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Topic: using tendsto

Moritz Firsching (May 08 2022 at 19:25):

I'm trying to use tendsto and need some very basic lemmas and I'm wondering how to get them most easily:

import tactic
import analysis.special_functions.log
import order.filter

import data.fintype.basic
import data.finset.sum
import data.real.basic

open real
open filter
open nat

open_locale filter topological_space

-- Is there some more direct way of proving this or
-- even this lemma somewhere in mathlib?
lemma unique_limit (a : (  )) (A B: )
(hA: tendsto (λ (k : ), a k) at_top (𝓝 (A)))
(hB: tendsto (λ (k : ), a k) at_top (𝓝 (B))) :
A = B :=
  have h := tendsto.sub hA hB,
  simp only [sub_self] at h,
  have hAB: (0 : ) = A - B :=
    -- how to use tendsto_const_iff here?
  exact eq_of_sub_eq_zero (symm hAB),

lemma sub_seq_tendsto {an :   } {A : }
 (h: tendsto (λ (n : ), an n) at_top (𝓝 (A))):
 tendsto (λ (n : ), an (2*n)) at_top (𝓝 (A)) :=

Any advice on how to solve the sorrys above?

Kalle Kytölä (May 08 2022 at 19:31):

I think docs#tendsto_nhds_unique should help (hopefully very directly) with the first one.

Moritz Firsching (May 08 2022 at 19:33):

Kalle Kytölä said:

I think docs#tendsto_nhds_unique should help (hopefully very directly) with the first one.

perfect, thanks:

lemma unique_limit (a : (  )) (A B: )
(hA: tendsto (λ (k : ), a k) at_top (𝓝 (A)))
(hB: tendsto (λ (k : ), a k) at_top (𝓝 (B))) :
A = B :=
  exact tendsto_nhds_unique hA hB,

Kalle Kytölä (May 08 2022 at 19:34):

And docs#filter.tendsto.comp with the second one, if you first prove that limn2n=\lim_{n \to \infty} 2 n = \infty (something like tendsto (λ (n : ℕ), 2*n) at_top at_top).

Floris van Doorn (May 08 2022 at 19:36):

You can use docs#filter.tendsto.mul_at_top for that

Patrick Massot (May 08 2022 at 19:46):

You don't need all those parentheses. You can write

lemma unique_limit (a :   ) (A B: )
(hA: tendsto a at_top (𝓝 A))
(hB: tendsto a at_top (𝓝 B)) :
A = B :=
tendsto_nhds_unique hA hB

Moritz Firsching (May 08 2022 at 20:09):

Thanks I will write less parentheses...

For the second one, I can't quite get it to work yet:

lemma sub_seq_tendsto {an :   } {A : }
 (h: tendsto an at_top (𝓝 A)):
 tendsto (λ (n : ), an 2*n) at_top (𝓝 A) :=
  have htop: tendsto (λ (n : ), 2*n) at_top at_top :=
    have h2: tendsto (λ (n : ), 2) at_top (𝓝 2)
      := tendsto_const_nhds,
    rw tendsto.mul_at_top two_pos h2 tendsto_id,
  exact tendsto.comp h htop,

The rw, that should solve the proof of htop complains:

type mismatch at application
  tendsto.mul_at_top two_pos
has type
  0 < 2
but is expected to have type
  0 < ?m_3

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC