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Stream: condensed mathematics

Topic: Sheaves on ExtrDisc

Adam Topaz (Jan 23 2022 at 22:52):

A quick update:
I defined:

def finite_product_condition [limits.has_finite_products C] (F : ExtrDisc.{u}ᵒᵖ  C) :
  Prop :=  (ι : Type u) [fintype ι] (X : ι  ExtrDisc),
  -- Lean is being annoying here...
  let t : Π i, F.obj (op (sigma X))  F.obj (op (X i)) := λ i, F.map (sigma.ι X i).op,
  exact is_iso (limits.pi.lift t)


structure ExtrSheafProd (C : Type.{u'}) [category.{v'} C] [limits.has_finite_products C] :=
(val : ExtrDisc.{u}ᵒᵖ  C)
(cond : ExtrDisc.finite_product_condition val)

with the natural category structure obtained from the category structure for presheaves.

And the following equivalence is now sorry-free:

def Condensed_ExtrSheafProd_equiv (C : Type.{u'}) [category.{u+1} C] [limits.has_limits C] :
  Condensed.{u} C  ExtrSheafProd.{u} C :=
(Condensed_ExtrSheaf_equiv C).symm.trans (ExtrSheaf_ExtrSheafProd_equiv C)

-- Sanity check
lemma Condensed_ExtrSheafProd_equiv_functor_obj_val
  {C : Type.{u'}} [category.{u+1} C] [limits.has_limits C] (F : Condensed C) :
  ((Condensed_ExtrSheafProd_equiv C).functor.obj F).val = ExtrDisc_to_Profinite.op  F.val := rfl

This was harder to formalize than I had expected, because ExtrDisc does not have pullbacks. Can anyone think of a reasonable generalization of docs#category_theory.pretopology that does not require pullbacks?

I have an idea, essentially using the following fact about ExtrDisc: For any objects X1,X2,BX_1, X_2, B and fi:XiBf_i : X_i \to B, there is an object GG and morphisms pi:GXip_i : G \to X_i making the obvious diagram commute, such whenever HH and gi:HXig_i : H \to X_i also satisfy this condition, there is a morphism HGH \to G such that gig_i factors through HGH \to G via pip_i (essentially, take GG to be a projective presentation of the pullback in Profinite). This is not as strong as having actual pullbacks, but seems to be good enough for most things.

Bhavik Mehta (Jan 24 2022 at 02:17):

Adam Topaz said:

This was harder to formalize than I had expected, because ExtrDisc does not have pullbacks. Can anyone think of a reasonable generalization of docs#category_theory.pretopology that does not require pullbacks?

The Elephant defines essentially this exact thing - I decided not to put it in mathlib because I thought it was never useful! In particular, we replace the pullback part of the condition with this: http://nlab-pages.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/nlab/show/coverage#Definition, and the other two conditions remain the same

Reid Barton (Jan 24 2022 at 02:21):

I was confused because I thought I remembered seeing a Lean definition of a coverage but then I couldn't find it in mathlib--was it in your other library?

Bhavik Mehta (Jan 24 2022 at 02:28):

I don't think I ever wrote down a "coverage" as it is there - and most of the stuff which is about sites and not more general is in mathlib by now

Bhavik Mehta (Jan 24 2022 at 02:29):

docs#category_theory.grothendieck_topology just to make sure!

Reid Barton (Jan 24 2022 at 03:09):

Hmm maybe I imagined it then, or maybe it was in what Johan wrote in 2019.

Reid Barton (Jan 24 2022 at 03:11):

Anyways, I definitely think coverages are important, at least from a theoretical perspective. It's the least condition you can have on something defining a topology.

Adam Topaz (Jan 24 2022 at 03:22):

I should mention that I spent most of my mathematical life completely happy with the definition on the stacks project, which is essentially mathlib's current def of a pretopology, pullbacks and all!

In this case, the Grothendieck topology on Profinite is the one generated by a pretopology, and the one of ExtrDisc is the induced one. It would have made some of the proofs easier if I was able to obtain an induced pretopology on ExtrDisc (which I see now would require changing the def to use coverages!), but that's mostly just because I wanted to prove the equivalence with a "simple" sheaf condition on ExtrDisc. But the key part of the argument showing the equivalence with the condition involving only products is a separate thing (involving splitting a coequalizer). BTW, do we have some API for split (co)equalizers?

Adam Topaz (Jan 24 2022 at 03:24):

Ha, we have docs#category_theory.is_split_coequalizer

Johan Commelin (Jan 24 2022 at 05:26):

@Reid Barton Indeed, that's what I did back in A'dam in 2019. And I got horribly stuck, because I had no clue what I was doing Leanwise.

Adam Topaz (Jan 24 2022 at 15:25):

Another update:

instance preserves_colimits_Condensed_evaluation'
  (S : Profinite.{u}) [projective S] (C : Type w) [category.{u+1} C]
  [has_limits C] [has_colimits C] [has_zero_morphisms C] [has_finite_biproducts C] :
  limits.preserves_colimits (Condensed.evaluation C S) :=
preserves_colimits_Condensed_evaluation S _

is sorry-free, and as a result, we have

instance (S : Profinite.{u}) [projective S] :
  projective ([S]) :=

sorry-free as well!

Adam Topaz (Jan 24 2022 at 15:29):

Even better, we also have:

-- Forgetting to presheaves, and restricting to `ExtrDisc` creates colimits.
instance Condensed_to_ExtrDisc_presheaf_creates_colimits [has_colimits C] :
  ((Sheaf_to_presheaf _ _ : Condensed C  _) 
  (whiskering_left _ _ _).obj (ExtrDisc_to_Profinite.op)) :=

which says that colimits can be computed objectwise using ExtrDisc.

Johan Commelin (Jan 24 2022 at 15:52):


Adam Topaz (Jan 24 2022 at 19:01):

instance Condensed_Ab_has_enough_projective : enough_projectives (Condensed.{u} Ab.{u+1}) :=


Johan Commelin (Jan 24 2022 at 19:07):

This is now sorry-free ?!?!

Adam Topaz (Jan 24 2022 at 19:07):

yeah ;)

Johan Commelin (Jan 24 2022 at 19:08):

Nice! That took a long breath. Great milestone.

Adam Topaz (Jan 24 2022 at 19:08):

I'm building now (after changing some imports) to double check everything is working.

Filippo A. E. Nuccio (Jan 24 2022 at 19:08):

Great job, @Adam Topaz !

Adam Topaz (Jan 24 2022 at 19:09):

So now Ext actually means something ;)

Johan Commelin (Jan 24 2022 at 19:09):

@Adam Topaz I still see 23 sorry's in extr.lean. Are those unrelated?

Adam Topaz (Jan 24 2022 at 19:09):

try now

Johan Commelin (Jan 24 2022 at 19:10):

1       src/challenge.lean
6       src/condensed/basic.lean
4       src/condensed/ab.lean
2       src/condensed/is_proetale_sheaf.lean
1       src/combinatorial_lemma/profinite.lean
9       src/laurent_measures/aux_lemmas.lean
2       src/laurent_measures/thm69.lean
2       src/for_mathlib/derived_functor.lean
1       src/for_mathlib/homological_complex.lean
1       src/for_mathlib/short_exact_sequence.lean
Total:  29

Johan Commelin (Jan 24 2022 at 19:10):


Filippo A. E. Nuccio (Jan 24 2022 at 19:11):

Can't we add 8 sorries?

Johan Commelin (Jan 24 2022 at 19:13):

0 > 37

Johan Commelin (Jan 24 2022 at 20:06):

It's even better:

1       src/challenge.lean
3       src/condensed/basic.lean
2       src/condensed/ab.lean
2       src/condensed/is_proetale_sheaf.lean
1       src/combinatorial_lemma/profinite.lean
9       src/laurent_measures/aux_lemmas.lean
2       src/laurent_measures/thm69.lean
2       src/for_mathlib/derived_functor.lean
1       src/for_mathlib/homological_complex.lean
1       src/for_mathlib/short_exact_sequence.lean
Total:  24

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC