) {n : }
  (vs : basis (fin n)  F) (G : matrix (fin n) (fin n) ) : F →ₗ[] F →ₗ[]  :=
linear_map.mk₂  (λ w₁ w₂,  i,  j, Q w₁ (vs i) * Q w₂ (vs j) * (G⁻¹ i j))
  sorry sorry sorry sorry

It is rarely necessary to prove linearity conditions like this, there is usually some abstract nonsense. In this case you could first construct each individual function

λ w₁ w₂, Q w₁ (vs i) * Q w₂ (vs j)

as a bilinear map using docs#linear_map.compl₂ and docs#linear_map.mul (if we don't have that construction already) and then add the appropriate scalar multiples of these together.

Moritz Doll (Aug 04 2022 at 13:57):

This is a very good point, thanks Heather. I was just lazy and wanted to get the bundled version as fast as possible.

Moritz Doll (Aug 04 2022 at 13:59):

There might be also a point to commute the factors (and the summations) in the definition so that the proof gets less annoying

Moritz Doll (Aug 04 2022 at 14:01):

but depending on how you replace the naive definition with a bundled one this might actually happen automatically

Alex Kontorovich (Aug 09 2022 at 02:03):

May I ask another stupid question in a similar vein? How would one prove something like this? I have an n by n matrix with -1s on the diagonal and 1s off the diagonal. I claim that its inverse matrix has something on the diagonal and something else off the diagonal. What's an efficient (?) way to verify this with a calculation? Thanks!

import data.matrix.basic
import data.real.basic

example {n : } (hn : n  0) (G : matrix (fin n) (fin n) ) (hG :  i j, G i j = ite (i=j) (-1) 1)
  (Ginv : matrix (fin n) (fin n) ) (hGinv :  i j, Ginv i j = ite (i = j) ((1-n)/(2*n)) (1/(2*n)))
  : Ginv.mul G = 1 :=
  simp only [matrix.mul, matrix.dot_product, hGinv, hG],

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 09 2022 at 02:09):

Some progress:

import data.fin.basic

import data.matrix.basic
import data.real.basic

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_eq_univ {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i : α) :
  finset.univ.filter (eq i) = {i} :=
by ext; simp [eq_comm]

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_eq_univ' {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i : α) :
  finset.univ.filter (λ x, x = i) = {i} :=
by ext; simp [eq_comm]

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_ne_univ {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i : α) :
  finset.univ.filter (λ x, x  i) = finset.univ \ {i} :=
by ext; simp [eq_comm]

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_ne_univ' {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i : α) :
  finset.univ.filter (λ x, i  x) = finset.univ \ {i} :=
by ext; simp [eq_comm]

example {n : } (hn : n  0) (G : matrix (fin n) (fin n) ) (hG :  i j, G i j = ite (i=j) (-1) 1)
  (Ginv : matrix (fin n) (fin n) ) (hGinv :  i j, Ginv i j = ite (i = j) ((1-n)/(2*n)) (1/(2*n)))
  : Ginv.mul G = 1 :=
  simp only [matrix.mul, matrix.dot_product, hGinv, hG],
  simp [finset.sum_ite],

Junyan Xu (Aug 09 2022 at 02:41):

I don't think this is correct? The matrix product has (n-1)/n on diagonal and -1/n off diagonal according to my calculation. And when n=2, the matrix G has rank 1 so it doesn't have an inverse.

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 09 2022 at 03:10):

Here's "proof" of it being incorrect, given how it's phrased right now:

import data.fin.basic

import data.matrix.basic
import data.real.basic

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_eq_univ {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i : α) :
  finset.univ.filter (eq i) = {i} :=
by ext; simp [eq_comm]

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_eq_univ' {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i : α) :
  finset.univ.filter (λ x, x = i) = {i} :=
by ext; simp [eq_comm]

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_ne_univ {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i : α) :
  finset.univ.filter (λ x, x  i) = finset.univ \ {i} :=
by ext; simp [eq_comm]

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_ne_univ' {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i : α) :
  finset.univ.filter (λ x, i  x) = finset.univ \ {i} :=
by ext; simp [eq_comm]

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_eq_singleton {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i k : α) :
  finset.filter (eq i) {k} = if i = k then {i} else  :=
by split_ifs; ext; simp [h] {contextual := tt}

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_eq_singleton' {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i k : α) :
  finset.filter (λ x, x = i) {k} = if i = k then {i} else  :=
by split_ifs; ext; simp [h, eq_comm] {contextual := tt}

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_ne_singleton {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i k : α) :
  finset.filter (ne i) {k} = if i = k then  else {k} :=
by split_ifs; ext; simp [h] {contextual := tt}

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_ne_singleton' {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i k : α) :
  finset.filter (λ x, x  i) {k} = if i = k then  else {k} :=
by split_ifs; ext; simp [h, eq_comm] {contextual := tt}

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_eq_univ_erase {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i k : α) :
  finset.filter (eq i) (finset.univ \ {k}) = if i = k then  else {i} :=
by { split_ifs; ext; simp [h, eq_comm] {contextual := tt}; rintro rfl; simp [ne.symm h]  }

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_eq_univ_erase' {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i k : α) :
  finset.filter (λ x, x =  i) (finset.univ \ {k}) = if i = k then  else {i} :=
by split_ifs; ext; simp [h, eq_comm] {contextual := tt}

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_ne_univ_erase {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i k : α) :
  finset.filter (ne i) (finset.univ \ {k}) = finset.univ \ {i, k} :=
by ext; simp [not_or_distrib, eq_comm, and.comm]

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_ne_univ_erase' {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i k : α) :
  finset.filter (λ x, x  i) (finset.univ \ {k}) = finset.univ \ {i, k} :=
by ext; simp [not_or_distrib, eq_comm, and.comm]

example {n : } (hn : n  0) (G : matrix (fin n) (fin n) ) (hG :  i j, G i j = ite (i=j) (-1) 1)
  (Ginv : matrix (fin n) (fin n) ) (hGinv :  i j, Ginv i j = ite (i = j) ((1-n)/(2*n)) (1/(2*n)))
  : Ginv.mul G = 1 :=
  simp only [matrix.mul, matrix.dot_product, hGinv, hG],
  ext i k,
  cases eq_or_ne k i with h h,
  { simp [finset.sum_ite, h, matrix.one_apply],
    simp [mul_comm, mul_assoc, mul_left_comm, hn],
    -- false
    sorry },
  { simp [finset.sum_ite, h, matrix.one_apply, ne.symm h],
    field_simp [hn],
    simp [hn],
    -- false
    sorry }

Alex Kontorovich (Aug 09 2022 at 03:13):

That's great, thanks! I think I can take it from here...

Alex Kontorovich (Aug 09 2022 at 03:32):

Here's something very bizarre that's happening. This works perfectly well:

import data.fin.basic
import data.matrix.basic
import data.real.basic

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_eq_univ {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i : α) :
  finset.univ.filter (eq i) = {i} :=
by ext; simp [eq_comm]

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_eq_univ' {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i : α) :
  finset.univ.filter (λ x, x = i) = {i} :=
by ext; simp [eq_comm]

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_ne_univ {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i : α) :
  finset.univ.filter (λ x, x  i) = finset.univ \ {i} :=
by ext; simp [eq_comm]

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_ne_univ' {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i : α) :
  finset.univ.filter (λ x, i  x) = finset.univ \ {i} :=
by ext; simp [eq_comm]

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_eq_singleton {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i k : α) :
  finset.filter (eq i) {k} = if i = k then {i} else  :=
by split_ifs; ext; simp [h] {contextual := tt}

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_eq_singleton' {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i k : α) :
  finset.filter (λ x, x = i) {k} = if i = k then {i} else  :=
by split_ifs; ext; simp [h, eq_comm] {contextual := tt}

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_ne_singleton {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i k : α) :
  finset.filter (ne i) {k} = if i = k then  else {k} :=
by split_ifs; ext; simp [h] {contextual := tt}

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_ne_singleton' {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i k : α) :
  finset.filter (λ x, x  i) {k} = if i = k then  else {k} :=
by split_ifs; ext; simp [h, eq_comm] {contextual := tt}

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_eq_univ_erase {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i k : α) :
  finset.filter (eq i) (finset.univ \ {k}) = if i = k then  else {i} :=
by { split_ifs; ext; simp [h, eq_comm] {contextual := tt}; rintro rfl; simp [ne.symm h]  }

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_eq_univ_erase' {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i k : α) :
  finset.filter (λ x, x =  i) (finset.univ \ {k}) = if i = k then  else {i} :=
by split_ifs; ext; simp [h, eq_comm] {contextual := tt}

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_ne_univ_erase {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i k : α) :
  finset.filter (ne i) (finset.univ \ {k}) = finset.univ \ {i, k} :=
by ext; simp [not_or_distrib, eq_comm, and.comm]

@[simp] lemma finset.filter_ne_univ_erase' {α : Type*} [fintype α] [decidable_eq α] (i k : α) :
  finset.filter (λ x, x  i) (finset.univ \ {k}) = finset.univ \ {i, k} :=
by ext; simp [not_or_distrib, eq_comm, and.comm]

example {n : } (hn : (n:)  3) (G : matrix (fin n) (fin n) )
  (hG :  i j, G i j = ite (i=j) (-1) 1) (Ginv : matrix (fin n) (fin n) )
  (hGinv :  i j, Ginv i j = if (i = j) then (-((-3 + n) / (2 * (-2 + n))))
    else (1 / (2 * (-2 + n)))) :
  Ginv.mul G = 1 :=
  have : -2 + (n : )  0 := by linarith,
  ext i j,
  by_cases hh : i = j,
  { simp only [matrix.mul, matrix.dot_product, hGinv, hG, hh, one_div, mul_inv_rev, mul_ite,
      mul_neg, mul_one, matrix.one_apply_eq],
    simp [finset.sum_ite], -- squeeze_simp doesn't give full simp!!!???
    ring, },
  { simp only [matrix.mul, matrix.dot_product, hGinv, hG, hh, one_div, mul_inv_rev, mul_ite,
      mul_neg, mul_one, matrix.one_apply_ne, ne.def, not_false_iff],
    simp [finset.sum_ite, hh],
    ring, },

But if I replace those inner simps with squeeze_simps, then it tells me to use this long line:

 simp only [finset.sum_ite, finset.filter_eq_univ', finset.sum_neg_distrib, finset.filter_eq_singleton, eq_self_iff_true, if_true,
  finset.sum_const, finset.card_singleton, nsmul_eq_mul, nat.cast_one, one_mul, finset.filter_ne_singleton,
  finset.card_empty, zero_smul, add_zero, neg_neg, finset.filter_ne_univ, finset.filter_eq_univ_erase, neg_zero',
  finset.filter_ne_univ_erase, finset.pair_self_eq, finset.sum_sdiff_eq_sub, finset.subset_univ, finset.card_fin,

which does not simplify to the same amount?!?!?

Thanks again for all your help!!

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 09 2022 at 04:10):

In cases like this, I extract the goal after the simp that works, clean it of coercion arrows, and make that goal into a suffices

Eric Wieser (Aug 09 2022 at 05:54):

Note we already have docs#finset.filter_ne and docs#finset.filter_eq

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC