Zulip Chat Archive
Stream: Berkeley Lean Seminar
Topic: Normal Galois Correspondence
Sean Gonzales (Apr 17 2023 at 19:17):
In trying to prove that normal extensions correspond to normal subgroups, I need to show that if is a Galois extension and is an intermediate field, then the fixing subgroup of is normal iff stabilizes . Assuming the fixing subgroup of is normal, how I would think to do this is to take an element and , and show that for any we have , hence . However, I'm having trouble using this characterization of fixed fields. My scratchwork attempt so far is this:
import field_theory.galois
lemma normal_iff_fixing (F L : Type*)
[field F] [field L] [algebra F L] [is_galois F L]
[finite_dimensional F L] (K : intermediate_field F L) :
K.fixing_subgroup.normal ↔ ∀ (g : L ≃ₐ[F] L) (x : L), x ∈ K → g • x ∈ K :=
intros hk_normal g x hxk,
have hk_fixing := is_galois.fixed_field_fixing_subgroup K,
rw ← hk_fixing,
rw intermediate_field.fixed_field,
rw fixed_points.intermediate_field,
What I want is to use the fact that an element is in if and only if an arbitrary element of fixes it. I'm having trouble figuring out which rewrites will get me to this condition.
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 17 2023 at 19:46):
Can you add import
s and any open
s to make your code a #mwe ? (just edit your message, don't post a new one)
Sean Gonzales (Apr 17 2023 at 19:50):
There's a lemma in fixing_subgroup.lean which is essentially backwards of what I want: it says "an element is in a fixing subgroup of a set iff it fixes every element of the set". Rather, I want "an element is in a set iff every element of its fixing subgroup fixes it". Does this lemma exist? I'm having trouble locating it.
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 17 2023 at 20:17):
Here's a direct proof, if this helps:
import field_theory.galois
lemma normal_iff_fixing (F L : Type*)
[field F] [field L] [algebra F L] [is_galois F L]
[finite_dimensional F L] (K : intermediate_field F L) :
K.fixing_subgroup.normal ↔ ∀ (g : L ≃ₐ[F] L) (x : L), x ∈ K → g • x ∈ K :=
intros hk_normal g x hxk,
have hk_fixing := is_galois.fixed_field_fixing_subgroup K,
rw ← hk_fixing,
rw intermediate_field.fixed_field,
rw fixed_points.intermediate_field,
-- goal contains a structure explicitly made with `{ }` constructor
dsimp, -- now it doesn't
rintro ⟨φ, hφ⟩,
-- tidy up goal
change φ (g x) = g x,
-- move g on RHS to LHS
suffices : g⁻¹ (φ (g x)) = x,
{ -- inelegant proof
apply_fun g at this,
rw ← alg_equiv.mul_apply at this,
simpa, },
-- close approximation to the goal
have := hk_normal.conj_mem φ hφ g⁻¹ ⟨x, hxk⟩,
-- simplifier can reconcile `this` with the goal
{ sorry,
Sean Gonzales (Apr 17 2023 at 20:20):
Ah, dsimp
is what I needed. Thanks!
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 17 2023 at 20:23):
I only put it there for psychological purposes. You can delete it and the proof still works. dsimp
does definitional tidying up, but the change
tactic works up to definitional equality too, so you don't need the dsimp
at all.
Sean Gonzales (Apr 17 2023 at 20:25):
Right, I mean to say dsimp
clarified the explicit construction to me.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC