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Stream: condensed mathematics

Topic: condensed abelian groups

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 08 2020 at 18:01):

@Calle Sönne and @Kenny Lau and @Bhavik Mehta have been working on defining condensed sets. A natural goal here would be to prove that the category of condensed abelian groups is an abelian category with all the extra stuff too (e.g. arbitrary products). This is Theorem 1.10 of http://www.math.uni-bonn.de/people/scholze/Condensed.pdf .

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 08 2020 at 18:01):

Reid has suggested that we initially ignore the cardinal bounds; we can come back to them later (they are in some sense not the point of the challenge)

Reid Barton (Dec 08 2020 at 18:04):

More precisely, taking Type 1-sized sheaves on tiny (:= Type 0-sized) profinite sets

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 08 2020 at 18:07):

This will be a nice test of the abelian category machinery, so this has great value independent of the application to the challenge.

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 08 2020 at 18:33):

@Adam Topaz's effort towards ind-objects seem relevant as well, if we need to show that the category Pro-Fintype is the same as Profinite

Adam Topaz (Dec 08 2020 at 18:34):

My plan was to define profinite sets as Pro(FinType) :rofl:

Adam Topaz (Dec 08 2020 at 18:34):

But I got stuck with the details, tbh.

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 08 2020 at 18:35):

I think regardless of the definition, the equivalence between the two categories ought to be there

Adam Topaz (Dec 08 2020 at 18:35):

Yes absolutely.

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 08 2020 at 18:36):

Do you have a branch where you're working on this out of interest?

Adam Topaz (Dec 08 2020 at 18:36):

I haven't started anything seriously, just playing around.

Adam Topaz (Dec 08 2020 at 18:37):

For example, I tried making some crazy inductive-quotient style definition, which works out fine, except for universe problems.

Adam Topaz (Dec 08 2020 at 18:38):

And I tried the "direct" way where you define hom sets as

limjcolimiHom(F(i),G(j))\operatorname{lim}_j \operatorname{colim}_i \operatorname{Hom}(F(i),G(j))

but even defining the identity morphisms seems to be a major pain...

Adam Topaz (Dec 08 2020 at 18:39):

I'm still not sure what definition would be best here...

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 08 2020 at 18:56):

import category_theory.limits.functor_category
import category_theory.full_subcategory
import category_theory.limits.types

namespace category_theory
namespace limits

universes v u
variables {C : Type u} [small_category C]

structure as_inductive (P : Cᵒᵖ  Type u) :=
(D : Type u)
[𝒟 : small_category D]
[hD : is_filtered D]
(α : D  C)
(i : P  colimit (α  (yoneda : C  Cᵒᵖ  Type u)))

structure is_inductive (P : Cᵒᵖ  Type u) : Prop :=
(mk' : nonempty (as_inductive P))

@[derive category]
def ind := {P : Cᵒᵖ  Type u // is_inductive P}

end limits
end category_theory

this works but I don't know if making C a small category is too restrictive

Adam Topaz (Dec 08 2020 at 18:58):

Right, so this is the presentation of filtered colimits of representables in presheves. That's the right category.

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 08 2020 at 19:01):

Yeah, but Fintype isn't a small category, so with this definition we don't get Ind(Fintype) \iso Type

Adam Topaz (Dec 08 2020 at 19:02):

There's a nice skeleton for FinType, already in mathlib :)

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 08 2020 at 19:02):

Sure but I don't see any maths reason why Ind is only defined for small categories

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 08 2020 at 19:03):

Ah this looks better:

import category_theory.limits.functor_category
import category_theory.full_subcategory
import category_theory.limits.types
import category_theory.Fintype

namespace category_theory
namespace limits

universes v u
variables {C : Type u} [category.{v} C]

structure as_inductive (P : Cᵒᵖ  Type v) :=
(D : Type*)
[𝒟 : small_category D]
[hD : is_filtered D]
(α : D  C)
(c : cocone (α  yoneda))
(hc : is_colimit c)
(i : P  c.X)

structure is_inductive (P : Cᵒᵖ  Type v) : Prop :=
(mk' : nonempty (as_inductive P))

variable (C)

@[derive category]
def ind := {P : Cᵒᵖ  Type v // is_inductive P}

def thing : ind Fintype.{u}  Type u :=

end limits
end category_theory

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 08 2020 at 19:27):

some stuff building on that here: https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib/tree/ind-object

Calle Sönne (Dec 08 2020 at 21:16):

Kevin Buzzard said:

This will be a nice test of the abelian category machinery, so this has great value independent of the application to the challenge.

I didnt know this existed!

Calle Sönne (Dec 08 2020 at 21:16):

Looks great

Calle Sönne (Dec 08 2020 at 21:26):

So where have people been working on this? I have just been (slowly) trying to build upon @Kevin Buzzard s definition of Profinite sets on the branch Profinite2. So far I proved they have limits, so now I guess that the pretopology can be defined.

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 08 2020 at 21:54):

Abelian categories are now in mathlib!

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 08 2020 at 21:55):


Kevin Buzzard (Dec 08 2020 at 21:56):

The first goal is to show that the category of sheaves of abelian groups on Profinite is an abelian category.

Adam Topaz (Dec 08 2020 at 22:37):

It may be worthwhile to prove that this is true for abelian sheaves on any site.

Adam Topaz (Dec 08 2020 at 22:41):

But this requires sheafification, which I don't think we have yet in mathlib for a general grothendieck topology

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 08 2020 at 23:28):

Adam Topaz said:

It may be worthwhile to prove that this is true for abelian sheaves on any site.

@Kevin Buzzard tells me this isn't true in general

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 08 2020 at 23:29):

(unless I'm misunderstanding something which is more than likely)

Adam Topaz (Dec 08 2020 at 23:32):

Condensed abelian groups satisfy stronger axioms than just an abelian category that do not hold true in for general abelian sheaves. Maybe this is what he means?

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 08 2020 at 23:34):

Probably, assume that I understood something wrong rather than that he said something wrong though :)

Adam Topaz (Dec 08 2020 at 23:35):


Bhavik Mehta (Dec 08 2020 at 23:35):

was just about to ask for that, thanks

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 08 2020 at 23:44):

Looking through that it seems like it splits up quite nicely: https://stacks.math.columbia.edu/tag/03A3 is just a statement on abelian categories, it requires that the category of abelian presheaves is abelian: https://stacks.math.columbia.edu/tag/03A6, and what's left then is that the abelian sheaves are a reflective subcategory where the reflector is left exact

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 08 2020 at 23:44):

To get here of course we need to define abelian presheaves and sheaves, which I talked a bit about here: https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib/pull/5255#issuecomment-740065209

Adam Topaz (Dec 08 2020 at 23:50):

We also need the sheafification functor, but I'm sure you already have plans for that :)

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 08 2020 at 23:51):

I do :)

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 08 2020 at 23:51):

Coming soon to a mathlib near you

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 09 2020 at 00:07):

Is Profinite as in mathlib a small category? The results in stacks are stated only for small categories, as is the result I put in the link above

Reid Barton (Dec 09 2020 at 00:09):

It might be necessary to ulift the morphisms of Profinite to make it small in the next universe

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 09 2020 at 00:10):

Do you think just doing that will solve the universe issues?

Reid Barton (Dec 09 2020 at 00:11):

It is the correct way to solve them in this context

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 09 2020 at 00:12):

By the way do you have any suggestions for making the category of ind-objects? I had a go here: https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/267928-condensed-mathematics/topic/condensed.20abelian.20groups/near/219247857 but it doesn't seem like the best way to me

Reid Barton (Dec 09 2020 at 00:37):

If I recall correctly, it's not that easy to prove that objects of this form are closed under filtered colimits

Reid Barton (Dec 09 2020 at 00:37):

which is the one property you'd hope would be obvious from this definition

Reid Barton (Dec 09 2020 at 00:39):

also the definition seems to indicate we lack a version of a colimit cocone indexed on the vertex

Reid Barton (Dec 09 2020 at 00:39):

I have a construction of the closure under a certain class of colimits somewhere, but I'm not sure it is very useful either

Reid Barton (Dec 09 2020 at 00:41):

oh but that was mostly to avoid enlarging the universe, which isn't an issue here

Reid Barton (Dec 09 2020 at 00:43):

Typically I'd assume that C is small and has finite colimits and take the full subcategory on the guys that send those to limits

Reid Barton (Dec 09 2020 at 00:44):

If C doesn't have finite colimits then I guess you can take flat functors?

Reid Barton (Dec 09 2020 at 00:44):

let's see what LPAC does

Reid Barton (Dec 09 2020 at 00:52):

it proves that being a filtered colimit of representables is equivalent to the corresponding colimit-preserving functor preserving finite limits

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 09 2020 at 00:53):

Do you know how difficult that proof is to formalise?

Reid Barton (Dec 09 2020 at 00:54):

it doesn't look especially hard

Reid Barton (Dec 09 2020 at 00:54):

Lemma 2.24

Adam Topaz (Dec 09 2020 at 00:55):

What's LPAC?

Reid Barton (Dec 09 2020 at 00:56):

Locally Presentable and Accessible Categories

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 09 2020 at 00:56):

Oh yeah that looks very manageable

Reid Barton (Dec 09 2020 at 00:57):

at least if you replace "directed" in the statement by "filtered"

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 09 2020 at 01:00):

Bhavik Mehta said:

Probably, assume that I understood something wrong rather than that he said something wrong though :)

Apologies for the confusion -- this was a conversation we had on the discord and I'm pretty sure it was me who got it wrong -- I'd misremembered something. Arbitrary products are exact for condensed abelian groups (a product of epis is epi), and this is not true for sheaves of abelian groups on a general site, but all the axioms for an abelian category hold for sheaves of abelian groups on a general site (Bhavik I think I told you that arbitrary products might not exist in general).

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 09 2020 at 01:02):

Yup, as you mentioned Scholze says something along these lines:
"This makes Cond(Ab) exceptionally well-behaved, even more well-behaved than the category of abelian sheaves on a usual topos: Usually, infinite products fail to be exact."

Reid Barton (Dec 09 2020 at 01:09):

Your thing is an interesting test case, I feel like it will probably be pretty hard to prove directly

Bhavik Mehta (Dec 09 2020 at 01:21):

I'm not sure if it'll make that easier but I do suspect the definition would be nicer as saying the corresponding colimit-preserving functor preserving finite limits

Adam Topaz (Dec 09 2020 at 17:43):

@Calle Sönne https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib/blob/1f1ba587f272d203a40801c6b21af453f7de6ee3/src/topology/subset_properties.lean#L1305

Bhavik Mehta (Feb 02 2021 at 16:00):

Getting back to the ind-objects stuff, I've got a workable definition of flat functor on an arbitrary category (ie, not necessarily small and with no assumptions on limits/colimits), together with a proof that it's the same notion as preserving finite limits if they exist in the category, and almost got that the category of flat functors (ie ind-objects) is closed under filtered colimits (if the category is small), so I'm not far off from formally showing they're the ind-completion

Bhavik Mehta (Feb 02 2021 at 16:01):

The real tests here though are showing that ind Fintype = Type, and ind Fintype^op = Profinite^op

Peter Scholze (Feb 02 2021 at 16:02):

@Bhavik Mehta Those would be great to have, yes.

Bhavik Mehta (Feb 10 2021 at 16:40):

If anyone's interested in joining, I'm having a go at showing ind Fintype = Type in Kevin's discord!

Bhavik Mehta (Feb 18 2021 at 18:36):

Does anyone know if this result will explicitly be helpful? Specifically Calle has shown the topology version without an explicit equivalence of categories, is that good enough for the liquid project or is the actual category theory helpful too

Adam Topaz (Feb 18 2021 at 18:39):

I think the equivalence Pro (FinType) \equiv Profinite is actually useful because there are a lot of arguments that work with some functor on Profinite where you reduce to the finite case using this equivalence.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 18:01):

So after several months away doing other things I've now got some time to work on some research-level Lean (which is a very welcome state of affairs). Adam suggested that I look at the proof that condensed abelian groups are an abelian category. I've been watching the chat but not reading closely.

I see we have src/condensed/ab.lean :D Some of the imports have sorrys though. The first one is in for_mathlib/Profinite/disjoint_union.lean and it's

lemma is_preconnected.preimage [topological_space α] [topological_space β] {s : set β}
  (hs : is_preconnected s) {f : α  β} (hf : continuous_on f (f ⁻¹' s)) (hsf : s  set.range f) :
  is_preconnected (f ⁻¹' s) := sorry

which seems wrong to me -- a counterexample would be beta=s={*} and alpha is an arbitrary (non-preconnected) topological space. The sorried lemma is used in the proof of sigma.is_connected_iff. Have I made a mistake here or is something fishy going on?

The next sorried lemma is finite_product_condition_iff_empty_condition_product_condition in src/condensed/is_proetale_sheaf.lean and it's basically the statement that something works for finite products iff it works for empty products and binary products. I could imagine ploughing through this but it being looong. Is there some category theory miracle which would make this less painful?

My impression from the comments in condensed.basic is that Bhavik is in the middle of removing the sorries there. Comments like "I'm 90% sure this is true as stated" by a sorried lemma are a bit scary though!

Should we sort out these sorries before going for the proof that condensed abelian groups are an abelian category?

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 18:23):

pre: preimage of connected is connected; it seems like the only times these dubious sorried lemmas are used in the project is to (correctly) classify connected subsets of sigma types and binary sums, so maybe I'll just have a go at proving these results (sigma.is_connected_iff and sum.is_connected_iff)

Adam Topaz (Nov 05 2021 at 18:35):

@Kevin Buzzard Bhavik's sorry'd lemma is essentially proven

Adam Topaz (Nov 05 2021 at 18:35):

See is_proetale_sheaf_tfae in the other file

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 18:35):

The application of "pre-image of connected is connected" is in a situation where the map is injective and open (and the connected subset is in the image of the map), and in that case I think it's OK.

Johan Commelin (Nov 05 2021 at 18:38):

I agree that it would be good to take care of these sorries :thumbs_up:

Johan Commelin (Nov 05 2021 at 18:38):

It will be reassuring to know that we got the category right.

Adam Topaz (Nov 05 2021 at 18:41):

structure condensed_type_condition : Prop :=
(empty : nonempty X.preserves_terminal)
(bin_prod : nonempty X.preserves_binary_products)
(pullbacks :  {S S' : Profinite.{u}} (f : S'  S) [epi f],
  nonempty (is_limit (natural_fork X f)))

-- (BM): I'm 90% sure this is true as stated, the forward direction is about halfway done.
lemma sheaf_condition_iff :
  presieve.is_sheaf proetale_topology X  condensed_type_condition X :=

is essentially the equialence between 1 and 4 in

theorem is_proetale_sheaf_tfae [limits.has_terminal C] [limits.has_binary_products C]
  [limits.has_equalizers C] :
  [ presheaf.is_sheaf proetale_topology Q,
    Q.empty_condition'  Q.product_condition'  Q.equalizer_condition'
  ].tfae :=

Adam Topaz (Nov 05 2021 at 18:41):

Well, modulo a technicality about the equalizer condition vs. the pullback condition that's easy to see

Adam Topaz (Nov 05 2021 at 18:42):

Oh, and note that the tfae statement works for presheaves taking values in any category, not just Type* whichh is the context of sheaf_condition_iff

Adam Topaz (Nov 05 2021 at 18:46):

Once #10169 is merged ( :wink: ) I'll be able to add another characterization of sheaves similar to what appears in the following file

Adam Topaz (Nov 05 2021 at 18:55):

Kevin Buzzard said:

The application of "pre-image of connected is connected" is in a situation where the map is injective and open (and the connected subset is in the image of the map), and in that case I think it's OK.

I don't really know where the is_preconnected.preimage came from. It's only needed in the case where the map is an open embedding.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 19:12):

yeah I'm fixing it up right now

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 19:41):

lol the unused argument linter tells me that I never assumed f was continuous ;-)

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 19:41):

I love it when Lean does that

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 19:42):

lemma is_preconnected.preimage [topological_space α] [topological_space β] {s : set β}
  (hs : is_preconnected s) {f : α  β}   (hfinj : function.injective f) (hfopen : is_open_map f)
  (hsf : s  set.range f) : is_preconnected (f ⁻¹' s) := λ u v hu hv hsuv hsu hsv,
  specialize hs (f '' u) (f '' v) (hfopen u hu) (hfopen v hv) _ _ _,
  { have := set.image_subset f hsuv,
    rwa [set.image_preimage_eq' hsf, set.image_union] at this },
  { obtain x, hx1, hx2 := hsu,
    exact f x, hx1, x, hx2, rfl },
  { obtain y, hy1, hy2 := hsv,
    exact f y, hy1, y, hy2, rfl },
  { obtain b, hbs, hbu, hbv := hs,
    obtain a, rfl := hsf hbs,
    rw function.injective.mem_set_image hfinj at hbu hbv,
    exact a, hbs, hbu, hbv }

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 19:57):

So I just pushed straight to master -- is that OK? I'll keep going -- this is a nice warm-up, I can probably get for_mathlib/Profinite/disjoint_union.lean sorry-free this evening (everyone else has gone out :D )

Adam Topaz (Nov 05 2021 at 19:59):

Master is fine!

Adam Topaz (Nov 05 2021 at 19:59):

What sorry's arre left?

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 20:04):

Just a couple of topological trivialities which Yael skipped

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 20:05):

Basically if you're connected and in a disjoint union (either a pair or a sigma type) then you're in one of them

Adam Topaz (Nov 05 2021 at 20:59):

@Kevin Buzzard I pushed a complete mathlib bump to the LTE branch bump-2021-11-05. I didn't want to bump master directly, in case you're still working on this, so we should merge this to master when convenient.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 21:00):

feel free to merge to master; I can't imagine that you'll break any of my local work

Adam Topaz (Nov 05 2021 at 21:01):

Okay, done. Make sure to refresh your oleans!

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 21:05):

nothing broke :D

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 23:03):

OK that's me done for the day -- for_mathlib.Profinite.disjoint_union is now sorry-free. @Yaël Dillies you seem to have written a bunch of that file -- I added in some extra assumptions to make "pre-image of connected is connected" true and also added a few more lemmas (see the longish proofs in lines <= 90), maybe you want to golf them? I did my best.

Yaël Dillies (Nov 05 2021 at 23:04):

How come I have written a bunch of any file?

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 23:04):

oh you were git blamed for that file

Yaël Dillies (Nov 05 2021 at 23:04):

The only thing I could do was isolate 3 or 4 lemmas and fill in easy sorries.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 23:05):

You made a commit "prove sigma.compact_space" from two weeks ago. You left some sorries, I just filled them in.

Yaël Dillies (Nov 05 2021 at 23:06):

Oh okay, yeah that's what I did.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 23:07):

I wondered whether you wanted to be a perfectionist about the proofs

Yaël Dillies (Nov 05 2021 at 23:07):

How can you wonder about that? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Adam Topaz (Nov 05 2021 at 23:07):

Once you enter the Profinite namespace in that file, it become much more category-heavy (and that's my fault)

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 23:09):

If I filled in a sorry in a file Patrick wrote I suspect he'd want to have a look at it and tidy up the mess I'd made

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 23:09):

he has some principles ;-) (i.e. he's very good at writing short topology proofs)

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 23:11):

Adam I think it will be very good for me to engage with some of the category theory stuff again. I've done it twice in my life before and both times poor Scott has had to endure a huge amount of whingeing from me about how it is so hard to do category theory in Lean, followed slowly by me getting the hang of it a bit more, so I'm looking forward to learning more about it.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 05 2021 at 23:11):

I'm less sure that Scott will be, although maybe there are other people I can whinge to nowadays :D

Adam Topaz (Nov 05 2021 at 23:15):

When you can comment out some field in some structure in some abstract nonsense category-theoretic structure because you know that tidy can solve it, and it works after 37 seconds, it makes all the pain completely worth it.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 06 2021 at 14:55):

I have some dumb questions related to "a functor preserves finite products iff it preserves binary products and terminal objects", another sorry on the way to the definition of condensed abelian groups.

1) Where do things like "if C is a category, X and Y are objects, and f : X -> Y is an isomorphism, then f^{op} : Y^{op} -> X^{op} is an isomorphism" and "if F : C -> D is a functor, and F : X -> Y is an isomorphism, then F.map f is an isomorphism" live? I guess these will be definitions rather than theorems.

2) Do we have a nonconstructive singleton? i.e. a Prop-valued "I have precisely one term"?

Adam Topaz (Nov 06 2021 at 14:56):

1) docs#category_theory.iso.op

Adam Topaz (Nov 06 2021 at 14:57):

And docs#category_theory.functor.map_iso

Adam Topaz (Nov 06 2021 at 14:58):

I think docs#unique for 2?

Adam Topaz (Nov 06 2021 at 14:58):

Oh that's not Prop valued.

Adam Topaz (Nov 06 2021 at 15:00):

For 1, the links above work if you are using docs#category_theory.iso but if you want to use docs#category_theory.is_iso then there should be some similarly named lemmas that accomplish the same thing

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 06 2021 at 15:11):

ooh thanks a lot for these tips and links!

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 06 2021 at 15:13):

@Adam Topaz you've made things like category_theory.functor.finite_product_condition (in is_proetale_sheaf.lean) be Prop-valued (asserting a function is bijective rather than asserting the data of an inverse) so I guess I'll stick with this convention

Adam Topaz (Nov 06 2021 at 15:15):

We should have a lemma saying that a morphism in Type* has is_iso if it's bijective.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 06 2021 at 15:16):

you mean "it should be there" or "I should make it right now"?

Adam Topaz (Nov 06 2021 at 15:16):

The reason I used plain properties of functions as opposed to category theoretic notions is because I later apply these to the values of some yoneda functors, and it's much easier to apply the conditions in this case

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 06 2021 at 15:16):

I'm still not up to speed :-)

Adam Topaz (Nov 06 2021 at 15:16):

I think it should be there...

Adam Topaz (Nov 06 2021 at 15:16):

Somewhere :grimacing:

Adam Topaz (Nov 06 2021 at 15:26):


Kevin Buzzard (Nov 06 2021 at 15:27):

Thanks so much

Adam Topaz (Nov 06 2021 at 15:28):

That file has all of the lemmas relating categorical notions in Type* to the usual properties of functions

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 06 2021 at 15:31):

I'll try and get somewhere with the remaining sorry. It's not going to be fun but I think I'm thinking about it in the right way. On paper it's easy but in lean it's delicate. Take "the empty profinite space" for example. In my mind there is one such object. But lean knows about the empty type, or a sigma type over the empty type, or the product of the empty type and another type etc etc -- these are all types and who knows, they're probably not provably equal in Lean anyway, however of course they're isomorphic as profinite spaces and now one has to do some diagram chasing which is elementary and not hard to write down on paper -- the insight is realising that these empty types aren't equal and so you have to be careful drawing the diagrams :-)

Adam Topaz (Nov 06 2021 at 15:48):

I think for that finite product sorry, the first step is to prove an analogue of docs#fintype.induction_empty_option for docs#Fintype

Yaël Dillies (Nov 06 2021 at 15:54):

Kevin Buzzard said:

OK that's me done for the day -- for_mathlib.Profinite.disjoint_union is now sorry-free. Yaël Dillies you seem to have written a bunch of that file -- I added in some extra assumptions to make "pre-image of connected is connected" true and also added a few more lemmas (see the longish proofs in lines <= 90), maybe you want to golf them? I did my best.

Oh wow! The final proofs aren't ending up much longer than where I left them.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 07 2021 at 23:17):

OK so I started on finite_product_condition_iff_empty_condition_product_condition (morally "if P is a presheaf on Profinite then P (X1 disjoint union X2 disjoint .. disjoint Xn) = P X1 x P X2 x ... x P Xn iff this is true for n=0 and n=2"). The issue is that the n=0 case is stated with empty and the n=2 case with binary products, whereas the general n case uses things like sigma types.

Today I've managed to prove that the general n case implies the n=0 case. It doesn't sound like much but actually I learnt something about the kind of tools which were required to do this kind of proof in category theory. Thanks for the pointers yesterday Adam, they made things easier.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 08 2021 at 01:18):

OK so the next step is the following. We have P a contravariant functor from profinite types to types, and we have two profinite types S and T. Let X denote the map from fin 2 to Profinite with X 0 = S and X 1 = T. Notation : a is always a : fin 2.

We are given that the obvious map from P (Σ a, X a) (think of the sigma type as just a disjoint union) to Π a, P (X a) (coming from the inclusions of the factors X a into the sigma type) is a bijection. We need to prove that the obvious map from P (S ⊕ T) to P S × P T is a bijection.

Easy and useful: one can construct S ⊕ T ≃ Σ a, X a commuting with the obvious maps from S = X 0 and T = X 1 into both sides.

My idea: write down the map P (S ⊕ T) -> P (Σ a, X a) -> Π a, P (X a) -> P S × P T, prove it's a bijection because it's the composite of three bijections (the first because P of an iso is an iso, the second by hypothesis, and the third because I guess you can write down an inverse map?), and now argue that it's the same bijection as the obvious map because it agrees with the obvious map on the two factors.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 08 2021 at 01:22):

This feels like it's going to be very long, and we're still doing the easy part! I'm prepared to give it a go though.

Reid Barton (Nov 08 2021 at 01:33):

I think it would be a bit better to arrange the diagram as a commuting square, but it basically sounds good

Reid Barton (Nov 08 2021 at 01:33):

P (Σ a, X a) -> P (S ⊕ T)

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 08 2021 at 01:33):

right, I'm thinking of it as a square but writing it in lines

Reid Barton (Nov 08 2021 at 01:33):

i.e. never talk about the inverse of anything (sorry I forgot to reverse the map!)

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 08 2021 at 01:34):

I have e : S ⊕ T ≃ Σ a, X a and I'm happy to use the iso generated by e

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 08 2021 at 01:35):

oh it's just dawned on me what you mean

Reid Barton (Nov 08 2021 at 01:35):

but it will make your verification that the map is the right one harder, since you will need to use the fact that the two directions of e are equal

Reid Barton (Nov 08 2021 at 01:35):

it's easier to use the fact that f and fg iso => g iso or whatever

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 08 2021 at 01:36):

gotcha -- prove the square commutes and then deduce the iso on the bottom line from the other three. I'm still not completely on top of the idea that this buys me something.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 08 2021 at 01:39):

Earlier on I was writing down bijections between pempty and Σ a : pempty, X a but here it was easy because to prove that a map between two types is a bijection it suffices to show that both types are singletons (for products) or empty (for sums)

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 08 2021 at 01:40):

doing this exercise really pushed home to me the fact that "the" empty type, represented in two different ways in type theory, gives me two objects in a category of types which I cannot consider as equal.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 08 2021 at 01:40):

Category theory is just set theory with extensionality removed, thus making it harder to do anything.

Reid Barton (Nov 08 2021 at 01:41):

yeah but it's okay because everything is canonical :upside_down:

Reid Barton (Nov 08 2021 at 01:45):

Kevin Buzzard said:

I'm still not completely on top of the idea that this buys me something.

It doesn't buy you much. I just claim it will be easier to check that the square commutes (maybe the proof will even be refl?) than that your three-fold composite will be the right map. Consider that the square would still commute, and just as obviously, even if a : fin 3 instead

Reid Barton (Nov 08 2021 at 01:46):

In this case your approach will just need to simplify something like P.map e >> P.map e.symm, which is easy but in general this is work that you can avoid by drawing the right diagram

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 08 2021 at 01:49):

Thanks for the comments! I'll go with the square.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC