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Topic: Default visibility of email addresses

Sebastian Ullrich (Mar 22 2023 at 09:19):

You probably received an email from Zulip as well that users can now set visibility of their email address different from the organization default. I don't think we ever discussed what that default should be. Making them visible to everyone seems completely unnecessary to me. What do you think?

Sebastian Ullrich (Mar 22 2023 at 09:19):

These are the settings from the Zulips I'm registered with:

Coq: Only admins can view your email address
HoTT: Admins, moderators, members and guests can view your email address
Lean: Admins, moderators, members and guests can view your email address
rust-lang: Admins and moderators can view your email address
Types: Admins, moderators, members and guests can view your email address

Bulhwi Cha (Mar 22 2023 at 09:51):

In my opinion, email addresses should be invisible to members and guests by default.

Mario Carneiro (Mar 22 2023 at 10:01):

admins + moderators sounds good to me as well

Sebastian Ullrich (Mar 22 2023 at 10:11):

I've made it so

Eric Rodriguez (Mar 22 2023 at 11:21):

this seems to _not change existing settings_ so I think if people want that to take effect then change that individually

Mario Carneiro (Mar 22 2023 at 11:58):

oof, that's a problem

Mario Carneiro (Mar 22 2023 at 11:59):

I don't think we intended to grandfather in all 1000-some users with that setting

Mario Carneiro (Mar 22 2023 at 12:00):

...or did I misunderstand? I've never touched this setting on my own account and it says "admins + moderators" right now

Johan Commelin (Mar 22 2023 at 12:07):

I just checked my settings. I don't recall ever changing them.

  1. It said "admins + mods + members + guests" and I had to change it to "admins + mods" manually.
  2. "Let others see when I've read messages" had a checkmark. But I thought that we opted out of that settings as zulip org...

Sebastian Ullrich (Mar 22 2023 at 12:35):

I don't think we can do anything about existing users, this was simply a bad default on Zulip's side

Sebastian Ullrich (Mar 22 2023 at 12:36):

Johan Commelin said:

  1. "Let others see when I've read messages" had a checkmark. But I thought that we opted out of that settings as zulip org...

Note the little "Read receipts are currently disabled in this organization" info

Eric Wieser (Mar 22 2023 at 12:37):

Mario Carneiro said:

I don't think we intended to grandfather in all 1000-some users with that setting

Maybe this is why Zulip sent out an email to everyone

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC