Zulip Chat Archive

Stream: Type theory

Topic: Linear Logic

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 01:37):

My question is really about the cases tactic and inductive definitions, but I'm making this thread to contain whatever further discussion might arise.

My expectation is that I should be able to close the first goal with cases s₂, so it realises that Ci must be Bi

ps: proof_structure
S: switching
AiBiCi: Form_occ
hA: Ai  ps.form_occs
hB: Bi  ps.form_occs
hC: Ci  ps.form_occs
d₃: dir
s₂: steps (S (Link.ax Ai.snd Bi.snd Ai.fst)) (Link.ax Ai.snd Bi.snd Ai.fst) (Ai, tt) (Ci, d₃)
s₁: steps (S (Link.ax Ai.snd Bi.snd Ai.fst)) (Link.ax Ai.snd Bi.snd Ai.fst) (Ai, tt) (Bi, ff)
 Bi = Ci  ff = d₃

however when I do this, I get cases tactic failed, unsupported equality between type and constructor indices (only equalities between constructors and/or variables are supported, try cases on the indices): Ai.snd = s₂_Ai.snd

Could someone explain what this means and how to overcome it? Here's my mwe

import tactic

inductive Form : Type
| atom :   Form
| tensor : Form  Form  Form
| par : Form  Form  Form
| neg : Form  Form

infix `  `:70 := Form.tensor
infix `  `:65 := Form.par
prefix `~` := Form.neg

inductive Link : Type
| ax :     Form  Link
| cut :     Form  Link
| tensor :       Form  Form  Link
| par :       Form  Form  Link
| con :   Form  Link

def Form_occ := Form × 

def is_premise (Ai : Form_occ) : Link  Prop
| (Link.ax n m B) := false
| (Link.cut n m B) := (Ai = B,n⟩)  (Ai = ~B,m⟩)
| (Link.tensor n m k A B) := (Ai = A,n⟩)  (Ai = B,m⟩)
| (Link.par n m k A B) := (Ai = A,n⟩)  (Ai = B,m⟩)
| (Link.con n A) := Ai = A,n

def is_conclusion (Ai : Form_occ) : Link  Prop
| (Link.ax n m B) := (Ai = B,n⟩)  (Ai = ~B,m⟩)
| (Link.cut n m B) := false
| (Link.tensor n m k A B) := Ai = A  B,k
| (Link.par n m k A B) := Ai = A  B,k
| (Link.con n A) := false

structure proof_structure : Type :=
(links : set Link)
(form_occs : set Form_occ)
(link_prem :  l  links,  Ai : Form_occ, is_premise Ai l  Ai  form_occs)
(link_con :  l  links,  Ai : Form_occ, is_conclusion Ai l  Ai  form_occs)
(premise : Form_occ  Link)
(prem_unique :  Ai  form_occs,  l  links, is_premise Ai l  premise Ai = l)
(prem_range :  Ai  form_occs, premise Ai  links  is_premise Ai (premise Ai))
(conclusion : Form_occ  Link)
(con_unique :  Ai  form_occs,  l  links, is_conclusion Ai l  conclusion Ai = l)
(con_range :  Ai  form_occs, conclusion Ai  links  is_conclusion Ai (conclusion Ai))

def dir := bool

def down := ff
def up := tt

def switch := bool

def L := ff
def R := tt

def switching := Link  bool

inductive steps (T : switch) : Link  Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| ax (Ai Bi : Form_occ) : steps (Link.ax Ai.2 Bi.2 Ai.1) Ai, up Bi, down
| cut (Ai Bi : Form_occ) : steps (Link.cut Ai.2 Bi.2 Ai.1) Ai, down Bi, up
| tensordown (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) :
  steps (Link.tensor Ai.2 Bi.2 Ci.2 Ai.1 Bi.1) if T = L then Ai else Bi,down Ci,down
| tensorturn (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) :
  steps (Link.tensor Ai.2 Bi.2 Ci.2 Ai.1 Bi.1) if T = L then Bi else Ai,down if T = L then Ai else Bi,up
| tensorup (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) :
  steps (Link.tensor Ai.2 Bi.2 Ci.2 Ai.1 Bi.1) Ci,up if T = L then Bi else Ai,up
| pardown (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) :
  steps (Link.par Ai.2 Bi.2 Ci.2 Ai.1 Bi.1) if T = L then Ai else Bi,down Ci,down
| parturn (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) :
  steps (Link.par Ai.2 Bi.2 Ci.2 Ai.1 Bi.1) if T = L then Bi else Ai,down if T = L then Bi else Ai,up
| parup (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) :
  steps (Link.par Ai.2 Bi.2 Ci.2 Ai.1 Bi.1) Ci,up if T = L then Ai else Bi,up

def step_link (ps : proof_structure) (Ai : Form_occ) (d : dir) : Link :=
if d = up
then ps.conclusion Ai
else ps.premise Ai

theorem steps_unique_prev (ps : proof_structure) (S : switching) :  (Ai Bi Ci  ps.form_occs),  (d₁ d₂ d₃ : dir),
  steps (S (step_link ps Ai d₁)) (step_link ps Ai d₁) Ai,d₁ Bi,d₂ 
  steps (S (step_link ps Ai d₁)) (step_link ps Ai d₁) Ai,d₁ Ci,d₃ 
  Bi = Ci  d₂ = d₃ :=
  intros Ai Bi Ci hA hB hC d₁ d₂ d₃ s₁ s₂,
  cases (step_link ps Ai d₁),
  cases s₁,
  cases s₂,


Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 02:17):

This is being caused by the use of steps (Link.tensor Ai.2 Bi.2 Ci.2 Ai.1 Bi.1) et al in your steps inductive

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 02:17):

the easiest way to fix it is to case split Ai Bi Ci in your lemma first

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 02:19):

Oh the Ai.1 stuff?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 02:19):


Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 02:20):

Could you explain why Lean is complaining about that - what equality is not supported?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 02:20):

when you do two cases in a row like this, lean has to figure out which step combinations are impossible because of incompatible indices, and that means that when the indices are complicated functions you can get this unhelpful error

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 02:21):

indices meaning any argument to an inductive constructor?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 02:23):

here's a simpler example:

constant f :   
inductive foo :   Prop
| zero : foo 0
| foo (n) : foo (f n)

example (a) (h1 h2 : foo a) : false :=
  cases h1,
  cases h2,

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 02:24):

you get the same error without the zero constructor, that might be easier

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 02:25):

constant f :   
inductive foo :   Prop
| foo (n) : foo (f n)

example (a) (h1 h2 : foo a) : false :=
  cases h1 with n,
  cases h2 with m,
cases tactic failed, unsupported equality between type and constructor indices
(only equalities between constructors and/or variables are supported, try cases on the indices):
f n = f m

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 02:28):

the problem is that cases wants to prove that both cases apply, so a has to equal f n and also f m, so f n = f m, but rather than putting this equality in your context it assumes that the equality can be eliminated by using injectivity of constructors. That is often the case, for example if I do the same thing with 0 and +1:

inductive foo :   Prop
| zero : foo 0
| foo (n) : foo (n + 1)

example (a) (h1 h2 : foo a) : false :=
  cases h1 with n;
  cases h2 with m,
  -- two cases generated, and in the second case we only have one `n`,
  -- because `n + 1 = m + 1` was used to derive `n = m` and eliminate `m`

But in general the index can be an arbitrary function and in that case you get that error

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 02:31):

hmm, I'm a little confused by the constructor also being called foo - is that overloading?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 02:31):

Oh it doesn't really matter. They are in different namespaces, the constructor is called foo.foo

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 02:31):


Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 02:34):

A general way to avoid the issue and explicitly receive equality assumptions instead of letting cases try and fail to discharge them is to use generalize or generalize_hyp to replace the problematic subterms with fresh variables

  intros Ai Bi Ci hA hB hC d₁ d₂ d₃ s₁ s₂,
  cases (step_link ps Ai d₁),
  cases s₁,
  generalize_hyp eA1 : Ai.1 = Ai1 at s₂,
  generalize_hyp eA2 : Ai.2 = Ai2 at s₂,
  generalize_hyp eB2 : Bi.2 = Bi2 at s₂,
  cases s₂; try { cases eA1 }; try { cases eA2 }; try { cases eB2 },

The cases eA1 step tries to eliminate the equality the same way cases normally would, but since it's in a try block it will simply leave the equality in the context if it failed to eliminate it

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 02:34):

looking at the resulting subgoals, the only failure was eB2: Bi.snd = Ci.snd in the first subgoal

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 02:35):

which can't be eliminated by cases unless you pattern match Bi and Ci first

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 02:38):


Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 02:38):


Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 02:42):

It would be nice to not have to destruct the Ai's every time I want to prove something, but the need for Ai.1 traces back to the definition of a link. For example I can't just make it Link.tensor : Form_occ -> Form_occ -> Form_occ -> Link because I need the third Form_occ to have a formula which is the tensor of the first two.

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 02:43):

and if I do Link.tensor : Form_occ -> Form_occ -> Link then I'm missing the index that accompanies the tensored formula. Is there a better way to implement this?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 02:49):

Another way to avoid the need to generalize all the time is to bake additional variables into the inductive constructor:

| tensordown (A B C : Form) (ai bi ci : ) :
  steps (Link.tensor ai bi ci A B) if T = L then (A, ai) else (B, bi),down ⟨(C, ci),down

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 02:50):

I don't really understand the role of Form_occ here

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 02:50):

what does the nat mean?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 02:51):

Do you have a more mathematical presentation of this logic?

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 02:58):

This is Girard's proof nets. It's a graph of formula occurrences (the same formula can appear distinctly) connected by edges which are each part of a tensor, par, axiom or cut link. A link is really a subgraph containing 2-3 formulas and 1-2 edges. There are other definitions but here is what I'm trying to stay truest to https://williamtroiani.github.io/pdfs/Proof-nets.pdf

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 03:06):

Here's what the proof net "looks like"
You can ignore the blue lines (they are a path around the proof net I'm defining later), and the dotted lines indicate what switching is associated to the link. The links are implicit as subgraphs here, but I think that's hard to formalise, hence the definition "a proof structure is a set of formula occurrences and a set of links", where a link is explicitly the data of the associated formula occurences in the subgraph, and the actual edges of the intended graph are implicit in the definition

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 03:09):

I see, so this is more of a directed graph than an inductive proof object in the traditional sense

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 03:09):

and the Form_occs are nodes in the graph

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 03:09):


Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 03:11):

So what does steps correspond to in that document? It looks kind of like the "multiplicative proof structure" 1.0.9 but dir and T : switch look different

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 03:14):

Oh steps describes the flow of the path around a proof structure. In the example picture, if you start at "down on A", the next step must be "down on A ox B", since A is the premise of a tensor link and the switching of that tensor link is L.

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 03:15):

See 2.0.2

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 03:16):

Then a path is a list of formulas paired with ups and downs, such that each sequential pair satisfies steps

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 03:18):

I could define it as a function from the current "step" to the next - not sure what's better.

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 03:25):

hm, I don't have any much better suggestion than having steps like

| tensordown (A B C : Form) (ai bi ci : ) :
  steps (Link.tensor ai bi ci A B) if T = L then (A, ai) else (B, bi),down ⟨(C, ci),down

although you can also factor out the tensor steps like so, to keep the Form_occ encapsulated:

inductive steps_tensor (T : switch) (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) : Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| down : steps_tensor if T = L then Ai else Bi,down Ci,down
| turn : steps_tensor if T = L then Bi else Ai,down if T = L then Ai else Bi,up
| up : steps_tensor Ci,up if T = L then Bi else Ai,up

inductive steps (T : switch) : Link  Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| tensor (A B C : Form) (ai bi ci : ) (x y) :
  steps_tensor T (A, ai) (B, bi) (A  B, ci) x y  steps (Link.tensor ai bi ci A B) x y

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 03:29):

you can even factor out the switching like so:

inductive steps_tensor (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) : Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| down : steps_tensor Ai,down Ci,down
| turn : steps_tensor Bi,down Ai,up
| up : steps_tensor Ci,up Bi,up

| tensor_L (A B C : Form) (ai bi ci : ) (x y) :
  T = L  steps_tensor (A, ai) (B, bi) (A  B, ci) x y 
  steps (Link.tensor ai bi ci A B) x y
| tensor_R (A B C : Form) (ai bi ci : ) (x y) :
  T = R  steps_tensor (B, bi) (A, ai) (A  B, ci) x y 
  steps (Link.tensor ai bi ci A B) x y

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 03:31):

that last one is a bit more convenient if T is an index of the inductive type:

inductive steps : switch  Link  Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| tensor_L (A B C : Form) (ai bi ci : ) (x y) :
  steps_tensor (A, ai) (B, bi) (A  B, ci) x y 
  steps L (Link.tensor ai bi ci A B) x y
| tensor_R (A B C : Form) (ai bi ci : ) (x y) :
  steps_tensor (B, bi) (A, ai) (A  B, ci) x y 
  steps R (Link.tensor ai bi ci A B) x y

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 03:38):

Here's a full version with those refactorings. I renamed steps_tensor to routing because steps_par is the same thing

inductive routing (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) : Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| down : routing Ai,down Ci,down
| turn : routing Bi,down Ai,up
| up : routing Ci,up Bi,up

def switch.flip {α β} (f : α  α  β) : switch  α  α  β
| L a b := f a b
| R a b := f b a

inductive steps (T : switch) : Link  Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| ax (Ai Bi : Form_occ) : steps (Link.ax Ai.2 Bi.2 Ai.1) Ai, up Bi, down
| cut (Ai Bi : Form_occ) : steps (Link.cut Ai.2 Bi.2 Ai.1) Ai, down Bi, up
| tensor (A B C : Form) (ai bi ci : ) (x y) :
  T.flip routing (A, ai) (B, bi) (A  B, ci) x y 
  steps (Link.tensor ai bi ci A B) x y
| par (A B C : Form) (ai bi ci : ) (x y) :
  T.flip routing (A, ai) (B, bi) (A  B, ci) x y 
  steps (Link.par ai bi ci A B) x y

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 03:39):

ooh I like that

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 03:39):

steps_par is different to steps_tensor in the up and turn cases

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 03:40):

oh, like this:

inductive steps_tensor (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) : Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| down : steps_tensor Ai,down Ci,down
| turn : steps_tensor Bi,down Ai,up
| up : steps_tensor Ci,up Bi,up

inductive steps_par (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) : Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| down : steps_par Ai,down Ci,down
| turn : steps_par Bi,down Bi,up
| up : steps_par Ci,up Ai,up

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 03:41):

I think you can still use switch.flip to get the L and R versions though

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 03:43):

are you saying steps_par could be defined using steps_tensor and switch.flip?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 03:44):

no, I only mean that steps_par in the L and R case is correctly constructed by conditionally flipping the Ai and Bi inputs

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 03:44):

ah yep

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 03:45):

Cheers, I really like this refactoring!

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 03:45):

I didn't touch the ax and cut constructors, you probably want to use separate Form and nat parameters there

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 03:45):

It seems like this will help break up the proof into a few shorter ones

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 03:46):

yeah that's the real power of this technique

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 03:46):

yep, I'll see how it goes.

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 03:48):

it doesn't like the switch.flip definition

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 03:49):

says delete the second equation

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 03:49):

@[pattern] def L := ff
@[pattern] def R := tt

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 03:51):

What is pattern (or where do I read about it in the docs)?

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 04:07):

How do I make this notation appear in the goal window?

def dir := bool

@[pattern] def down := ff
@[pattern] def up := tt

notation Ai`↓` := ((Ai,down) : Form_occ × dir)
notation Ai`↑` := ((Ai,up) : Form_occ × dir)

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 04:17):

@[pattern] lets the equation compiler unfold a definition when compiling a pattern match

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 04:17):

What was it doing before to accept this as a definition?

def switch.flip {α β} (f : α  α  β) : switch  α  α  β
| L a b := f a b

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 04:17):

it thinks L is a variable

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 04:22):

def with_down (Ai : Form_occ) := (Ai,down)
def with_up (Ai : Form_occ) := (Ai,up)
postfix `↓`:max_plus := with_down
postfix `↑`:max_plus := with_up

inductive steps_tensor (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) : Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| down : steps_tensor Ai Ci
| turn : steps_tensor Bi Ai
| up : steps_tensor Ci Bi

#print steps_tensor.down
-- constructor steps_tensor.down : ∀ {Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ}, steps_tensor Ai Bi Ci Ai↓ Ci↓

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 04:24):

you can also mark with_down and with_up as @[pattern]:

@[pattern] def with_down (Ai : Form_occ) := (Ai,down)
@[pattern] def with_up (Ai : Form_occ) := (Ai,up)
postfix `↓`:max_plus := with_down
postfix `↑`:max_plus := with_up

example : Form_occ × dir  true
| A := trivial
| A := trivial

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 04:25):


Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 05:19):

How do i do cases on s1 with ... when the constructor arguments vary?

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 05:21):

like doing cases on steps T Δ X Z with this definition

inductive steps (T : switch) : Link  Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| ax  (A : Form) (ai ni : ) (Bi Ci) : dual A ai ni Bi Ci  steps (Link.ax ai ni A) Bi Ci
| cut (A : Form) (ai ni : ) (Bi Ci) : dual A ai ni Bi Ci  steps (Link.cut ai ni A) Bi Ci
| con (A : Form) (ai : )            : steps (Link.con ai A) (A, ai) (A,ai)
| tensor (A B : Form) (ai bi ci : ) (x y) :
  T.flip steps_tensor (A, ai) (B, bi) (A  B, ci) x y 
  steps (Link.tensor ai bi ci A B) x y
| par (A B : Form) (ai bi ci : ) (x y) :
  T.flip steps_par (A, ai) (B, bi) (A  B, ci) x y 
  steps (Link.par ai bi ci A B) x y

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 05:36):

I don't follow. Do you have a mwe? cases s1 with ... should work

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 05:51):

I mean the naming of the variables, since the different constructors have different arguments.
Okay so when I asked the question I thought that lean's behaviour was to use the same "with"-variables for each constructor, but trying it out it actually lets you name them all in sequence? So I guess my aim is to improve on this (which does what I want, but... wtf).

theorem steps_unique_prev (T : switch) (Δ : Link) (X Y Z) : steps T Δ X Z  steps T Δ Y Z  X = Y :=
  intros s₁ s₂,
  cases s₁ with A ai ni Bi Ci dBC A ai ni Bi Ci dBC A ai A B ai bi ci x y t₁ A B ai bi ci x y p₁,

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 05:51):


import tactic

inductive Form : Type
| atom :   Form
| tensor : Form  Form  Form
| par : Form  Form  Form
| neg : Form  Form

infix `  `:70 := Form.tensor
infix `  `:65 := Form.par
prefix `~` := Form.neg

inductive Link : Type
| ax :     Form  Link
| cut :     Form  Link
| tensor :       Form  Form  Link
| par :       Form  Form  Link
| con :   Form  Link

def Form_occ := Form × 

def is_premise (Ai : Form_occ) : Link  Prop
| (Link.ax n m B) := false
| (Link.cut n m B) := (Ai = B,n⟩)  (Ai = ~B,m⟩)
| (Link.tensor n m k A B) := (Ai = A,n⟩)  (Ai = B,m⟩)
| (Link.par n m k A B) := (Ai = A,n⟩)  (Ai = B,m⟩)
| (Link.con n A) := Ai = A,n

def is_conclusion (Ai : Form_occ) : Link  Prop
| (Link.ax n m B) := (Ai = B,n⟩)  (Ai = ~B,m⟩)
| (Link.cut n m B) := false
| (Link.tensor n m k A B) := Ai = A  B,k
| (Link.par n m k A B) := Ai = A  B,k
| (Link.con n A) := false

structure proof_structure : Type :=
(links : set Link)
(form_occs : set Form_occ)
(link_prem :  l  links,  Ai : Form_occ, is_premise Ai l  Ai  form_occs)
(link_con :  l  links,  Ai : Form_occ, is_conclusion Ai l  Ai  form_occs)
(premise : Form_occ  Link)
(prem_unique :  Ai  form_occs,  l  links, is_premise Ai l  premise Ai = l)
(prem_range :  Ai  form_occs, premise Ai  links  is_premise Ai (premise Ai))
(conclusion : Form_occ  Link)
(con_unique :  Ai  form_occs,  l  links, is_conclusion Ai l  conclusion Ai = l)
(con_range :  Ai  form_occs, conclusion Ai  links  is_conclusion Ai (conclusion Ai))

def dir := bool

@[pattern] def down := ff
@[pattern] def up := tt

@[pattern] def with_down (Ai : Form_occ) := (Ai,down)
@[pattern] def with_up (Ai : Form_occ) := (Ai,up)
postfix `↓`:max_plus := with_down
postfix `↑`:max_plus := with_up

def switch := bool

@[pattern] def L := ff
@[pattern] def R := tt

def switching := Link  switch

def switch.flip {α β} (f : α  α  β) : switch  α  α  β
| L a b := f a b
| R a b := f b a

inductive steps_tensor (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) : Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| down : steps_tensor Ai Ci
| turn : steps_tensor Bi Ai
| up : steps_tensor Ci Bi

inductive steps_par (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) : Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| down : steps_par Ai Ci
| turn : steps_par Bi Bi
| up : steps_par Ci Ai

inductive dual (A : Form) (ai ni : ) : Form_occ  Form_occ  Prop
| posneg : dual (A,ai) (~A,ni)
| negpos : dual (~A,ni) (A,ai)

inductive steps (T : switch) : Link  Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| ax  (A : Form) (ai ni : ) (Bi Ci) : dual A ai ni Bi Ci  steps (Link.ax ai ni A) Bi Ci
| cut (A : Form) (ai ni : ) (Bi Ci) : dual A ai ni Bi Ci  steps (Link.cut ai ni A) Bi Ci
| con (A : Form) (ai : )            : steps (Link.con ai A) (A, ai) (A,ai)
| tensor (A B : Form) (ai bi ci : ) (x y) :
  T.flip steps_tensor (A, ai) (B, bi) (A  B, ci) x y 
  steps (Link.tensor ai bi ci A B) x y
| par (A B : Form) (ai bi ci : ) (x y) :
  T.flip steps_par (A, ai) (B, bi) (A  B, ci) x y 
  steps (Link.par ai bi ci A B) x y

theorem steps_unique_prev (T : switch) (Δ : Link) (X Y Z) : steps T Δ X Z  steps T Δ Y Z  X = Y :=
  intros s₁ s₂,
  cases s₁ with A ai ni Bi Ci dBC A ai ni Bi Ci dBC A ai A B ai bi ci x y t₁ A B ai bi ci x y p₁,

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 05:53):

Okay it's been a while since I wrote lean and I just remembered the case syntax.

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 06:02):

I'm running into this error

cases tactic failed, when eliminating equality left-hand-side depends on right-hand-side
T : switch,
A : Form,
ai ni : ,
dBC : dual A ai ni (A, ai) (~A, ni),
s₁ : steps T (Link.ax ai ni A) ((A, ai), up) ((~A, ni), down),
s₂ : steps T (Link.ax ai ni A) ((~A, ni), up) ((~A, ni), down),
d₂ : dual A ai ni (~A, ni) (~A, ni)
 (~A) = A  ni = ai  d₂ == dual.negpos  (A, ai) = (~A, ni)

here's my proof so far (compatible with mwe above)

theorem steps_unique_prev (T : switch) (Δ : Link) (X Y Z) : steps T Δ X Z  steps T Δ Y Z  X = Y :=
  intros s₁ s₂,
  cases s₁,
  case steps.ax : A ai ni Bi Ci dBC { cases dBC, cases s₂ with _ _ _ Di _ d₂, congr, cases d₂, },

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 06:25):

I completely agree with the error, i.e. that it shouldn't be able to solve (~A) = A, but then shouldn't it throw out the negpos case as a possible constructor for d₂: dual A ai ni Di (~A, ni)?

inductive dual (A : Form) (ai ni : ) : Form_occ  Form_occ  Prop
| posneg : dual (A,ai) (~A,ni)
| negpos : dual (~A,ni) (A,ai)

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 06:43):

You can also use rcases instead of cases followed by case; it allows you to write all the variables at the top but grouped by constructor like rcases s1 with <A, ai, ni, Bi, Ci, dBC> | <A, ai, ni, Bi, Ci, dBC> | ...

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 06:43):

probably for an inductive as big as this case is preferable

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 06:56):

theorem dual_unique_prev {A ai ni Bi Ci Di}
  (d₁ : dual A ai ni Bi Ci) (d₂ : dual A ai ni Di Ci) : Bi = Di :=
  generalize_hyp e : Ci = Ci' at d₂,
  have : A  ~A,
  { intro e,
    apply_fun Form.sizeof at e,
    refine ne_of_lt _ e,
    rw [Form.sizeof, nat.add_comm], exact nat.lt_succ_self _ },
  cases d₁; cases d₂; injection e with e1 e2; cases e2;
  try { cases e1 }; [refl, cases this e1.symm, cases this e1, refl]

theorem steps_unique_prev (T : switch) (Δ : Link) (X Y Z) : steps T Δ X Z  steps T Δ Y Z  X = Y :=
  intros s₁ s₂,
  cases s₁,
  case steps.ax : A ai ni Bi Ci dBC {
    cases s₂ with _ _ _ Di _ d₂,
    rw dual_unique_prev dBC d₂ },

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 07:01):

wild - I would have expected ~A /= A to be as simple as nat.succ x /= x - or does that also require a proof like that?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:01):

Billy Price said:

I completely agree with the error, i.e. that it shouldn't be able to solve (~A) = A, but then shouldn't it throw out the negpos case as a possible constructor for d₂: dual A ai ni Di (~A, ni)?

inductive dual (A : Form) (ai ni : ) : Form_occ  Form_occ  Prop
| posneg : dual (A,ai) (~A,ni)
| negpos : dual (~A,ni) (A,ai)

The problem isn't that it can't solve (~A) = A, but it can't solve or refute it. It is possible to refute with a proof (the have in my proof), but this proof isn't obvious to lean

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:01):

The proof of ~A != A is being reduced to the proof that nat.succ x != x here

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:02):

I'm taking advantage of the fact that there is already a function Form.sizeof : Form -> nat such that sizeof (~A) = sizeof A + 1

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:02):

this function is defined automatically and used as a component in the equation compiler

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 07:03):

oh right - but how is n /= n+1 proved?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:03):

by induction

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:03):

you can also prove this form theorem by induction

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 07:04):

is this not "easy" to do for any inductive type? I thought it was essentially a theorem about injectivity of inductively defined things

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:05):

theorem ne_neg_self :  A : Form, A  ~A
| (Form.neg A) e := ne_neg_self _ (Form.neg.inj e)

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:05):

it's not an "easy" theorem in that sense, because A shows up on both sides

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:06):

it's not injectivity of the constructor, for example

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:07):

This generalizes to theorems saying that A != ~~(A ⅋ B) ⊗ C for example, and the general proof approach uses sizeof to prove that the size of A has to be less than itself

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 07:10):

It just seems like they could all be bowled over by some theorem saying that if f(A) = g(A) where f and g are combinations of constructors then f = g at some level between syntax and semantics.

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 07:11):

If not a theorem then at least a tactic that does what you did

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 07:11):

Not complaining I'm just surprised lean doesn't take care of it

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:11):

That's injectivity, and there are tactics for that (cases and injection)

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 07:13):

It seems clear that that should extend to the case where f is the "identity pattern"

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:13):

Actually maybe I don't know what you mean

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:13):

what is f?

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 07:14):

Wait isn't injectivity f(A) = f(B) => A = B? not what I wrote

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:14):

A tactic could do what I did, yes. It doesn't exist and it's a little hard to detect the case of interest

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 07:14):

f is like any pattern of constructors

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:14):

I think this is false

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:15):

like A ⊗ B = B ⊗ A does not imply (\lam x, x ⊗ B) = (\lam x, B ⊗ x)

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 07:16):

oh of course, I've gone wrong somewhere

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:16):

the actual theorem I'm using is that a term cannot be a strict subterm of itself

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:17):

and the proof is to map terms to sizes (natural numbers or other well ordered type) such that strict subterm implies strict inequality

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:18):

but there is no general definition of "strict subterm" in lean

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:18):

that would presumably be part of the aforementioned tactic

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 07:18):

ah okay, why not? is it something to do with different expressions being the same term or something?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:19):

the definition has to be created on the fly for every inductive

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:19):

and this particular definition is only useful if you want this acyclicity tactic; it doesn't come up in the equation compiler so no one bothered

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 07:21):

I mean it seems clear to me that something like this could come up fairly often with cases

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 07:22):

But I appreciate what I've got to work with. Lean is great. Thanks Mario :pray:

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:22):

I think this particular goal came up because of the way dual is defined

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 07:24):

sure, but is it that an odd usage?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:24):

By the way, in the notes, ~ is not an inductive constructor, it is an involution on Form

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 07:26):

so this lemma about A = ~A is not necessary because the two constructors of dual are the same

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 07:38):

Oh yeah, I'm not following the notes in that sense because I thought it would be too complicated. My Form is the PreForm from the notes.

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 07:40):

Though it would be more desirable to prove these things for the real formulas, not just Preforms.

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 07:41):

If I were to do that, would it be more sensible to introduce an equivalence relation on my inductive definition of Form? Or would I make a class/structure over some abstract type with negation, tensor and par operations satisfying ~~A = A, and the de morgan laws?

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 07:52):

How is this possible?

rewrite tactic failed, did not find instance of the pattern in the target expression
  switch.flip ?m_3 L ?m_4 ?m_5
case bool.ff
X Y y : Form_occ × dir,
A B : Form,
ai bi ci : ,
s₁ : steps ff (Link.tensor ai bi ci A B) X y,
t₁ : switch.flip steps_tensor ff (A, ai) (B, bi) (A  B, ci) X y,
t₂ : switch.flip steps_tensor ff (A, ai) (B, bi) (A  B, ci) Y y
 X = Y

here's where I'm at - I originally tried to do simp but it wouldn't recognise it so I added flip_L and flip_R

import tactic

inductive Form : Type
| atom :   Form
| tensor : Form  Form  Form
| par : Form  Form  Form
| neg : Form  Form

infix `  `:70 := Form.tensor
infix `  `:65 := Form.par
prefix `~` := Form.neg

inductive Link : Type
| ax :     Form  Link
| cut :     Form  Link
| tensor :       Form  Form  Link
| par :       Form  Form  Link
| con :   Form  Link

def Form_occ := Form × 

def is_premise (Ai : Form_occ) : Link  Prop
| (Link.ax n m B) := false
| (Link.cut n m B) := (Ai = B,n⟩)  (Ai = ~B,m⟩)
| (Link.tensor n m k A B) := (Ai = A,n⟩)  (Ai = B,m⟩)
| (Link.par n m k A B) := (Ai = A,n⟩)  (Ai = B,m⟩)
| (Link.con n A) := Ai = A,n

def is_conclusion (Ai : Form_occ) : Link  Prop
| (Link.ax n m B) := (Ai = B,n⟩)  (Ai = ~B,m⟩)
| (Link.cut n m B) := false
| (Link.tensor n m k A B) := Ai = A  B,k
| (Link.par n m k A B) := Ai = A  B,k
| (Link.con n A) := false

structure proof_structure : Type :=
(links : set Link)
(form_occs : set Form_occ)
(link_prem :  l  links,  Ai : Form_occ, is_premise Ai l  Ai  form_occs)
(link_con :  l  links,  Ai : Form_occ, is_conclusion Ai l  Ai  form_occs)
(premise : Form_occ  Link)
(prem_unique :  Ai  form_occs,  l  links, is_premise Ai l  premise Ai = l)
(prem_range :  Ai  form_occs, premise Ai  links  is_premise Ai (premise Ai))
(conclusion : Form_occ  Link)
(con_unique :  Ai  form_occs,  l  links, is_conclusion Ai l  conclusion Ai = l)
(con_range :  Ai  form_occs, conclusion Ai  links  is_conclusion Ai (conclusion Ai))

def dir := bool

@[pattern] def down := ff
@[pattern] def up := tt

@[pattern] def with_down (Ai : Form_occ) := (Ai,down)
@[pattern] def with_up (Ai : Form_occ) := (Ai,up)
postfix `↓`:max_plus := with_down
postfix `↑`:max_plus := with_up

def switch := bool

@[pattern] def L := ff
@[pattern] def R := tt

def switching := Link  switch

def switch.flip {α β} (f : α  α  β) : switch  α  α  β
| L a b := f a b
| R a b := f b a

@[simp] lemma flip_L {α β} {f : α  α  β} {a b} : switch.flip f L a b = f a b := rfl
@[simp] lemma flip_R {α β} {f : α  α  β} {a b} : switch.flip f R a b = f b a := rfl

inductive steps_tensor (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) : Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| down : steps_tensor Ai Ci
| turn : steps_tensor Bi Ai
| up : steps_tensor Ci Bi

inductive steps_par (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) : Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| down : steps_par Ai Ci
| turn : steps_par Bi Bi
| up : steps_par Ci Ai

inductive dual (A : Form) (ai ni : ) : Form_occ  Form_occ  Prop
| posneg : dual (A,ai) (~A,ni)
| negpos : dual (~A,ni) (A,ai)

inductive steps (T : switch) : Link  Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| ax  (A : Form) (ai ni : ) (Bi Ci) : dual A ai ni Bi Ci  steps (Link.ax ai ni A) Bi Ci
| cut (A : Form) (ai ni : ) (Bi Ci) : dual A ai ni Bi Ci  steps (Link.cut ai ni A) Bi Ci
| con (A : Form) (ai : )            : steps (Link.con ai A) (A, ai) (A,ai)
| tensor (A B : Form) (ai bi ci : ) (x y) :
  T.flip steps_tensor (A, ai) (B, bi) (A  B, ci) x y 
  steps (Link.tensor ai bi ci A B) x y
| par (A B : Form) (ai bi ci : ) (x y) :
  T.flip steps_par (A, ai) (B, bi) (A  B, ci) x y 
  steps (Link.par ai bi ci A B) x y

theorem dual_unique_prev {A ai ni Bi Ci Di}
  (d₁ : dual A ai ni Bi Ci) (d₂ : dual A ai ni Di Ci) : Bi = Di :=
  generalize_hyp e : Ci = Ci' at d₂,
  have : A  ~A,
  { intro e,
    apply_fun Form.sizeof at e,
    refine ne_of_lt _ e,
    rw [Form.sizeof, nat.add_comm], exact nat.lt_succ_self _ },
  cases d₁; cases d₂; injection e with e1 e2; cases e2;
  try { cases e1 }; [refl, cases this e1.symm, cases this e1, refl]

theorem steps_tensor_unique_prev (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) (X Y Z) : Ai  Bi  Bi  Ci  Ai  Ci  steps_tensor Ai Bi Ci X Z  steps_tensor Ai Bi Ci Y Z  X = Y :=
  intros _ _ _ s₁ s₂,
  cases s₁; cases s₂; try {refl}; try {contradiction},

theorem steps_tensor_unique_next (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) (X Y Z) : Ai  Bi  Bi  Ci  Ai  Ci  steps_tensor Ai Bi Ci X Y  steps_tensor Ai Bi Ci X Z  Y = Z :=
  intros _ _ _ s₁ s₂,
  cases s₁; cases s₂; try {refl}; try {contradiction},

theorem steps_par_unique_prev (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) (X Y Z) : Ai  Bi  Bi  Ci  Ai  Ci  steps_par Ai Bi Ci X Z  steps_par Ai Bi Ci Y Z  X = Y :=
  intros _ _ _ s₁ s₂,
  cases s₁; cases s₂; try {refl}; try {contradiction},

theorem steps_par_unique_next (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) (X Y Z) : Ai  Bi  Bi  Ci  Ai  Ci  steps_par Ai Bi Ci X Y  steps_par Ai Bi Ci X Z  Y = Z :=
  intros _ _ _ s₁ s₂,
  cases s₁; cases s₂; try {refl}; try {contradiction},

theorem steps_unique_prev (T : switch) (Δ : Link) (X Y Z) : steps T Δ X Z  steps T Δ Y Z  X = Y :=
  intros s₁ s₂,
  cases s₁,
  case steps.ax : A ai ni Bi Ci d₁ {
    cases s₂ with _ _ _ Di _ d₂,
    rw dual_unique_prev d₁ d₂ },
  case steps.cut : A ai ni Bi Ci d₁ {
    rcases s₂ with _ | _,_,_,Di,_,d₂⟩,
    rw dual_unique_prev d₂ d₁
  case steps.con : A ai { cases s₂, refl },
  case steps.tensor : A B ai bi ci X y t₁ {
    rcases s₂ with _ | _ | _ | _,_,_,_,_,_,_,t₂⟩,
    cases T, rw flip_L,

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 08:31):

well, as you can see from the goal state, t₁ : switch.flip steps_tensor ff (A, ai) (B, bi) (A ⊗ B, ci) X y, does not have L in the second argument. cases has a bad habit of reducing all indices to weak head normal form, which is why it shows up as ff instead of L. Marking L as reducible should help

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 08:52):

Yeah I already tried removing all the L's and it's still the same problem

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 08:54):

Also adding the reducible attribute also does nothign

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 08:55):

import tactic

inductive Form : Type
| atom :   Form
| tensor : Form  Form  Form
| par : Form  Form  Form
| neg : Form  Form

infix `  `:70 := Form.tensor
infix `  `:65 := Form.par
prefix `~` := Form.neg

inductive Link : Type
| ax :     Form  Link
| cut :     Form  Link
| tensor :       Form  Form  Link
| par :       Form  Form  Link
| con :   Form  Link

inductive valid_link : Link  Prop
| ax  (i j A) : valid_link (Link.ax i j A)
| cut (i j A) : valid_link (Link.cut i j A)
| tensor (i j k A B) : (A,i)  (B,j)  valid_link (Link.tensor i j k A B)
| par (i j k A B) : (A,i)  (B,j)  valid_link (Link.par i j k A B)
| con (i A) : valid_link (Link.con i A)

def Form_occ := Form × 

def is_premise (Ai : Form_occ) : Link  Prop
| (Link.ax n m B) := false
| (Link.cut n m B) := (Ai = B,n⟩)  (Ai = ~B,m⟩)
| (Link.tensor n m k A B) := (Ai = A,n⟩)  (Ai = B,m⟩)
| (Link.par n m k A B) := (Ai = A,n⟩)  (Ai = B,m⟩)
| (Link.con n A) := Ai = A,n

def is_conclusion (Ai : Form_occ) : Link  Prop
| (Link.ax n m B) := (Ai = B,n⟩)  (Ai = ~B,m⟩)
| (Link.cut n m B) := false
| (Link.tensor n m k A B) := Ai = A  B,k
| (Link.par n m k A B) := Ai = A  B,k
| (Link.con n A) := false

structure proof_structure : Type :=
(links : set Link)
(form_occs : set Form_occ)
(link_prem :  l  links,  Ai : Form_occ, is_premise Ai l  Ai  form_occs)
(link_con :  l  links,  Ai : Form_occ, is_conclusion Ai l  Ai  form_occs)
(premise : Form_occ  Link)
(prem_unique :  Ai  form_occs,  l  links, is_premise Ai l  premise Ai = l)
(prem_range :  Ai  form_occs, premise Ai  links  is_premise Ai (premise Ai))
(conclusion : Form_occ  Link)
(con_unique :  Ai  form_occs,  l  links, is_conclusion Ai l  conclusion Ai = l)
(con_range :  Ai  form_occs, conclusion Ai  links  is_conclusion Ai (conclusion Ai))

def dir := bool

@[pattern] def down := ff
@[pattern] def up := tt

@[pattern] def with_down (Ai : Form_occ) := (Ai,down)
@[pattern] def with_up (Ai : Form_occ) := (Ai,up)
postfix `↓`:max_plus := with_down
postfix `↑`:max_plus := with_up

def switch := bool

@[reducible, pattern] def L := ff
@[reducible, pattern] def R := tt

def switching := Link  switch

def switch.flip {α β} (f : α  α  β) : switch  α  α  β
| L a b := f a b
| R a b := f b a

@[simp] lemma flip_L {α β} {f : α  α  β} {a b} : switch.flip f L a b = f a b := rfl
@[simp] lemma flip_R {α β} {f : α  α  β} {a b} : switch.flip f R a b = f b a := rfl

inductive steps_tensor (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) : Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| down : steps_tensor Ai Ci
| turn : steps_tensor Bi Ai
| up : steps_tensor Ci Bi

inductive steps_par (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) : Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| down : steps_par Ai Ci
| turn : steps_par Bi Bi
| up : steps_par Ci Ai

inductive dual (A : Form) (ai ni : ) : Form_occ  Form_occ  Prop
| posneg : dual (A,ai) (~A,ni)
| negpos : dual (~A,ni) (A,ai)

inductive steps (T : switch) : Link  Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| ax  (A : Form) (ai ni : ) (Bi Ci) : dual A ai ni Bi Ci  steps (Link.ax ai ni A) Bi Ci
| cut (A : Form) (ai ni : ) (Bi Ci) : dual A ai ni Bi Ci  steps (Link.cut ai ni A) Bi Ci
| con (A : Form) (ai : )            : steps (Link.con ai A) (A, ai) (A,ai)
| tensor (A B : Form) (ai bi ci : ) (x y) :
  T.flip steps_tensor (A, ai) (B, bi) (A  B, ci) x y 
  steps (Link.tensor ai bi ci A B) x y
| par (A B : Form) (ai bi ci : ) (x y) :
  T.flip steps_par (A, ai) (B, bi) (A  B, ci) x y 
  steps (Link.par ai bi ci A B) x y

theorem dual_unique_prev {A ai ni Bi Ci Di}
  (d₁ : dual A ai ni Bi Ci) (d₂ : dual A ai ni Di Ci) : Bi = Di :=
  generalize_hyp e : Ci = Ci' at d₂,
  have : A  ~A,
  { intro e,
    apply_fun Form.sizeof at e,
    refine ne_of_lt _ e,
    rw [Form.sizeof, nat.add_comm], exact nat.lt_succ_self _ },
  cases d₁; cases d₂; injection e with e1 e2; cases e2;
  try { cases e1 }; [refl, cases this e1.symm, cases this e1, refl]

theorem steps_tensor_unique_prev (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) (X Y Z) : Ai  Bi  Bi  Ci  Ai  Ci  steps_tensor Ai Bi Ci X Z  steps_tensor Ai Bi Ci Y Z  X = Y :=
  intros _ _ _ s₁ s₂,
  cases s₁; cases s₂; try {refl}; try {contradiction},

theorem steps_tensor_unique_next (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) (X Y Z) : Ai  Bi  Bi  Ci  Ai  Ci  steps_tensor Ai Bi Ci X Y  steps_tensor Ai Bi Ci X Z  Y = Z :=
  intros _ _ _ s₁ s₂,
  cases s₁; cases s₂; try {refl}; try {contradiction},

theorem steps_par_unique_prev (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) (X Y Z) : Ai  Bi  Bi  Ci  Ai  Ci  steps_par Ai Bi Ci X Z  steps_par Ai Bi Ci Y Z  X = Y :=
  intros _ _ _ s₁ s₂,
  cases s₁; cases s₂; try {refl}; try {contradiction},

theorem steps_par_unique_next (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) (X Y Z) : Ai  Bi  Bi  Ci  Ai  Ci  steps_par Ai Bi Ci X Y  steps_par Ai Bi Ci X Z  Y = Z :=
  intros _ _ _ s₁ s₂,
  cases s₁; cases s₂; try {refl}; try {contradiction},

theorem steps_unique_prev (T : switch) (Δ : Link) (hΔ : valid_link Δ) (X Y Z) : steps T Δ X Z  steps T Δ Y Z  X = Y :=
  intros s₁ s₂,
  cases s₁,
  case steps.ax : A ai ni Bi Ci d₁ {
    cases s₂ with _ _ _ Di _ d₂,
    rw dual_unique_prev d₁ d₂ },
  case steps.cut : A ai ni Bi Ci d₁ {
    rcases s₂ with _ | _,_,_,Di,_,d₂⟩,
    rw dual_unique_prev d₂ d₁
  case steps.con : A ai { cases s₂, refl },
  case steps.tensor : A B ai bi ci X y t₁ {
    rcases s₂ with _ | _ | _ | _,_,_,_,_,_,_,t₂⟩,
    cases T, apply steps_tensor_unique_prev _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t₁ t₂,
    cases hΔ, finish, rw flip_L,


Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 09:14):

oh, you have to rw flip_L at t₁ t₂

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 09:22):

Shouldn't I be able to just simp?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 09:29):

it still has to be at t₁ t₂

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 09:30):

otherwise it will only simplify the goal, which does not mention flip

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 09:30):

you can also at * but this is usually not a good idea

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 09:30):

ah okay cheers

Billy Price (Jun 15 2021 at 09:31):

How can I prove the example here using the lemma, since I can't use cases on the e?

import tactic

inductive Form : Type
| atom :   Form
| tensor : Form  Form  Form
| par : Form  Form  Form
| neg : Form  Form

infix `  `:70 := Form.tensor
infix `  `:65 := Form.par
prefix `~` := Form.neg

lemma not_self_sub_left_tensor {A B} : A  A  B :=
  intro e,
  apply_fun Form.sizeof at e,
  refine ne_of_lt _ e,
  rw [Form.sizeof, nat.add_comm],
  apply nat.lt_of_succ_le,
  rw nat.add_comm, rw nat.add_comm 1,
  apply nat.le_add_right,

example {A B} {n m : } : (A,n)  (A  B, m) :=
  intro e,

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 09:31):

use injection

Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2021 at 09:32):

injection e with e1, apply not_self_sub_left_tensor e1

Billy Price (Jun 22 2021 at 12:25):

I have some candidate definitions for a trip around a proof net, and I'd like to understand how the choices involved would affect the usability. The first definition I wrote was what is now called list_trip, but the downside was it doesn't explicate where the trip ends. That's important for my later definitions, because I will be constantly talking about partial trips that start with Ai↓ and end with Ai↑, and I also want to define cyclic trips, which start and end with the same thing. Those motivations inspired trip1 and trip2. trip1 seems to me like I'm defining my own list type with extra constraints, and trip2 is the same but I get to add to either end.

So what considerations should I take into account when choosing a definition here?

inductive trip1 (ps : proof_structure) (S : switching) : Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| single (Ai : Form_occ) (d : dir) : Ai  ps  trip1 (Ai,d) (Ai,d)
| cons (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) (d₁ d₂ d₃ : dir) (Δ : Link) :
  Δ  ps.links  steps (S Δ) Δ (Ai,d₁) (Bi,d₂)  trip1 (Bi,d₂) (Ci, d₃)  trip1 (Ai,d₁) (Ci,d₃)

inductive trip2 (ps : proof_structure) (S : switching) : Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| single (Ai : Form_occ) (d : dir) : Ai  ps  trip2 (Ai,d) (Ai,d)
| front (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) (d₁ d₂ d₃ : dir) (Δ : Link) :
  Δ  ps.links  steps (S Δ) Δ (Ai,d₁) (Bi,d₂)  trip2 (Bi,d₂) (Ci, d₃)  trip2 (Ai,d₁) (Ci,d₃)
| back (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) (d₁ d₂ d₃ : dir) (Δ : Link) :
  Δ  ps.links  steps (S Δ) Δ (Bi,d₂) (Ci,d₃)  trip2 (Ai,d₁) (Bi, d₂)  trip2 (Ai,d₁) (Ci,d₃)

inductive list_trip (ps : proof_structure) (S : switching) : list (Form_occ × dir)  Prop
| emp : list_trip []
| single (Ai : Form_occ) (d : dir) : Ai  ps  list_trip [(Ai,d)]
| cons (Ai Bi : Form_occ) (d₁ d₂ : dir) (Γ : list (Form_occ × dir)) (Δ : Link) :
  Δ  ps.links  steps (S Δ) Δ (Ai,d₁) (Bi,d₂)  list_trip ((Bi,d₂) :: Γ)  list_trip ((Ai,d₁) :: (Bi,d₂) :: Γ)

Billy Price (Jun 23 2021 at 14:09):

I've pushed ahead with the trip1 definition but I also added a trip length (nat) parameter. Is that a bad idea?

inductive trip (ps : proof_structure) (S : switching) :   Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| single {Ai d}    : Ai  ps  trip 0 (Ai,d) (Ai,d)
| cons {X Y Z Δ n} : Δ  ps.links  steps (S Δ) Δ X Y  trip n Y Z  trip (n.succ) X Z

I went on to define trip.rcons as dual to trip.cons, where I can extend a trip on the other end with def trip.rcons {Δ} : Δ ∈ ps.links → trip ps S n X Y → steps (S Δ) Δ Y Z → trip ps S n.succ X Z.

Having trip.cons as a constructor for trip was very useful to prove this theorem
trip ps S n X Z → trip ps S n Y Z → X = Y
I did it by induction on n and then I broke down the two trips with into their trip.cons constructions.

I'm now trying to prove this theorem trip_unique_stop : trip ps S n X Y → trip ps S n X Z → Y = Z, for which I'd like to do the same thing (induction on n), but then in the nat.succ case I need to break down the two trips not into their trip.cons components, but into their canonical trip.rcons components.

I tried to generalise this into a lemma trip_rcons_decompose {α : Prop} (f : Π Δ Y, Δ ∈ ps.links → trip ps S n X Y → steps (S Δ) Δ Y Z → α) : trip ps S n.succ X Z → α, but I've essentially moved the problem. What can I do?

Billy Price (Jun 23 2021 at 14:12):

hmm, seems my mwe is too big for one message. Here's the file. Lemme know if I should provide it another way. mll.lean

Billy Price (Jun 23 2021 at 14:18):

Okay I went ahead and made a better mwe with sorry's, enjoy :)

import tactic

inductive Form : Type
| atom :   Form
| tensor : Form  Form  Form
| par : Form  Form  Form
| neg : Form  Form

infix `  `:70 := Form.tensor
infix `  `:65 := Form.par
prefix `~` := Form.neg

inductive Link : Type
| ax :     Form  Link
| cut :     Form  Link
| tensor :       Form  Form  Link
| par :       Form  Form  Link
| con :   Form  Link

def Form_occ := Form × 

inductive premise : Form_occ  Link  Prop
| cut_pos {A i j}          : premise (A,i) (Link.cut i j A)
| cut_neg {A i j}          : premise (~A,j) (Link.cut i j A)
| tensor_left {A B i j k}  : premise (A,i) (Link.tensor i j k A B)
| tensor_right {A B i j k} : premise (B,j) (Link.tensor i j k A B)
| par_left {A B i j k}     : premise (A,i) (Link.par i j k A B)
| par_right {A B i j k}    : premise (B,j) (Link.par i j k A B)
| con {A i}                : premise (A,i) (Link.con i A)

inductive conclusion : Form_occ  Link  Prop
| ax_pos {A i j}     : conclusion (A,i) (Link.ax i j A)
| ax_neg {A i j}     : conclusion (~A,j) (Link.ax i j A)
| tensor {A B i j k} : conclusion (A  B,k) (Link.tensor i j k A B)
| par {A B i j k}    : conclusion (A  B,k) (Link.par i j k A B)

inductive valid_link : Link  Prop
| ax  (i j A) : valid_link (Link.ax i j A)
| cut (i j A) : valid_link (Link.cut i j A)
| con (i A) : valid_link (Link.con i A)
| tensor (i j k A B) : (A,i)  (B,j)  valid_link (Link.tensor i j k A B)
| par (i j k A B) : (A,i)  (B,j)  valid_link (Link.par i j k A B)

structure proof_structure : Type :=
(links : set Link)
(valid :  l  links, valid_link l)
(prem_unique :  Ai : Form_occ,  l₁ l₂  links, premise Ai l₁  premise Ai l₂  l₁ = l₂)
(con_unique :  Ai : Form_occ,  l₁ l₂  links, conclusion Ai l₁  conclusion Ai l₂  l₁ = l₂)

inductive mem_Form_occ_ps (Ai : Form_occ) (ps : proof_structure) : Prop
| prem (l) : l  ps.links  premise Ai l  mem_Form_occ_ps
| con (l) : l  ps.links  conclusion Ai l  mem_Form_occ_ps

instance : has_mem Form_occ proof_structure := mem_Form_occ_ps

def dir := bool

@[pattern] def down := ff
@[pattern] def up := tt

@[pattern] def with_down (Ai : Form_occ) := (Ai,down)
@[pattern] def with_up (Ai : Form_occ) := (Ai,up)
postfix `↓`:max_plus := with_down
postfix `↑`:max_plus := with_up

def switch := bool

@[reducible, pattern] def L := ff
@[reducible, pattern] def R := tt

def switching := Link  switch

def switch.flip {α β} (f : α  α  β) : switch  α  α  β
| L a b := f a b
| R a b := f b a

inductive steps_tensor (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) : Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| down : steps_tensor Ai Ci
| turn : steps_tensor Bi Ai
| up : steps_tensor Ci Bi

inductive steps_par (Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ) : Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| down : steps_par Ai Ci
| turn : steps_par Bi Bi
| up : steps_par Ci Ai

inductive dual (A : Form) (ai ni : ) : Form_occ  Form_occ  Prop
| posneg : dual (A,ai) (~A,ni)
| negpos : dual (~A,ni) (A,ai)

inductive steps (T : switch) : Link  Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| ax  {A ai ni Bi Ci} : dual A ai ni Bi Ci  steps (Link.ax ai ni A) Bi Ci
| cut {A ai ni Bi Ci} : dual A ai ni Bi Ci  steps (Link.cut ai ni A) Bi Ci
| con {A ai}          : steps (Link.con ai A) (A, ai) (A,ai)
| tensor {A B ai bi ci X Y} :
  T.flip steps_tensor (A, ai) (B, bi) (A  B, ci) X Y 
  steps (Link.tensor ai bi ci A B) X Y
| par {A B ai bi ci X Y} :
  T.flip steps_par (A, ai) (B, bi) (A  B, ci) X Y 
  steps (Link.par ai bi ci A B) X Y

inductive trip (ps : proof_structure) (S : switching) :   Form_occ × dir  Form_occ × dir  Prop
| single {Ai d}    : Ai  ps  trip 0 (Ai,d) (Ai,d)
| cons {X Y Z Δ n} : Δ  ps.links  steps (S Δ) Δ X Y  trip n Y Z  trip (n.succ) X Z

  variable {Δ : Link}
  variable {T : switch}
  variables {Ai Bi Ci : Form_occ}
  variables {X Y Z : Form_occ × dir}

  theorem steps_unique_prev : valid_link Δ  steps T Δ X Z  steps T Δ Y Z  X = Y := sorry

  theorem steps_unique_next : valid_link Δ  steps T Δ X Y  steps T Δ X Z  Y = Z := sorry

  lemma mem_ps_of_steps_next {ps : proof_structure} {d : dir} :
    Δ  ps.links  steps T Δ X (Bi,d)  Bi  ps := sorry


  variable {ps : proof_structure}
  variable {S : switching}
  variables {X Y Z : Form_occ × dir}
  variables {n m : }

  theorem link_unique_of_steps_prev {Δ₁ Δ₂} :
    Δ₁  ps.links  Δ₂  ps.links  steps (S Δ₁) Δ₁ X Y  steps (S Δ₂) Δ₂ X Z  Δ₁ = Δ₂ := sorry

  theorem link_unique_of_steps_next {Δ₁ Δ₂} :
    Δ₁  ps.links  Δ₂  ps.links  steps (S Δ₁) Δ₁ X Z  steps (S Δ₂) Δ₂ Y Z  Δ₁ = Δ₂ := sorry

  def trip.rcons {Δ} : Δ  ps.links  trip ps S n X Y  steps (S Δ) Δ Y Z  trip ps S n.succ X Z :=
    revert X Y Z,
    induction n,
    case nat.zero : {
      rintros X Y Z hΔ Ai,d,hA s,
      apply trip.cons hΔ s,
      cases Z with Ci d',
      apply trip.single,
      apply mem_ps_of_steps_next hΔ s,
    case nat.succ : n ih {
      rintros X Y Z hΔ tXY sYZ,
      cases tXY with _ _ _ _ W _ Δ' _ hΔ' sXW tWY,
      apply trip.cons hΔ' sXW,
      apply ih hΔ tWY sYZ,

  theorem trip_unique_start : trip ps S n X Z  trip ps S n Y Z  X = Y :=
    intros tX tY,
    revert X Y,
    induction n,
    case nat.zero : { intros, cases tX; cases tY, refl},
    case nat.succ : n ih {
      rintros X Y tX tY,
      rcases tX with _ | _,X',_,Δ,_,hΔ,sX,tX'⟩,
      rcases tY with _ | _,Y',_,Δ',_,hΔ',sY,tY'⟩,
      have : Y' = X', by exact ih tY' tX',
      rw this at sY,
      have : Δ' = Δ, apply link_unique_of_steps_next hΔ' hΔ sY sX,
      rw this at sY,
      exact steps_unique_prev (ps.valid Δ hΔ) sX sY,

  lemma trip_rcons_decompose {α : Prop} (f : Π Δ Y, Δ  ps.links  trip ps S n X Y  steps (S Δ) Δ Y Z  α) :
    trip ps S n.succ X Z  α :=

  theorem trip_unique_stop : trip ps S n X Y  trip ps S n X Z  Y = Z :=
    revert Y Z,
    induction n,
    case nat.zero : { intros _ _ tXY tXZ, cases tXY, cases tXZ, refl},
    case nat.succ : n ih {
      rintros Y Z tXY tXZ,
      apply trip_rcons_decompose _ tXY,
      intros Δ V hΔ tXV sVY,
      apply trip_rcons_decompose _ tXZ,
      intros Δ' W hΔ' tXW sWZ,
      have : W = V, apply ih tXW tXV,
      rw this at sWZ,
      have : Δ' = Δ, apply link_unique_of_steps_prev hΔ' hΔ sWZ sVY,
      rw this at sWZ,
      apply steps_unique_next (ps.valid Δ hΔ) sVY sWZ,


Billy Price (Jun 24 2021 at 06:31):

Yay I managed to prove lemma trip_exists_rcons : trip ps S n.succ X Z → ∃ Y Δ, ∃ hΔ : Δ ∈ ps.links, ∃ tXY : trip ps S n X Y, steps (S Δ) Δ Y Z by induction on n. My question remain about

  1. The consequences of choosing between trip1, trip2 and list_trip
  2. Pros and cons of including a length parameter in the trip definition

Billy Price (Jun 29 2021 at 06:27):

I'm in a pickle, my aim is to define a map proof Γ -> proof_structure, but the definition of that map requires inductive reasoning on the properties of already constructed proof_structures. That property could be stated "every formula in Γ is available in the proof structure", where available means it's in some link but it's not a premise of any link. I tried to strengthen the concept of a proof_structure to the inductive type proof_net : sequent -> Type

inductive proof_net : sequent  Type
| mk {Γ : sequent} (ps : proof_structure) : ( A  Γ,  i,  Δ  ps.links, conclusion (A,i) Δ   Δ'  ps.links, ¬premise (A,i) Δ')  proof_net Γ

but I need to utilise the existential i's and Δ's to define the map proof Γ -> proof_net Γ, which is impossible since I'm not eliminating into Prop.

What can I do? I'm not married to this definition proof_net Γ at all, it's just my latest attempt to define something that assists me in defining proof Γ -> proof_structure.

Billy Price (Jun 29 2021 at 06:28):

here's my mwe with a failed attempt to define the tensor map case at the bottom

import tactic

inductive Form : Type
| atom :   Form
| tensor : Form  Form  Form
| par : Form  Form  Form
| neg : Form  Form

infix `  `:70 := Form.tensor
infix `  `:65 := Form.par
prefix `~` := Form.neg

inductive Link : Type
| ax :     Form  Link
| cut :     Form  Link
| tensor :       Form  Form  Link
| par :       Form  Form  Link

def Form_occ := Form × 

inductive premise : Form_occ  Link  Prop
| cut_pos {A i j}          : premise (A,i) (Link.cut i j A)
| cut_neg {A i j}          : premise (~A,j) (Link.cut i j A)
| tensor_left {A B i j k}  : premise (A,i) (Link.tensor i j k A B)
| tensor_right {A B i j k} : premise (B,j) (Link.tensor i j k A B)
| par_left {A B i j k}     : premise (A,i) (Link.par i j k A B)
| par_right {A B i j k}    : premise (B,j) (Link.par i j k A B)

inductive conclusion : Form_occ  Link  Prop
| ax_pos {A i j}     : conclusion (A,i) (Link.ax i j A)
| ax_neg {A i j}     : conclusion (~A,j) (Link.ax i j A)
| tensor {A B i j k} : conclusion (A  B,k) (Link.tensor i j k A B)
| par {A B i j k}    : conclusion (A  B,k) (Link.par i j k A B)

inductive mem_Link (Ai : Form_occ) (l : Link) : Prop
| prem : premise Ai l  mem_Link
| con : conclusion Ai l  mem_Link

instance : has_mem Form_occ Link := mem_Link

inductive valid_link : Link  Prop
| ax  {i j A} : valid_link (Link.ax i j A)
| cut {i j A} : valid_link (Link.cut i j A)
| tensor {i j k A B} : (A,i)  (B,j)  valid_link (Link.tensor i j k A B)
| par {i j k A B} : (A,i)  (B,j)  valid_link (Link.par i j k A B)

structure proof_structure : Type :=
(links : set Link)
(valid :  l  links, valid_link l)
(prem_unique :  Ai : Form_occ,  l₁ l₂  links, premise Ai l₁  premise Ai l₂  l₁ = l₂)
(con_unique :  Ai : Form_occ,  l₁ l₂  links, conclusion Ai l₁  conclusion Ai l₂  l₁ = l₂)

inductive mem_Form_occ_ps (Ai : Form_occ) (ps : proof_structure) : Prop
| mk {l} : l  ps.links  Ai  l  mem_Form_occ_ps

instance : has_mem Form_occ proof_structure := mem_Form_occ_ps

def sequent := list Form

instance : has_append sequent := list.append
instance : has_mem Form sequent := list.mem

inductive proof : sequent  Type
| ax (A)                   : proof [~A, A]
| cut (A) {Γ Γ' Δ Δ'}      : proof (Γ ++ [A] ++ Γ')  proof (Δ ++ [~A] ++ Δ')  proof (Γ++Γ'++Δ++Δ')
| tensor {A B} {Γ Γ' Δ Δ'} : proof (Γ ++ [A] ++ Γ')  proof (Δ ++ [B] ++ Δ')  proof (Γ++Γ'++ [A  B] ++Δ++Δ')
| par {A B} {Γ Γ'}         : proof (Γ ++ [A,B] ++ Γ')  proof (Γ ++ [A  B] ++ Γ')
| ex {A B} {Γ Γ'}          : proof (Γ ++ [A,B] ++ Γ')  proof (Γ ++ [B,A] ++ Γ')

inductive proof_net : sequent  Type
| mk {Γ : sequent} (ps : proof_structure) : ( A  Γ,  i,  Δ  ps.links, conclusion (A,i) Δ   Δ'  ps.links, ¬premise (A,i) Δ')  proof_net Γ

instance {Γ : sequent} : has_coe (proof_net Γ) proof_structure := by rintro Γ,ps,_; exact ps

def relabel_Link (f :   ) : Link  Link
| (Link.ax pi ni A) := Link.ax (f pi) (f ni) A
| (Link.cut pi ni A) := Link.cut (f pi) (f ni) A
| (Link.tensor ai bi ci A B) := Link.tensor (f ai) (f bi) (f ci) A B
| (Link.par ai bi ci A B) := Link.par (f ai) (f bi) (f ci) A B

def proof_structure.relabel (ps : proof_structure) (f :   ) (hf : function.injective f) : proof_structure :=
set.image (relabel_Link f) ps.links, sorry, sorry, sorry

def separators {α β} (f g : α  β) : Prop :=  x y, f x  g y

lemma sep_even_odd : separators (λ x, 2 * x) (λ x, 2 * x + 1) :=
  λ x y, nat.two_mul_ne_two_mul_add_one

def disjoint_of_separators {ps₁ ps₂ : proof_structure} {f g} (hf hg) : separators f g  disjoint { Ai | Ai  (ps₁.relabel f hf) } { Ai | Ai  (ps₂.relabel g hg) } :=
 by sorry

def proof_net.disjoint {Γ Δ} : proof_net Γ  proof_net Δ  Prop :=
  by rintro _,ps₁,_ _,ps₂,_; exact disjoint {Ai | Ai  ps₁} {Ai | Ai  ps₂}

def net_links_ax (pi ni A) : set Link :=
  {Link.ax pi ni A}

def net_links_tensor (ai bi ci A B) (sA sB : set Link) : set Link :=
  {Link.tensor ai bi ci A B}  sA  sB

def net_links_par (ai bi ci A B) (s : set Link) : set Link :=
  {Link.par ai bi ci A B}  s

def net_links_cut (pi ni A) (sA snA : set Link) : set Link :=
  {Link.cut pi ni A}  sA  snA

def proof_net_ax (A) : proof_net [~A,A] :=

  ⟨{Link.ax 0 0 A},
  by rintro l h; exact valid_link.ax,
  by rintro Ai Δ₁ Δ₂ _ _; finish,
  by rintro Ai Δ₁ Δ₂ _ _; finish 
    rintro B ⟨⟨_⟩⟩,
      refine 0,Link.ax 0 0 A,by simp,conclusion.ax_neg,_⟩, rintro Δ' _ _⟩,
    rcases H with ⟨⟨_⟩⟩,
      refine 0,Link.ax 0 0 A,by simp,conclusion.ax_pos,_⟩, rintro Δ' _ _⟩,
    cases H,

def proof_net_tensor {Γ Γ' A B Δ Δ'} (pnA : proof_net (Γ ++ [A] ++ Γ')) (pnB : proof_net (Δ ++ [B] ++ Δ')) :
  pnA.disjoint pnB  proof_net (Γ ++ Γ' ++ [A  B] ++ Δ ++ Δ') :=
  rcases pnA with _,psA, hA⟩,
  rcases pnB with _,psB, hB⟩,
  intro dAB,
  specialize hA A (by exact list.mem_append_left _ (list.mem_append_right _ (list.mem_cons_self A list.nil))),
  specialize hB B (by exact list.mem_append_left _ (list.mem_append_right _ (list.mem_cons_self B list.nil))),
  cases hA with ai ΔA hA,


Horatiu Cheval (Jun 29 2021 at 07:29):

Do you care about computability? If not, you could get the i and the \Delta noncomputably using choice.

Horatiu Cheval (Jun 29 2021 at 07:33):

If that's not good, maybe you could work with subsets or Sigma-types instead of exists?

inductive proof_net : sequent  Type
| mk {Γ : sequent} (ps : proof_structure) :
  (Π A  Γ, {iΔ : ( × Link) // iΔ.2  ps.links  conclusion (A,iΔ.1) iΔ.2 
    Δ'  ps.links, ¬premise (A,iΔ.1) Δ'})  proof_net Γ

and then

rcases hA with ⟨⟨i, Δ⟩, hA⟩,

will work in your last proof.

Horatiu Cheval (Jun 29 2021 at 07:35):

This change might require changes also in other areas of your code though

Billy Price (Jun 29 2021 at 10:56):

I think I care about computability simply because it would be absurd to think of it as not computable. Everything involved in the construction of the proof structure is finite. This is just a construction of a finite set of Links. I just want to be able to produce a set of links inductively that has the property of forming a proof structure, since all the constructions along the way are proof structures with the right formulas available to be linked.

Billy Price (Jun 29 2021 at 10:57):

Maybe I can define proof_net Γ -> set Link and then lift it to proof_structure after the fact

Billy Price (Jun 29 2021 at 10:57):

That being said, what is this? {iΔ : (ℕ × Link) //

Billy Price (Jun 29 2021 at 10:57):

the //

Alex J. Best (Jun 29 2021 at 11:04):

Its is the notation for docs#subtype.

Horatiu Cheval (Jun 29 2021 at 11:13):

Yes, sorry, I meant to say subtype, not subset in my answer. {x : a // p x} is the subtype of those x satisfying p which is very similar to ∃ x : a, p x, except this is a Type and not a Prop, so you can (computably) eliminate it into any sort.

Billy Price (Jun 29 2021 at 11:25):

Alright, now i'm running into the problem that I can't eliminate B ∈ [~A,A] into that subtype.

Billy Price (Jun 29 2021 at 11:26):

I mean in this instance I can get away with not eliminating it because the i is the same for both formulas, but in general that's a little annoying

Billy Price (Jun 29 2021 at 11:41):

Okay I just realised that the same formula A could appear in the sequent Γ multiple times, and if so there will be multiple distinct i such that (A,i) appears in some link in the proof structure. This is a little annoying. A further detail that I think is implicit in the thing I'm trying to formalise, is that the i chosen for each A in the sequent should be the exact one that corresponds to the introduction of that A in the construction of the sequent.

Horatiu Cheval (Jun 29 2021 at 11:58):

Alright, now i'm running into the problem that I can't eliminate B ∈ [~A,A] into that subtype.

If you mean that you can't get that B is either ~A or A by casing on the list membership, that's true, but I'm sure it's possible to obtain that and write your definition in terms of those cases without needing to eliminate a Prop (like with an if then else or by_cases or something)

Horatiu Cheval (Jun 29 2021 at 12:01):

Sorry, I don't think I can give opinions on the larger design because I don't really understand what you're doing, I'm not familiar with these things :) I was just trying to help with the more specific Lean-related technical problems

Billy Price (Jun 29 2021 at 12:05):

That's okay, could you explain how I would change things here to use if then else or by_cases?

def proof_net_ax (A) : proof_net [~A,A] :=

  ⟨{Link.ax 0 0 A},
  by rintro l h; exact valid_link.ax,
  by rintro Ai Δ₁ Δ₂ _ _; finish,
  by rintro Ai Δ₁ Δ₂ _ _; finish 
    rintro B Bmem,
    cases Bmem,
      exact 0,Link.ax 0 0 A,by simp,conclusion.ax_neg,_⟩, rintro Δ' _ _⟩,
    rcases H with ⟨⟨_⟩⟩,
      exact 0,Link.ax 0 0 A,by simp,conclusion.ax_pos,_⟩, rintro Δ' _ _⟩,
    cases H,

Billy Price (Jun 29 2021 at 12:08):

actually the stuff after cases Bmem is outdated, but i can't "go in and fix it" until i get past cases Bmem

Billy Price (Jun 29 2021 at 12:14):

I suppose, as I mentioned before, it doesn't matter here because i is 0 in both. hmm

Horatiu Cheval (Jun 29 2021 at 12:16):

This shouls work if I understand correctly what you need here

def proof_net_ax (A) : proof_net [~A,A] :=

  ⟨{Link.ax 0 0 A},
  by rintro l h; exact valid_link.ax,
  by rintro Ai Δ₁ Δ₂ _ _; finish,
  by rintro Ai Δ₁ Δ₂ _ _; finish 
    rintro B _,
    simp at H,
    by_cases hBA : B = A,
      -- hre you have
      -- hBA : B = A
      have : B = ~A := by {
        cases H,
        { assumption },
        { contradiction, }
      -- here you have
      -- this : B = ~A

Horatiu Cheval (Jun 29 2021 at 12:18):

It's quite ugly I think, I'm sure it could be done more elegantly, but just as an example

Jannis Limperg (Jun 29 2021 at 12:22):

Billy Price said:

Okay I just realised that the same formula A could appear in the sequent Γ multiple times, and if so there will be multiple distinct i such that (A,i) appears in some link in the proof structure. This is a little annoying. A further detail that I think is implicit in the thing I'm trying to formalise, is that the i chosen for each A in the sequent should be the exact one that corresponds to the introduction of that A in the construction of the sequent.

It's very common for informal texts to gloss over stuff like this. The carefully written ones at least have a sentence somewhere saying, "actually our contexts are multisets but we're not going to talk about it". If so, you need to either adjust your context definition or make sure that your other definitions can deal with reordering and/or duplicates.

Billy Price (Jun 29 2021 at 12:33):

I'm using but my sequent's are in fact lists, not sets. I think this stems from a purism about what sequents are, but for my purpose the identity of a sequent is less important than the idea that a proof/derivation of a sequent corresponds precisely to a construction of a proof net, and that construction is blind to exchange rules.

Billy Price (Jun 29 2021 at 12:44):

The moral being I don't think the sequent, as a list or multiset, has enough information to identify a canonical occurrence in a proof structure for each formula in the sequent, because any derivation can just finish with a bunch of exchange rules. It's really the whole proof structure you need to identify which formula corresponds to which.

Billy Price (Jun 29 2021 at 12:52):

I guess the reason a sequent is a list is really because a point of the proof net is to identify distinct proofs that differ only by exchange rules.

Billy Price (Jun 29 2021 at 12:56):

that being said, I don't even believe that now, because a use of exchange on identical formulas before a logical rule can change how you should construct the proof net. For example if you tensor two proofs with sequents [A] and [B,B] to get [A \ox B, B], the construction of the proof net is different if you exchange the B's first.

Yakov Pechersky (Jun 29 2021 at 13:09):

Use docs#list.nth_le_of_mem. Then you have a finite number of specified indices to check.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC