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Stream: metaprogramming / tactics

Topic: A tactic for expanding matrices into coefficients

Eric Wieser (Jul 14 2022 at 12:06):

Inspired by docs#category_theory.reassoc_of, I wrote:

import data.fin.vec_notation
import tactic.fin_cases
import data.matrix.basic

namespace matrix
variables {m n : } {α : Type*}

-- Note that here we are disabling the "safety" of reflected, to allow us to reuse `nat.mk_numeral`.
-- The usual way to provide the required `reflected` instance would be via rewriting to prove that
-- the expression we use here is equivalent.
local attribute [semireducible] reflected
meta instance reflect : Π n, has_reflect (fin n)
| 0 := fin_zero_elim
| (n + 1) := nat.mk_numeral `(fin n.succ)
              `(by apply_instance : has_zero (fin n.succ))
              `(by apply_instance : has_one (fin n.succ))
              `(by apply_instance : has_add (fin n.succ))  subtype.val

/-- Expand `v` to `![v 0, v 1, ...]` -/
def fin_vec.eta_expand : Π {m}, (fin m  α)  fin m  α
| 0 v := ![]
| (n + 1) v := matrix.vec_cons (v 0) (fin_vec.eta_expand (vec_tail v))

lemma fin_vec.eta_expand_eq : Π {m} (v : fin m  α), fin_vec.eta_expand v = v
| 0 := λ v, subsingleton.elim _ _
| (n + 1) := begin
  simp_rw [fin_vec.eta_expand,fin_vec.eta_expand_eq],
  exact fin.cons_self_tail,

/-- Expand `A` to `!![A 0 0, ...; ..., A m n]` -/
def eta_expand {m n} (A : matrix (fin m) (fin n) α) : matrix (fin m) (fin n) α :=
matrix.of (fin_vec.eta_expand (λ i, fin_vec.eta_expand (λ j, A i j)))

def eta_expand_eq {m n} (A : matrix (fin m) (fin n) α) :
  eta_expand A = A :=
by simp_rw [eta_expand, fin_vec.eta_expand_eq, matrix.of, equiv.refl_apply]

/-- Prove a statement of the form `∀ A : matrix m n α, A = !![A 0 0, ...]`.
Returns the type of this statement and its proof. -/
meta def prove_eta (m n : ) : tactic (expr × expr) :=
  u  tactic.mk_meta_univ,
  α  tactic.mk_local' `α binder_info.implicit (expr.sort u.succ),
  A  tactic.mk_local' `A binder_info.default
    (expr.const `matrix [level.zero, level.zero, u] `(fin %%`(m)) `(fin %%`(n)) α),
  let entries := λ (i : fin m) (j : fin n), A `(i) `(j),
  let entry_vals := pi_fin.to_pexpr (λ i, pi_fin.to_pexpr (λ j, to_pexpr $ entries i j)),
  let A_eta := (``(@matrix.of (fin %%`(m)) (fin %%`(n)) _).app entry_vals),
  A_eq  tactic.to_expr ``(%%A = %%A_eta),
  t  tactic.pis [α, A] A_eq,
  ((), pr)  tactic.solve_aux t `[intros α A, exact (matrix.eta_expand_eq A).symm],
  pure (t, pr)

meta def derive_eta_proof : tactic unit :=
  target@`(%%A' = %%A_eta)  tactic.target,
  (expr.const `matrix ls, [`(fin %%m), `(fin %%n), α])  expr.get_app_fn_args <$> tactic.infer_type A',
  some (m, n)  pure (prod.mk <$> m.to_nat <*> n.to_nat) |
    fail!"Dimensions {m} {n} are not numerals",
  (t,pr)  prove_eta m n,

  tactic.unify target (t.instantiate_pis [α, A']),
  tactic.exact (pr α A')

theorem fin_eta (A : matrix (fin m) (fin n) α) {«![A 0 0, ...]» : matrix (fin m) (fin n) α}
  (h : A = «![A 0 0, ...]» . derive_eta_proof) : A = «![A 0 0, ...]» := h

def B : matrix (fin 20) (fin 20)  := 0

example : B = B :=
  have := matrix.fin_eta B,  -- 400 coefficients, but very fast
  rw this,

end matrix

Are there some tricks I'm missing here to write this more briefly?

Eric Rodriguez (Jul 14 2022 at 12:22):

this is really neat; does this work for vectors too?

Eric Wieser (Jul 14 2022 at 12:36):

The same approach would work

Eric Wieser (Jul 14 2022 at 12:39):

Really the pattern I'm not sure how to write neatly is:

  • Write a function (like matrix.eta_expand above) that computes the eta expansion (or would do after unfolding), and prove it's equal to the identity
  • Make a tactic that produces the nicely unfolded eta expansion
  • Do a whole bunch of boilerplate to rewrite the not-unfolded spelling into the nicely unfolded one, and get that into the goal state

Eric Wieser (Jul 14 2022 at 12:40):

(I originally tried skipping step 1 and having the tactic just prove it via intros + fin_cases + refl but that was way slower)

Yakov Pechersky (Jul 14 2022 at 14:49):

Here's some pretty slow proofs I have that are intros; fin_cases; refl, can you try in on them?

Yakov Pechersky (Jul 14 2022 at 14:49):


Yakov Pechersky (Jul 14 2022 at 14:49):


Yakov Pechersky (Jul 14 2022 at 14:50):

I think a nice first target would be to have the proof of this lemma be more "natural":

Eric Wieser (Jul 14 2022 at 15:19):

I would guess that for those lemmas you really just want to rewrite by docs#matrix.mul_fin_two

Eric Wieser (Jul 14 2022 at 15:20):

But Ideally we'd have a matrix.mul_fin lemma that works for arbitrary dimensions in the same way as the fin_eta lemma I have above

Yakov Pechersky (Jul 14 2022 at 15:20):

Ideally, one would not have to know the name of that lemma.

Yakov Pechersky (Jul 14 2022 at 15:20):

Yeah, exactly.

Eric Wieser (Jul 14 2022 at 15:22):

I'm not quite sure how the multiply version would look; I guess you'd have to do rw matrix.mul_fin 2 2 as I can't see how lean would infer the dimensions otherwise

Eric Wieser (Jul 14 2022 at 15:23):

I assume we want the lemma with !![...] on both sides rather than A * B on the left and ![A 0 0 * B 0 0 + ...] on the right?

Eric Wieser (Jul 28 2022 at 11:03):

I've expanded on this a bit in branch#eric-wieser/fin-reflection

Eric Wieser (Jul 28 2022 at 15:44):

Discussion continues in this thread

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC