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Stream: metaprogramming / tactics

Topic: List of projections of structure

Eric Wieser (Jul 09 2022 at 16:15):

What's the easiest way to fill this sorry:

def get_projections (t : expr) : list expr := sorry

such that get_projections `(prod X Y) = [`(@prod.fst X Y), `(@prod.snd X Y)]

Floris van Doorn (Jul 10 2022 at 09:24):

You can use docs#environment.structure_fields to the (name of the) head of the expression, and then apply each of them to the same arguments as the original expression. You'd have to wrap it inside a tactic though.

Floris van Doorn (Jul 10 2022 at 09:31):

import tactic.core
open tactic

meta def get_projections (t : expr) : tactic (list expr) := do
  env  get_env,
  let str_nm := t.get_app_fn.const_name,
  proj_nms  env.structure_fields_full str_nm,
  let univs := t.get_app_fn.univ_levels,
  let args := t.get_app_args,
  let projs := proj_nms.map (λ proj_nm, (expr.const proj_nm univs).mk_app args),
  return projs

#eval get_projections `(bool × nat) >>= trace -- [prod.fst, prod.snd]
#eval get_projections `(bool × nat) >>= (λ x, trace $ x.map expr.to_raw_fmt)
#eval get_projections `(bool × nat) >>= (λ x, x.mmap infer_type >>= trace) -- [bool × ℕ → bool, bool × ℕ → ℕ]

(not extensively tested)
You might want to apply instantiate_mvars and whnf tot first, in case t is not exactly in the right form.
EDIT: fixed bug

Eric Wieser (Jul 12 2022 at 12:49):

In #15207 I ended up with

/-- ``(s_name, (c_name, c_fun), [(p_name, p_fun), ...]) ← get_constructor_and_projections `(struct n)``
gets the names and partial invocations of the constructor and projections of a structure -/
meta def get_constructor_and_projections (t : expr) :
  tactic (name × (name × expr) × list (name × expr)):=
  (const I ls, args)  pure (get_app_fn_args t),
  env  get_env,
  [ctor]  pure (env.constructors_of I),
  ctor  do
  { d  get_decl ctor,
    let a := @expr.const tt ctor $ d.univ_params.map level.param,
    pure (ctor, a.mk_app args) },
  ctor_type  infer_type ctor.2,
  tt  pure ctor_type.is_pi | pure (I, ctor, []),
  some fields  pure (env.structure_fields I) | fail!"Not a structure",
  projs  fields.mmap $ λ f, do
  { d  get_decl (I ++ f),
    let a := @expr.const tt (I ++ f) $ d.univ_params.map level.param,
    pure (f, a.mk_app args) },
  pure (I, ctor, projs)

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 12 2022 at 13:15):

What do you want to get in case of docs#monoid? Should it include to_semigroup?

Eric Wieser (Jul 12 2022 at 13:52):

Good question, I think for my use-case I don't really care that much

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC