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Stream: metaprogramming / tactics

Topic: nontriviality

Riccardo Brasca (May 17 2021 at 20:23):

If I use nontriviality here
it produces automatically an instance nontrivial M (here M is a module over a semiring R). This in turn implies nontrivial R (that is what I need), via docs#module.subsingleton. Is it possible to have nontriviality to do this for me? Note that I know exactly nothing about tactic writing, so this can be nonsense/very easy.

Anne Baanen (May 17 2021 at 20:33):

I haven't used nontriviality a lot, but I believe from the docs at docs#tactic.interactive.nontriviality that nontriviality R will get you the nontrivial R instance.

Anne Baanen (May 17 2021 at 20:35):

I have to go to bed soon, but I can take a closer look at it tomorrow if no one else wants to be first :)

Riccardo Brasca (May 17 2021 at 20:39):

Thanks!nontriviality R says Could not prove goal assuming subsingleton R. But note that my question has nothing to do with this specific goal, nontriviality is able to produce nontrivial M, and this always implies nontrivial R.

Kevin Buzzard (May 17 2021 at 21:28):

import algebra.module.basic

variables (R : Type) [ring R] (M : Type) [add_comm_group M] [module R M]

@[nontriviality] instance ring.nontrivial_of_nontrivial_module [hM : nontrivial M] : nontrivial R :=
classical.by_contradiction (λ hR,
  not_subsingleton M (@semimodule.subsingleton R M _ (not_nontrivial_iff_subsingleton.1 hR) _ _))

example [nontrivial M] : R  R := by nontriviality R; sorry -- _inst : nontrivial R appears

Eric Wieser (May 17 2021 at 22:27):

Does that work without instance?

Riccardo Brasca (May 18 2021 at 10:53):

I am playing with this, and it doesn't seem to work without instance.

Riccardo Brasca (May 18 2021 at 10:54):

But adding this instance creates random problems elsewhere

Kevin Buzzard (May 18 2021 at 11:10):

What are the nature of the problems? One can give a constructive proof, it's just longer.

Eric Wieser (May 18 2021 at 11:11):

It's a dangerous instance just like docs#module.subsingleton

Eric Wieser (May 18 2021 at 11:12):

(but we should definitely add it as a lemma if we don't already have docs#module.nontrivial)

Riccardo Brasca (May 18 2021 at 11:37):

The first problem I get is in algebra/module/ordered, in the proof of ordered_module.mk'': no real errors, but there are unsolved goals.
Essentially the final goal is 0 < 1, but exact zero_lt_one says
maximum class-instance resolution depth has been reached (the limit can be increased by setting option 'class.instance_max_depth') (the class-instance resolution trace can be visualized by setting option 'trace.class_instances')

Riccardo Brasca (May 18 2021 at 11:38):

This seems to me a bad sign

Anne Baanen (May 18 2021 at 11:43):

Would it work to say a local attribute [instance] module.nontrivial only in the file you need it?

Riccardo Brasca (May 18 2021 at 11:57):

For my proof it is even simpler, nontriviality creates nontrivial M, and so I can use Kevin's lemma with a letI by hand.

Eric Wieser (May 18 2021 at 12:15):

I think the solution here is to teach docs#tactic.nontriviality_by_assumption about module.nontrivial

Eric Wieser (May 18 2021 at 12:16):

Right now it does:

apply_instance <|> `[solve_by_elim [nontrivial_of_ne, nontrivial_of_lt]]

If you could add module.nontrivial to that list I expect it would work; although obviously you'd need a mechanism to register the lemma from elsewhere

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC