Zulip Chat Archive
Stream: graph theory
Topic: set {s : sym2 V // ¬s.is_diag}
Eric Wieser (Jul 16 2021 at 15:28):
Do we have something like this anywhere?
/-- Every set of non-diagonal edges is a simple graph -/
def iso_set_sym2 [decidable_eq V] : simple_graph V ≃ set {s : sym2 V // ¬s.is_diag} :=
{ to_fun := λ g, (coe : _ → sym2 V) ⁻¹' g.edge_set,
inv_fun := λ s,
{ adj := λ v w, ⟦(v, w)⟧ ∈ (coe : _ → sym2 V) '' s,
sym := λ v w h, by { rw sym2.eq_swap, exact h},
loopless := λ v h, by simpa using h },
left_inv := λ g, begin
ext v w,
rw [set.image_preimage_eq_inter_range, set.mem_inter_iff, subtype.range_coe_subtype,
set.mem_set_of_eq, sym2.is_diag_iff_proj_eq, mem_edge_set, and_iff_left_iff_imp],
apply ne_of_adj,
right_inv := λ E, begin
ext ⟨e, he⟩,
induction e using quotient.induction_on,
cases e,
simp_rw [set.mem_image, set.mem_preimage, subtype.exists, subtype.coe_mk,
exists_and_distrib_right, exists_eq_right, mem_edge_set],
rw exists_prop_of_true,
end }
Eric Rodriguez (Jul 16 2021 at 15:45):
i'd be super surprised if we did
Eric Rodriguez (Jul 16 2021 at 15:49):
searching for ≃
in combinatorics/simple_graph
makes me pretty sure the answer is no
Eric Wieser (Jul 16 2021 at 15:58):
I was able to golf it a little using ne_of_adj
and edge_set
Bhavik Mehta (Jul 16 2021 at 15:58):
I think we should have this, if it's not there already
Eric Wieser (Jul 16 2021 at 15:58):
The idea here is that you could use this to get the boolean algebra structure, although I'm not sure if it is definitionally nice
Bhavik Mehta (Jul 16 2021 at 16:02):
Right I think this is exactly the right idea, and we can use copy to get nice definitional properties if needed
Eric Rodriguez (Jul 16 2021 at 16:29):
Eric, no need for this:
instance : boolean_algebra (simple_graph V) :=
boolean_algebra.of_core $
{ compl := compl,
le_sup_inf := λ a b c v w ⟨hab, hac⟩, or.dcases_on hac or.inl $
or.dcases_on hab (λ h _, or.inl h) $ λ hb hc, or.inr ⟨hb, hc⟩,
inf_compl_le_bot := λ a v w h, false.elim $ h.2.2 h.1,
top_le_sup_compl := λ a v w ne, by {by_cases a.adj v w, exact or.inl h, exact or.inr ⟨ne, h⟩},
..simple_graph.bounded_lattice }
Eric Wieser (Jul 16 2021 at 16:53):
Sure, but my approach would give you the bounded_lattice too
Eric Rodriguez (Jul 16 2021 at 17:06):
i feel like with this approach it's more of a pain to get the right definitional properties than just writing it by hand (I'm currently rewriting without of_core
to get a better sdiff
), but it'd certainly be good to have a lift for various levels of lattices
Kyle Miller (Jul 16 2021 at 17:47):
Maybe it's worth adding in sym2.to_rel
as an inverse to sym2.from_rel
, defining an equivalence
{r : V → V → Prop // symmetric r ∧ irreflexive r} ≃ set {s : sym2 V // ¬s.is_diag}
in sym2
, and then using this to define the equivalence. (Whether or not this is how the boolean_algebra
is defined.)
namespace sym2
def to_rel (s : set (sym2 V)) (v w : V) : Prop := ⟦(v, w)⟧ ∈ s
@[simp] lemma to_rel_def (s : set (sym2 V)) (v w : V) : to_rel s v w ↔ ⟦(v, w)⟧ ∈ s := iff.rfl
lemma to_rel.symmetric (s : set (sym2 V)) : symmetric (to_rel s) :=
λ v w h, by rwa [to_rel, sym2.eq_swap]
@[simp] lemma to_rel_of_from_rel {α : Type*} {r : α → α → Prop} (h : symmetric r) :
to_rel (from_rel h) = r := rfl
@[simp] lemma from_rel_of_to_rel (s : set (sym2 V)) : from_rel (to_rel.symmetric s) = s :=
ext z,
refine quotient.ind (λ x, _) z,
end sym2
def rel_iso_sym2 : {r : V → V → Prop // symmetric r ∧ irreflexive r} ≃ set {s : sym2 V // ¬s.is_diag} :=
{ to_fun := λ x, coe ⁻¹' sym2.from_rel x.property.1,
inv_fun := λ s, ⟨sym2.to_rel (coe '' s), sym2.to_rel.symmetric _, λ v, by simp⟩,
left_inv := begin
rintro ⟨r, hs, hi⟩,
ext v w,
simp only [subtype.image_preimage_coe, set.mem_inter_eq, and_iff_left_iff_imp,
sym2.to_rel_def, sym2.from_rel_prop, subtype.coe_mk],
intro h,
-- change ¬sym2.is_diag ⟦(v, w)⟧,
apply (@sym2.from_rel_irreflexive _ _ hs).mp hi,
exact h,
right_inv := begin
intro s,
ext x,
cases x with x hx,
simp [hx],
end }
def iso_set_rel : simple_graph V ≃ {r : V → V → Prop // symmetric r ∧ irreflexive r} :=
{ to_fun := λ G, ⟨G.adj, G.sym, G.loopless⟩,
inv_fun := λ x, ⟨x, x.property.1, x.property.2⟩,
left_inv := by tidy,
right_inv := by tidy }
Kyle Miller (Jul 16 2021 at 17:48):
By the way, something goes weird at the simp
right before the commented out change
. Something causes the expression to leave the set API, and I didn't track down what.
Kyle Miller (Jul 16 2021 at 17:50):
This is just factoring @Eric Wieser's definition into two parts -- I think it's generally useful to have an equivalence to a type made up of the "standard" inductive types. (I'm hoping that eventually there will be an attribute to automatically create these.)
There should probably also be
{r : V → V → Prop // symmetric r} ≃ set (sym2 V)
Eric Wieser (Jul 16 2021 at 19:18):
I think theres a sym2.lift
hiding in your idea there, I'll try to PR it
Eric Wieser (Jul 18 2021 at 15:09):
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC