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Stream: metaprogramming / tactics

Topic: passing types

Damiano Testa (May 10 2022 at 10:51):

Dear All,

I would like to use docs#tactic.interactive.nontriviality inside a `[ tac ]-block. In my case, I have to specify an argument to nontriviality. In tactic mode, I would like to do nontriviality R, where R is a type. I can get my hands on the expr representing R, but I do not know how to pass this expr as a parse texpr? to nontriviality.

Can anyone help me?

Damiano Testa (May 10 2022 at 11:01):

here is a somewhat minimized example:

import data.polynomial.degree

open expr tactic

meta def single_term_proof (e : expr) : tactic unit :=
match e with
| `(polynomial.X) := do val  to_expr ``(polynomial.nat_degree) tt ff,
                      let degX := expr.mk_app val [e],
                      e_eq  mk_app `eq [degX, `(1)],
                      n  get_unused_name,
                      assert n e_eq,
-- up to here, I should have produced a goal `(X : R[X]).nat_degree = 1`,
-- except I do not have access to `R` yet
                      rx  infer_type e,
-- the 0-th arg of `rx` is `R`
                      let ris := (rx.get_app_args.nth 0).get_or_else `(0),
                      let pris := pexpr.of_expr ris,
                      let ar : parse texpr? := pris,
                    `[ --nontriviality ar,  <--- what should I place here?
                       exact polynomial.nat_degree_X ]
| _ := skip

Eric Wieser (May 10 2022 at 11:33):

Can you use docs#tactic.nontriviality_by_assumption to avoid needing the interactive version?

Eric Wieser (May 10 2022 at 11:33):

(as nontriviality_by_assumption ris)

Damiano Testa (May 10 2022 at 12:03):

Yes, it works! Thanks a lot!

Damiano Testa (May 10 2022 at 12:04):

I am still curious as to whether it is possible to pass on arguments as I had in mind, but this does solve this instance of my problem.

Eric Wieser (May 10 2022 at 12:17):

I would guess you need a %% antiquotation of some kind, but I've not tried

Eric Wieser (May 10 2022 at 12:17):

At any rate, it's probably better to stay out of interactive mode rather than go back and forth and fight the parser

Damiano Testa (May 10 2022 at 12:38):

I agree with the going back and forth. I have a follow-up question. In what is below, why do I need two assumption? Can I change something and get Lean to not need them?

import data.polynomial.degree

open expr tactic

meta def single_term_proof (e : expr) : tactic unit :=
match e with
| `(polynomial.X) := do val  to_expr ``(polynomial.nat_degree) tt ff,
                      let degX := expr.mk_app val [e],
                      e_eq  mk_app `eq [degX, `(1)],
                      n  get_unused_name "pX1",
                      rx  infer_type e,
                      let ris := (rx.get_app_args.nth 0).get_or_else `(0),
                      assert n e_eq,
                      nontriviality_by_assumption ris,
                      proof  to_expr ``(polynomial.nat_degree_X),
                      tactic.exact proof,
                      assumption,  -- one of these assumptions is proving `e_eq`,
                      assumption   -- the other is closing a `non-trivial` goal?
| _ := skip

meta def quick : tactic unit :=
do `(polynomial.nat_degree %%x = %%one)  target,
                      single_term_proof x

example {R : Type*} [hh : semiring R] (h : (0 : R)  1) :
  (polynomial.X : polynomial R).nat_degree = 1 :=
by quick

Damiano Testa (May 10 2022 at 12:40):

As I commented, I think that one of the two I actually need, since I want to use the recently proved e_eq to close the goal. But the other seems to be a weird nontrivial R goal, when nontrivial R is in context. I tried changing the to_expr [...] to to_expr [...] tt ff as per a suggestion of Kyle's, but this time it did not seem to help.

Damiano Testa (May 10 2022 at 12:46):

Here is what the goal state if I remove the two assumptions:

example {R : Type*} [hh : semiring R] (h : (0 : R)  1) :
  (polynomial.X : polynomial R).nat_degree = 1 :=
by {quick,  }

2 goals
R: Type ?
hh: semiring R
h: 0  1
_inst: nontrivial R
 nontrivial R

R: Type ?
hh: semiring R
h: 0  1
pX1: polynomial.X.nat_degree = 1
 polynomial.X.nat_degree = 1

Damiano Testa (May 10 2022 at 12:47):

I feel like the first one should have been closed by the nontriviality step, but I think that I did not pass on the correct metavariable information.

Eric Wieser (May 10 2022 at 13:05):

Note you can match against `(@polynomial.X %%R %%inst) to get R directly

Eric Wieser (May 10 2022 at 13:10):

That is to say, this works:

import data.polynomial.degree

open expr tactic

meta def single_term_proof (e : expr) : tactic unit :=
match e with
| `(@polynomial.X %%R %%inst) := do
    nontriviality_by_assumption R,
    tactic.interactive.exact ``(polynomial.nat_degree_X)
| _ := tactic.trace "oops"

meta def quick : tactic unit :=
do `(polynomial.nat_degree %%x = %%one)  target,
                      single_term_proof x

example {R : Type*} [hh : semiring R] (h : (0 : R)  1) :
  (polynomial.X : polynomial R).nat_degree = 1 :=
by quick

Eric Wieser (May 10 2022 at 13:11):

Confusingly, you do want to use docs#tactic.interactive.exact here; you just don't want to use it from within interactive mode

Eric Wieser (May 10 2022 at 13:11):

(parse texpr is just pexpr with some extra instructions for the interactive parser)

Damiano Testa (May 10 2022 at 13:36):

Eric, thank you so much! I had gotten to my twisty code by trying to get Lean to understand what I was saying and really the issue is that I do not know the language!

I'll try to add more matches to single_term_proof and make it work in more situations!

Thanks again!

Damiano Testa (May 10 2022 at 13:39):

Also, even though I had seen these annotations a few times and I also know about Mario's cheatsheet, I still find it hard to navigate among `, %%, `(), ``(),....

Eric Wieser (May 10 2022 at 14:11):

I probably couldn't have written that from scratch, I'm also not familiar with the difference between those symbols.
Deleting and modifying code you don't understand is much easier than writing it from scratch!

Yakov Pechersky (May 11 2022 at 12:24):

`name, `(expr), ``(pexpr), %%inline-an-expr

In this case, you're matching on an expr, so you use \`(). In it, you match exactly in the terms you want. You store the expr for the term that is the ring type under the variable R via the match. The exact tactic expects a pexpr, which is like an expr but not yet fully elaborated. This makes sense because we want to rely on the exact tactic to figure out which ring our lemma is about and the instances. You could form the explicit expr by saying `(@polynomial.nat_degree_X %%R ... ) but you'd have to supply all the instances. In norm_num, this is usually done by carrying an instance_cache around and using it to form exprs instead of writing them out manually.

Damiano Testa (May 11 2022 at 13:23):

Yakov, thanks a lot for the explanation! Even though I know about the @<lemma> to supply all the arguments, it had not dawned on me until the answers that I got here, how useful this is in meta mode! Even if I could get Eric's suggestion to work (and I think that it is better in the current situation), I am really grateful for your comments!

Scott Morrison (May 12 2022 at 02:13):

Going back to the original question, Lean 3 does not have antiquotations for `[...] blocks, and so you have to rely on there being a non-interactive version of the tactic available.

Damiano Testa (May 12 2022 at 03:16):

Scott, thank you for the information! It's good to know when you should stop looking for something that just isn't there! :smile:

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC