Zulip Chat Archive

Stream: Berkeley Lean Seminar

Topic: have giving error

Thomas Browning (May 26 2020 at 21:02):

the expression

have h : a * b = a * b  a = a,

gives no errors but the expression

have h' : a * b = a * b  a * b = a * b,

gives an error at the third multiplication symbol. Why is this and how can it be avoided?

Patrick Lutz (May 26 2020 at 21:06):

actually, even looking at the state after your first have, it's not what I expected

Kyle Miller (May 26 2020 at 21:07):

Shouldn't it be := rather than : ?

Patrick Lutz (May 26 2020 at 21:08):

the : is saying the type of h

Patrick Lutz (May 26 2020 at 21:09):

for instance have h : (\forall a : \N), (\forall b : \N), a*b = a*b \to a*b = a*b works and gives what you would expect

Thomas Browning (May 26 2020 at 21:09):

I thought that it would function like

have h : 0=0,

(which functions as expected)

Thomas Browning (May 26 2020 at 21:09):

I thought that it would function like

have h : a=a,

(which functions as expected)

Patrick Lutz (May 26 2020 at 21:10):

might be worth asking in the new members stream

Patrick Lutz (May 26 2020 at 21:11):

have h : a = b, also works as expected. As does have h : a = b \and a = b,

Patrick Lutz (May 26 2020 at 21:12):

btw, I think they typically like you to give a mwe (minimum working example) in the other streams

Patrick Lutz (May 26 2020 at 21:20):

to report back what was said in the new members stream, apparently there's an insane bug where when you use the letter a as a variable in a have statement, Lean implicitly adds a universal quantifier (basically)

Kevin Buzzard (May 27 2020 at 11:19):

The last time this bug was discussed, fixing it involved the impossible act of editing core Lean. Now there's a fork and this bug is fixable.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC