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Stream: metaprogramming / tactics

Topic: delayed_abstraction meta-variables

Stanislas Polu (Jun 11 2021 at 10:46):

Hi! As part of lean-gym the following proof fails to apply the linarith with there are no goals (but that proof is valid outside of lean-gym):

theorem mathd_numbertheory_136
  (n : )
  (h₀ : 123 * n + 17 = 39500) : n = 321 :=

In an attempt to handle these situations when a tactic fail but the tactic state has no remaining goal, we tried catching that condition and inspect the proof term. It appears to contain meta-variables with delayed_abstraction macros such as (delayed_abstraction n h₀ ?_mlocal._fresh.13.1571). Here's the full proof term:

fun (n : nat) (h₀ : eq.{1} nat (has_add.add.{0} nat nat.has_add (has_mul.mul.{0} nat nat.has_mul (bit1.{0} nat nat.has_one nat.has_add (bit1.{0} nat nat.has_one nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit1.{0} nat nat.has_one nat.has_add (bit1.{0} nat nat.has_one nat.has_add (bit1.{0} nat nat.has_one nat.has_add (has_one.one.{0} nat nat.has_one)))))
)) n) (bit1.{0} nat nat.has_one nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (has_one.one.{0} nat nat.has_one)))))) (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit1.{0} nat nat.has_one nat.has_add (bit1.{0} nat nat.has_one nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit1.{0} nat na
t.has_one nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit1.{0} nat nat.has_one nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit1.{0} nat nat.has_one nat.has_add (bit1.{0} nat nat.has_one nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (has_one.one.{0} nat nat.has_one))))))))))))))))), (linarith.eq_of_not_lt_of_not_gt.{0} nat
 nat.linear_order n (bit1.{0} nat nat.has_one nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit1.{0} nat nat.has_one nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (has_one.one.{0} nat nat.has_one))))))))) (not.intro (has_lt.lt.{0} nat (preorder.to_has_lt.{0} nat (dire
cted_order.to_preorder.{0} nat (linear_order.to_directed_order.{0} nat nat.linear_order))) n (bit1.{0} nat nat.has_one nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit1.{0} nat nat.has_one nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (has_one.one.{0} nat nat.has_one
)))))))))) (fun ( : has_lt.lt.{0} nat (preorder.to_has_lt.{0} nat (directed_order.to_preorder.{0} nat (linear_order.to_directed_order.{0} nat nat.linear_order))) n (bit1.{0} nat nat.has_one nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (bit1.{0} nat nat.has_on
e nat.has_add (bit0.{0} nat nat.has_add (has_one.one.{0} nat nat.has_one)))))))))), (delayed_abstraction n h₀  ?_mlocal._fresh.13.4519))) (delayed_abstraction n h₀ ?_mlocal._fresh.13.1571))


λ (n : ) (h₀ : 123 * n + 17 = 39500),
  linarith.eq_of_not_lt_of_not_gt n 321 (not.intro (λ ( : n < 321), ?m_1[n, h₀, ])) ?m_2[n, h₀]

@Jesse Michael Han may have a path towards requesting their evaluation but it may involve a diff in core lean. Wanted to quickly check in case people had an idea on how to force the evaluation of these meta-variables to recover a meta-variable free proof expression and possibly handle these failures as successes.

(I'm also curious to understand what happens in "normal" Lean to prevent what we're seeing here)


Jesse Michael Han (Jun 11 2021 at 12:49):

1) the normal interactive solution involves uses recover, and indeed that works here;

2) i think there's something like environment.unfold_all_macros already in core Lean

Stanislas Polu (Jun 11 2021 at 13:12):

I might have missed something but recover didn't replace the meta-variables in the resulting proof term in my attempts to use it?

Jesse Michael Han (Jun 11 2021 at 14:04):

update: recover only recovers the dummy goal |- true in this case and doesn't seem to get at the delayed_abstraction metavariables, and
env <- tactic.get_env, environment.unfold_all_macros env pf ... fails, similar to the error encountered in this thread: https://leanprover-community.github.io/archive/stream/113488-general/topic/expanding.20and.20serializing.20expressions.html

Jason Rute (Jun 11 2021 at 16:57):

What fails about linarith in lean-gym? Does the tactic fail? Or does it just fail the checks that it is a valid proof? If the latter, what checks fail?

Jason Rute (Jun 11 2021 at 16:57):

I don't know what this means: "tactic fail but the tactic state has no remaining goal"

Jesse Michael Han (Jun 11 2021 at 17:25):

here's an MWE (h/t @Gabriel Ebner), the problem seems to boil down to linarith failing when called from io.run_tactic versus being just executed as a tactic :thinking:

import tactic.basic
import data.real.basic

section mwe

namespace io

section run_tactic''
open interaction_monad.result
/-- verion of io.run_tactic which does not suppress the exception msg -/
meta def run_tactic'' {α} (tac :tactic α) : io α := do {
  io.run_tactic $ do {
    result  tactic.capture tac,
    match result with
    | (success val _) := pure val
    | (exception m_fmt _ _) := do {
      let fmt_msg := (m_fmt.get_or_else (λ _, format!"n/a")) (),
      let msg := format!"[fatal] {fmt_msg}",
      tactic.trace msg,
      tactic.fail msg
end run_tactic''
end io

theorem mathd_numbertheory_136
  (n : )
  (h₀ : 123 * n + 17 = 39500) : n = 321 :=

meta def load_thm_and_replay_proof (nm : name) : tactic unit := do {
  env  tactic.get_env,
  decl  env.get nm,
  guard $ decl.is_theorem,
  let tgt := decl.type,
  m  tactic.mk_meta_var tgt,
  tactic.set_goals [m],
  ts₀  tactic.read,
  tactic.read >>= λ x, tactic.trace $ format! "STATE: {x}",
  `[intros], -- succeeds
  tactic.read >>= λ x, tactic.trace $ format! "STATE: {x}",
  `[linarith] *> tactic.trace "LINARITH PASSED",
  tactic.read >>= λ x, tactic.trace $ format! "STATE: {x}",
  ts  tactic.read,
  tactic.write ts₀,
  [g]  tactic.get_goals,
  tactic.write ts,
  pf  tactic.get_assignment g >>= tactic.instantiate_mvars,
  tactic.pp pf >>= λ pf, tactic.trace format! "PROOF TERM AFTER INSTANTIATION: {pf}",
  (guard $ bnot pf.has_meta_var) *> tactic.trace "PASSED" <|> tactic.trace "shouldn't contain metavariables >:("

#eval io.run_tactic'' $ load_thm_and_replay_proof `mathd_numbertheory_136 -- fails
#eval load_thm_and_replay_proof `mathd_numbertheory_136 -- passes

end mwe

Jesse Michael Han (Jun 11 2021 at 17:26):

i think the delayed abstraction stuff is a red herring, instantiate_mvars should take care of it when upstream bugs are fixed

Jesse Michael Han (Jun 11 2021 at 23:04):

there was something strange going on with the simplify call inside zify_proof inside the nat_to_int preprocessor for linarith --- capturing the result of zify_proof while backtracking the state seems to fix the bug, see #7901

Eric Wieser (Jun 15 2021 at 22:29):

I think I ran into something similar when messing with tactic state in conv mode - I think the core c++ simplification routine doesn't always manage its state properly, and has some hidden state outside of the monadic state.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC