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Topic: tsum stretcher, adding zeroes to sums like this

Mark Gerads (Jul 11 2022 at 02:36):

import all

lemma needZeroCoeff (f:) (n:) (h:n>0) : ∑' (k : ), f (n * k) = ∑' (k : ), ite (n  k) (f k) 0 :=

One part of my proof needs plenty of zero coefficients, yet it needs to be shown equivalent to the nice version without zero coefficients.

Damiano Testa (Jul 11 2022 at 05:12):

This works:

import analysis.complex.basic

/-  A more general version. -/
lemma tsum_mul_ite {α} [topological_space α] [t2_space α] [add_comm_monoid α]
  (f :   α) {n : } (h : 0 < n) :
  ∑' (k : ), f (n * k) = ∑' (k : ), ite (n  k) (f k) 0 :=
  rw [(show ∑' (c : ), f (n * c) = ∑' (a : set.range ((*) n)), f a, from
    (equiv.of_injective ((*) n) (nat.mul_right_injective h)).tsum_eq (λ a, f a.val)), tsum_subtype],
  exact tsum_congr (λ a, by simp [set.indicator, has_dvd.dvd, eq_comm]),

lemma needZeroCoeff (f:) (n:) (h : n>0) : ∑' (k : ), f (n * k) = ∑' (k : ), ite (n  k) (f k) 0 :=
tsum_mul_ite _ h

Mark Gerads (Jul 11 2022 at 19:03):

That should have finished off my proof of ruesDiffM0EqRues, a required step to proving ruesNEqExpSum, but Lean is not accepting this, probably because I have (↑n ∣ ↑k) instead of (n ∣ k). How can this be rewritten to match?

import all

open classical complex real normed_space
open_locale classical big_operators nat

lemma expTsumForm (z:) : exp z = tsum (λ (k:), z ^ k / k.factorial):=
  rw [exp_eq_exp_ℂ, exp_eq_tsum_div],

-- rues is the Root of Unity Exponential Sum function
-- inspired by the relationship between exp and cosh
def rues (n:) (z:) :  :=
  tsum (λ (k:), z ^ (n*k) / (n*k).factorial)

-- The zero coefficients are needed for proof of ruesNEqExpSum
-- m=0 is same as rues, ruesDiff is the mth derivative of rues
def ruesDiff (n:) (m:) (z:) :  :=
  tsum (λ (k:), if ((k:)+m)%n=0 then z ^ k / k.factorial else 0)

lemma tsum_mul_ite {α} [topological_space α] [t2_space α] [add_comm_monoid α]
  (f :   α) {n : } (h : 0 < n) :
  ∑' (k : ), f (n * k) = ∑' (k : ), ite (n  k) (f k) 0 :=
  rw [(show ∑' (c : ), f (n * c) = ∑' (a : set.range ((*) n)), f a, from
    (equiv.of_injective ((*) n) (nat.mul_right_injective h)).tsum_eq (λ a, f a.val)), tsum_subtype],
  exact tsum_congr (λ a, by simp [set.indicator, has_dvd.dvd, eq_comm]),

lemma needZeroCoeff (f:) (n:) (h : n>0) : ∑' (k : ), f (n * k) = ∑' (k : ), ite (n  k) (f k) 0 :=
tsum_mul_ite _ h

lemma ruesDiffM0EqRues (n:) (h:n>0) (z:) : rues n z = ruesDiff n 0 z :=
  rw [rues, ruesDiff],

open finset

lemma ruesNEqExpSum (n:) (h:n>0) (z:) : rues n z = ( m in range n, exp (z * exp (2*m*I*real.pi/n)))/n :=

lemma rues1EqExp (z:) : rues 1 z = exp z :=
  rw [expTsumForm z, rues],

lemma rues2EqCosh (z:) : rues 2 z = cosh z :=
  rw [complex.cosh, ruesNEqExpSum],
  rw finset.sum,
  simp only [range_coe, multiset.range_succ, multiset.range_zero, nat.cast_bit0, nat.cast_one, multiset.map_cons, mul_one,
    nat.cast_zero, mul_zero, zero_mul, zero_div, complex.exp_zero, multiset.map_zero, multiset.sum_cons,
    multiset.sum_zero, add_zero],
  have h : 2 * I * real.pi / 2 = real.pi * I,
  rw h,
  simp only [exp_pi_mul_I, mul_neg, mul_one],

lemma rues4EqCoshCosh (z:) : rues 4 z = cosh (z/(1+I)) * cosh (z/(1-I)) :=
  rw [complex.cosh, complex.cosh, ruesNEqExpSum],
  rw finset.sum,

Also, tsum_mul_ite should probably be added to mathlib.

Mark Gerads (Jul 12 2022 at 03:51):

I am aware int.coe_nat_dvd.symm is what I need, but I haven't been able to get it working so far.

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 12 2022 at 04:43):

My machine cannot handle the import all. Can you repost with more reasonable imports?

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 12 2022 at 04:44):

Sorry i take that back, my mathlib is borked. I think I'm a victim of some earlier problem.

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 12 2022 at 04:59):

lemma ruesDiffM0EqRues_first_try (n:) (h:n>0) (z:) : rues n z = ruesDiff n 0 z :=
  rw [rues, ruesDiff],
  simp, -- nontermal simps are bad; squeeze it to see the names of what you're using, you might learn something
  -- Let's isolate the problem
  convert needZeroCoeff (λ n, z ^ n / n!) n h,
  ext1, -- cancel lambdas
  congr' 1, -- cancel ITEs
  apply propext, -- make equality of propositions into an iff
  -- the problem is now isolated. Now let's solve it
  exact int.coe_nat_dvd, -- library_search found it (and might have found it quicker had
  -- you not done `import all` but I'm not sure)

-- second go now we know the name of the lemma
lemma ruesDiffM0EqRues (n:) (h:n>0) (z:) : rues n z = ruesDiff n 0 z :=
  simp only [rues, ruesDiff, add_zero, euclidean_domain.mod_eq_zero,
    int.coe_nat_dvd, needZeroCoeff (λ n, z ^ n / n!) n h],

Mark Gerads (Jul 12 2022 at 06:38):

Thanks. I suppose it would be nice if there was something like 'squeeze imports' that would change 'import all' to specific imports for sharing minimal working examples. I do wonder how much 'import all' impacts usability though; it seems fine to me.

Alex J. Best (Jul 13 2022 at 08:23):

There are some import squeezing tools, but unfortunately they are not yet in mathlib, so are a bit harder to utilize

Damiano Testa (Jul 13 2022 at 08:40):

What I manually do is

  • comment out an import and see what lemma no longer exists;
  • put the import back, peek at the definition of the broken lemma;
  • add the import of this new file;
  • repeat.

The number of iterations of the above process is usually fairly small.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC