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Stream: Zulip meta

Topic: wide code blocks

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 04 2021 at 16:11):

Is it me or is it no longer the case that it's easy to read wide code blocks? Did there used to be a little scroll bar and now it's gone?

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 04 2021 at 16:11):

oh wut? It's there now.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 04 2021 at 16:12):

lemma int.exists_nat_eq_of_nonneg {x : } (h : 0  x) :  (y : ), (y : ) = x :=
  cases x,
  { simp },
  { refine absurd h _,
    simp },

lemma int.pow_right_injective {x : } (h : 2  x) : function.injective (λ (n : ), x ^ n) :=
  intros n m hnm,
  obtain y, rfl :  (y : ), (y : ) = x := int.exists_nat_eq_of_nonneg ((zero_le_two).trans h),
  have : 2  y,
  { rw int.coe_nat_le,
    simpa using h },
  apply nat.pow_right_injective this,
  simpa [int.coe_nat_pow, int.coe_nat_inj'] using hnm

theorem dyadic_mk' {m n} : dyadic_mk (m, 2 ^ n, n, rfl⟩) = m  powers_half n :=
  generalize_proofs h,
  simp only [powers_two, mem_powers_iff, subtype.coe_mk] at h,
  apply int.pow_right_injective le_rfl,
  simpa using classical.some_spec h

was the block where I didn't get one

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 04 2021 at 16:12):

Ignore me, I'm clearly going mad

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC