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Stream: Zulip meta

Topic: Diagrams

Matthew Ballard (Mar 19 2021 at 15:03):

I noticed an attempt at tikz. Good news is that AMS CD support is on its way. https://github.com/KaTeX/KaTeX/pull/2710 Bad news: I have to relearn CD after switching to tikz.

Adam Topaz (Mar 19 2021 at 16:44):

Does anyone actually use AMS CD?

Adam Topaz (Mar 19 2021 at 16:47):

I guess this is because mathjax has amscd support?

Matthew Ballard (Mar 19 2021 at 17:29):

Not sure about the exact reason but I think mathjax and katex support of amscd are common symptoms of the underlying fact rather than an implication. Katex hypes their rendering time compared to mathjax https://www.intmath.com/cg5/katex-mathjax-comparison.php so I assume is built in semi-orthogonal direction.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC