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Stream: Type theory

Topic: Are these “type erasure” axioms consistent?

Sabrina Jewson (Dec 16 2023 at 23:07):

This is a bit of a random question, but are the following axioms consistent with Lean?

axiom Opaque.{u} : Type u
axiom to_opaque.{u} {α : Type u} : α  Opaque.{u}
axiom of_opaque.{u} {α : Type u} (o : Opaque.{u}) (h :  a : α, to_opaque a = o) : α
axiom of_to_opaque.{u} {α : Type u} (a : α) : of_opaque (to_opaque a) a, rfl = a

And if so, what about if I remove the universe parameter on Opaque (presumably not, single that would allow smuggling large values in small places). Are there any papers related to this kind of concept?

Kyle Miller (Dec 16 2023 at 23:22):

If it were axiom Opaque.{u} : Type (u + 1) it seems like you could probably implement this with def Opaque.{u} : Type (u + 1) := Σ α : Type u, α, but with Type u I wouldn't be surprised if someone could cook up a paradox.

Mario Carneiro (Dec 17 2023 at 07:40):

import Mathlib.Logic.Function.Basic

axiom Opaque.{u} : Type u
axiom to_opaque.{u} {α : Type u} : α  Opaque.{u}
axiom of_opaque.{u} {α : Type u} (o : Opaque.{u}) (h :  a : α, to_opaque a = o) : α
axiom of_to_opaque.{u} {α : Type u} (a : α) : of_opaque (to_opaque a) a, rfl = a

example : False :=
  Function.cantor_injective to_opaque.{0} fun a b h => by
    rw [ of_to_opaque a,  of_to_opaque b]; congr

Mario Carneiro (Dec 17 2023 at 07:46):

and here's a proof of Kyle's claim that this can be done if you universe bump Opaque:

def Opaque.{u} : Type (u + 1) := Σ α : Type u, α
def to_opaque.{u} {α : Type u} : α  Opaque.{u} := fun a => _, a
def of_opaque.{u} {α : Type u} (o : Opaque.{u}) (h :  a : α, to_opaque a = o) : α :=
  let β, a := o
  cast (by rcases h with _, ⟨⟩⟩; rfl) a
theorem of_to_opaque.{u} {α : Type u} (a : α) : of_opaque (to_opaque a) a, rfl = a := rfl

Sabrina Jewson (Dec 17 2023 at 10:13):

Thank you! That makes a lot of sense.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC