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Stream: Berkeley Lean Seminar

Topic: fintype

Kyle Miller (Jun 09 2020 at 20:32):

For a project I'm working on, the last thing to prove is the following, which seems like it should be easy enough, but I've been having a hard time finishing it off:

instance list_sep_fintype {A} [fintype A] (n : ) (p : list A  Prop)
: fintype {x : list A | x.length = n  p x}

The best strategy I can think of is to show this set is equivalent to filtering the type of length-n vectors by p, since I think I can show that's a fintype.

Thomas Browning (Jun 09 2020 at 20:37):

if I'm understanding things correctly, isn't this true without the "∧ p x" ?

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 09 2020 at 20:38):

fintype is hard to work with because it's data. Ask this on the main chat if you want an expert opinion. If it's not in the library it might be tricky to get it there. I agree that the filter approach should work.

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 09 2020 at 20:38):

Thomas Browning said:

if I'm understanding things correctly, isn't this true without the "∧ p x" ?

Sure, but you'll still have to locate the proof that a subthing of a finite thing is finite. Finiteness is a nightmare if you have to prove things yourself because it's been made in a computable manner.

Kyle Miller (Jun 09 2020 at 20:44):

Thomas Browning said:

if I'm understanding things correctly, isn't this true without the "∧ p x" ?

Yeah, that's true, and it just happens to be the fintype instance I need in the end. (There's already basically an instance of fintype {x : list A | x.length = n}, but for vectors.)

Kyle Miller (Jun 09 2020 at 21:56):

The approach of constructing an equivalence with vector types worked out, though I had to add noncomputable to my instance for some reason.

So, I submit my first project, a proof of the countable version of the De Bruijn–Erdős theorem, that if a graph with countably many vertices has the property that every finite subgraph can be n-colored, then the graph can be n-colored. This involved proving a weak version of Kőnig's lemma, that the inverse limit of an ℕ-indexed family of finite sets is nonempty.

Coloring statement: https://github.com/kmill/lean-graphcoloring/blob/master/src/graph.lean#L347

Kőnig's lemma: https://github.com/kmill/lean-graphcoloring/blob/master/src/konig.lean#L153

The proofs are terrible, but, hey, it's proved. (While any hints to clean things up would be appreciated, I don't want to harm any of your eyes with its very hacky state.)

(I plan on cleaning some things up and eventually submitting PRs for some of the lemmas, since some seem to be useful.)

Patrick Lutz (Jun 09 2020 at 22:04):

probably worth mentioning this on the maths stream

Kyle Miller (Jun 09 2020 at 23:08):

By the way, some math commentary: I'm not sure how Konig's lemma is usually proved, but here's what I did. Suppose your inverse system consists of nonempty finite sets SnS_n and functions fn:Sn+1Snf_n:S_{n+1}\to S_n, for all nNn\in\mathbb{N}. Each element xSnx\in S_n might or might not be extendable, in the sense that it might or might not be in the image of fnf_n. Call an element kk-extendable if it comes from an element in Sn+kS_{n+k}, in the sense that it is the iterated image of such an element, and call an element very extendable if it is kk-extendable for all kk. It turns out finiteness implies every SnS_n has at least one very extendable element, and furthermore the restriction to the very extendable elements yields a new inverse system where every function is surjective. From here, you can use choice to construct an element of the inverse limit.

(This might be interesting for counting the numbers of n-colorings for certain families of graphs. You might be able to get exponential lower bounds by considering only the very extendable colorings. That is, by looking at colorings of the inverse limit of the family of graphs and how they restrict.)

Patrick Lutz (Jun 09 2020 at 23:58):

What you describe is more or less the standard way to prove Konig's lemma: always stay in the infinite part of the tree.

Kyle Miller (Jun 10 2020 at 00:50):

A fancy way to prove it is to take the product XX of the SnS_n sets. Giving these sets the discrete topology, XX with the product topology is compact (the Tychonoff theorem). Letting CnXC_n\subseteq X denote the set of sequences such that indices 0,1,,n0,1,\dots,n satisfy the inverse system's constraint, then one may show these are closed and nonempty. This family {Cn}n\{C_n\}_n has the finite intersection property, so the intersection is nonempty due to the compactness of XX. (This idea extends to inverse systems in the category of topological spaces where the SnS_n sets are nonempty and compact, rather than nonempty and finite.)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC