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Stream: graph theory
Topic: Creating an edge from vertices
Gabriel Moise (Apr 02 2021 at 08:52):
I was trying some proofs and lemmas about the incidence matrix of a graph, and I would find it useful if I could have a definition of an edge from the 2 given vertices, knowing the fact that they are adjacent in the graph. I tried something like this
import linear_algebra.matrix
import combinatorics.simple_graph.basic
open_locale big_operators matrix
open finset matrix simple_graph
universes u v
variables {V : Type u} [fintype V]
namespace simple_graph
variables (G : simple_graph V) [decidable_rel G.adj] [decidable_eq V]
def edge_from_vertices (i j : V) (H_adj : G.adj i j) : G.edge_set := ⟦(i,j)⟧
end simple_graph
However, there is a problem because Lean can't coerce the ⟦(i,j)⟧ into a member of the G.edge_set. Has anyone encountered this and has a solution? I would like to have something like, the edge_from_vertices i j H_adj would be
e such that e.val = ⟦(i,j)⟧, but I don't know how to define that.
Eric Rodriguez (Apr 02 2021 at 09:44):
I'm confused what you mean; isn't G.adj i j
evidence that i j
is an edge? Can you post a #mwe explaining what you need it for?
Alena Gusakov (Apr 02 2021 at 09:57):
I'm pretty sure there's a lemma stating that there exists an edge iff adjacent, you might be able to use that?
Gabriel Moise (Apr 02 2021 at 09:57):
I wasn't talking about the evidence that (i,j) represents an edge, I was talking about having the edge as an object and using it for calculations, for instance:
lemma filter_edge_card_one {i j : V} (H_adj : G.adj i j) :
filter (λ (x : (G.edge_set)), ↑x = ⟦(i, j)⟧) univ = {G.edge_from_vertices i j H_adj} :=
Alena Gusakov (Apr 02 2021 at 10:00):
I think you can use the existence lemma to create the edge but I'm not currently able to test it (it's like 6 am where I am sorry lol)
Alena Gusakov (Apr 02 2021 at 10:02):
I think I get what you're saying though - G.edge_set isn't a type, so you can't say def etc : G.edge_set := ...
Eric Wieser (Apr 02 2021 at 10:02):
Sure you can, because docs#set.has_coe_to_sort exists? (although you probably shouldn't!)
Alena Gusakov (Apr 02 2021 at 10:02):
You can do def etc : sym2 V := ... because that's the type of edges
Eric Wieser (Apr 02 2021 at 10:03):
filter (λ (x : (G.edge_set)), ↑x = ⟦(i, j)⟧) univ
should be the same as filter (λ (x : sym2 V), x = ⟦(i, j)⟧) G.edge_set
, and the latter will be easier to work with
Gabriel Moise (Apr 02 2021 at 10:04):
Well, I am sure that there is a possibility, but I am not very accustomed to working with coercions, although I stumble upon them a lot, so I wanted to see an example so that I can understand more.
Eric Wieser (Apr 02 2021 at 10:05):
At a guess you're looking for
def edge_from_vertices (i j : V) (H_adj : G.adj i j) : G.edge_set := ⟨⟦(i,j)⟧, H_adj⟩
Eric Wieser (Apr 02 2021 at 10:08):
Or another way to write it, without exploiting that docs#sym2.from_rel_prop is true by rfl
def edge_from_vertices (i j : V) (H_adj : G.adj i j) : G.edge_set :=
⟨_, sym2.from_rel_prop.mpr H_adj⟩
Gabriel Moise (Apr 02 2021 at 10:09):
Can you explain a little how does the construction work (⟨⟦(i,j)⟧, H_adj⟩) ?
Eric Wieser (Apr 02 2021 at 10:10):
is short for {x // x ∈ G.edge_set}
aka subtype (∈ G.edge_set)
. subtype x
is just a pair of x
and p x
Eric Wieser (Apr 02 2021 at 10:11):
Conveniently, it turns out the statements ⟦(i,j)⟧ ∈ G.edge_set
and G.adj i j
are defeq, so as long as lean already knows what type it's looking for, you can supply a proof of the latter (H_adj
) where the former is expected.
Gabriel Moise (Apr 02 2021 at 10:13):
Oh, I think I see what you mean. Thank you very much! I am currently working on proving more lemmas and I might have more questions, I will use this topic for that, if that's ok :smile:
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC