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Stream: condensed mathematics

Topic: finite powers (biproducts)

Johan Commelin (Oct 29 2021 at 07:21):

@Scott Morrison Is there a good way to write down MnM^n in some category with finite biproducts?

Johan Commelin (Oct 29 2021 at 07:21):

 (λ (i : fin n), M)

is giving me universe issues :cry:

Scott Morrison (Oct 29 2021 at 07:22):

ulift the fin?

Scott Morrison (Oct 29 2021 at 07:22):

I don't think I've done this.

Johan Commelin (Oct 29 2021 at 07:22):

Aha.. so we need to setup some API. Because we don't want to mention those ulifts all the time.

Scott Morrison (Oct 29 2021 at 07:23):

Yeah, it would be nice to have some inequalities in the limits library, so you can take limits over even smaller categories.

Scott Morrison (Oct 29 2021 at 07:23):

Have to go!

Johan Commelin (Oct 29 2021 at 07:26):

Should we add an extra universe variable to the limit API? So that you can talk about limits of arbitrary size?
And then instances that say if you have all limits of shape D in universe v, then you also have all limits of shape D in universe 0.
Idem for going from v+1 to v.

Johan Commelin (Oct 29 2021 at 07:26):

And from max v₁ v₂ to v₁.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 29 2021 at 08:21):

Just use Type and stop pandering to the computer scientists

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 29 2021 at 08:23):

There is a big disconnect between this multi-universe philosophy and the kind of concrete terms which we're defining such as int and fin n

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 29 2021 at 08:24):

If we're really supposed to be multi-universe then we should refactor nat and int and real and p-adic etc and make them all universe polymorphic

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 29 2021 at 08:28):

import tactic

universe u

-- if you truly believe in universe polymorphism then you should be doing this

inductive correct_nat : Type u
| zero : correct_nat
| succ : correct_nat  correct_nat

def correct_fin (n : correct_nat) : Type u := {x // x < n} -- failed to synthesize < on correct_nat

It will be a lot of work! But if they're telling us to be polymorphic then why aren't they making the correct objects themselves?

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 29 2021 at 08:29):

So just use Type for now, open an issue about how the definition of nat is wrong, and when someone fixes it we can go back to the silly multi-universe approach

Johan Commelin (Oct 29 2021 at 08:43):

@Kevin Buzzard That is not really an option.

Johan Commelin (Oct 29 2021 at 08:43):

section universes_are_necessary

set_option pp.universes true

def foo : category (Condensed.{0} Type) := by apply_instance

#print foo
def foo : category.{1 1} (Condensed.{0 0 1} Type) :=
Condensed.category.{0 0 1} Type

def test (f : fin 5  Condensed.{0} Type) : Condensed.{0} Type := limit (discrete.functor f)
-- fails:
expected type:
f: fin 5 → Condensed.{0 0 1} Type
⊢ discrete.{1} ⁇ ⥤ Condensed.{0 0 1} Type
Messages (2)
type mismatch at application
  discrete.functor.{1 1 1} f
has type
  fin 5 → Condensed.{0 0 1} Type
but is expected to have type
  ?m_1 → Condensed.{0 0 1} Type
don't know how to synthesize placeholder
f : fin 5 → Condensed.{0 0 1} Type
⊢ Type 1

#print Condensed.category

end universes_are_necessary

Johan Commelin (Oct 29 2021 at 08:44):

The other option is to do all the κκ-stuff that happens in Condensed.pdf

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 29 2021 at 08:47):


Johan Commelin (Oct 29 2021 at 08:48):

That's a beautiful way of putting my feelings into words :wink:

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 29 2021 at 08:49):

OK so either we ulift or we make a polymorphic fin? Which would be less painful do you think? Or do they boil down to the same thing?

Johan Commelin (Oct 29 2021 at 08:53):

Given the current state of things: ulift

Reid Barton (Oct 29 2021 at 11:44):

Condensed.{0} Type is not the useful category, it should be Condensed.{0} (Type 1), but I don't think that will help

Reid Barton (Oct 29 2021 at 11:45):

Another way out is to add an inaccessible cardinal to Type with an axiom, but I'm not sure that is making things better overall

Johan Commelin (Oct 29 2021 at 11:48):

@Reid Barton Yep, I agree that you need to use Type 1. But as you say, that only makes the problem worse :expressionless:

Reid Barton (Oct 29 2021 at 11:50):

Kevin Buzzard said:

There is a big disconnect between this multi-universe philosophy and the kind of concrete terms which we're defining such as int and fin n

The reason that int and fin n and so on live in Type is because the other type formers like prod (and Pi, Sigma, ...) are "multi-universe" (e.g. prod : Type u -> Type v -> Type (max u v)). So if you use prod int int : Type 1, say, Lean would have no way to figure out which universe the ints each live in.

Reid Barton (Oct 29 2021 at 11:58):

There's another world you could imagine where every construction mentions exactly one universe, so int : Type u and prod : Type u -> Type u -> Type u. You would probably need some universe defaulting mechanism for examples like 0 = 1 : Prop (which int.{u} are we talking about?).

Reid Barton (Oct 29 2021 at 11:59):

(I don't mean literally every construction, but all the ones that aren't specifically "universe-aware")

Adam Topaz (Oct 29 2021 at 12:29):

I think a universe polymorphic fin would be particularly helpful in a lot of contexts such as simplicial objects.

Adam Topaz (Oct 29 2021 at 12:38):

Another option is to use S : Fintype.{u} and prove some induction principle for fintypes (I assume you want to use fin because you want to use induction somehow?). Not too long ago I made the skeleton of Fintype universe polymorphic, so in principle you could use that skeleton equivalence and usual Nat induction to prove such an induction principle.

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 29 2021 at 13:43):

Yes, I mentioned this issue to Oliver today at our weekly meeting and he suggested that maybe just using finite types would be easier than fin n, depending on what you were doing. Of course I am in general anti Fintype because it's constructive -- I'd prefer exists p : fintype X ;-)

Johan Commelin (Nov 08 2021 at 18:16):

What's the correct way to say that a functor preserves (binary) biproducts?

Johan Commelin (Nov 08 2021 at 18:17):

Should this reuse something about preserving products? Or should there be a new class?

Adam Topaz (Nov 08 2021 at 18:37):

[preserves_limits_of_shape walking_pair F] is one option

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC