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Stream: condensed mathematics

Topic: main statement

Johan Commelin (Sep 20 2021 at 08:54):

I just pushed a file challenge.lean. Here's a little snapshot:

variables (p' p : 0) [fact (0 < p')] [fact (p'  1)] [fact (p' < p)] [fact (p  1)]
variables (S : Profinite.{1})
variables (V : Type 1) [normed_group V] [module  V] [normed_space'  p V] -- `V` is a `p`-Banach

def real_measures.condensed : Profinite  Condensed Ab :=
Profinite.extend (real_measures.functor p')  CompHausFiltPseuNormGrp₁.to_Condensed

local notation `` p' := real_measures.condensed p'

local notation `Ext` i `,` A `,` B := ((Ext  (Condensed Ab) i).obj (op A)).obj B

theorem main_challenge (i : ) (hi : 0 < i) :
  Ext i , ( p').obj S , Condensed.of_top_ab V :=

Johan Commelin (Sep 20 2021 at 08:54):

Feel free to beautify!

Johan Commelin (Sep 20 2021 at 08:55):

Also, this statement still depends on a lot of sorrys. For example, that Condensed Ab is an abelian category with enough projectives.

Riccardo Brasca (Sep 20 2021 at 11:35):

Do you think proving it has enough projectives is a reasonable "not too difficult" project? I have some time in the next weeks, and I would be very happy to start working with the category theory part of the library!

Johan Commelin (Sep 20 2021 at 11:44):

The main statement is nonsense! I completely forgot to formalize = 0 in the main statement. Fixed

Johan Commelin (Sep 20 2021 at 11:44):

@Riccardo Brasca There is a lot of code that Bhavik wrote for the "basic condensed API", but I don't know where that code is.

Johan Commelin (Sep 20 2021 at 11:45):

It would be helpful if @Bhavik Mehta could push his code somewhere where others can build on top of it.

Adam Topaz (Sep 20 2021 at 13:17):

The key thing we need to prove that Cond Ab has enough projectives is the sheafification in Cond Ab. This lets you construct the left adjoint to the forgetful functor, and applying that to the condensed set of a projective object of CompHaus (which mathlib knows there are enough of) gives you projectives in Cond Ab. I think constructing the sheafification will be a nontrivial task here.

Johan Commelin (Sep 20 2021 at 13:39):

@Adam Topaz I guess we can assert the existence of sheafification and the fact that it is adjoin to the inclusion into presheaves. That way we can continue building other stuff on top of that.

Adam Topaz (Sep 20 2021 at 13:56):

I added

instance : is_right_adjoint (Sheaf_to_presheaf _ _ : Condensed Ab.{u+1}  _) := sorry

def forget_to_CondensedType : Condensed Ab.{u+1}  CondensedSet :=
{ obj := λ F, F.val  forget _, begin
    cases F with F hF,
    rw (presheaf.is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf_forget _ _ (forget Ab)) at hF,
    rw  is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf_of_type,
  end ⟩,
  map := λ A B f, whisker_right f _ }

instance : is_right_adjoint forget_to_CondensedType := sorry

Adam Topaz (Sep 20 2021 at 13:57):

The second sorry should follow from the first

Johan Commelin (Sep 20 2021 at 14:15):

Thanks, I pulled.

Adam Topaz (Sep 20 2021 at 14:22):

Somewhat related to this, we currently define CondensedSet using SheafOfTypes as opposed to Condensed Type* (the two are equivalent but not defeq). Do we want to change this?

Johan Commelin (Sep 20 2021 at 14:22):

I don't have a strong feeling about that.

Johan Commelin (Sep 20 2021 at 14:22):

So far we haven't used condensed sets yet. Only condensed abelian groups.

Adam Topaz (Sep 20 2021 at 14:22):

It would save one of the rw lines in the proof above if we do, but it's not a huge deal.

Johan Commelin (Sep 20 2021 at 14:23):

I guess the sticking point is sheafification. And that will be hard no matter which definition (-;

Adam Topaz (Sep 20 2021 at 14:23):

Checking the sheaf condition is easier in SheaOfTypes which could be useful later on.

Johan Commelin (Sep 20 2021 at 14:55):

@Adam Topaz Don't you think we should provide the sheafification functors explicitly?

Peter Scholze (Sep 20 2021 at 14:59):

Regarding projectives, let me point out that besides their existence, we also need to (later) know quite explicitly their structure, as in Proposition 2.1 of Analytic.pdf. That proposition might be another good intermediate target.

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 06:07):

So this file https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean-liquid/blob/master/src/challenge.lean has the statement of the main challenge. Are there ways to make those Ext groups look better? I want to show this off in a talk two weeks from now.

local notation `` p' := real_measures.condensed p'

local notation `Ext` i `,` A `,` B := ((Ext  (Condensed Ab) i).obj (op A)).obj B

theorem main_challenge (i : ) (hi : 0 < i) :
  is_zero (Ext i , ( p').obj S , Condensed.of_top_ab V) :=

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 06:07):

Those ,s are a very ugly hack.

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 06:08):

And without notation, you have all those .obj and op floating around.

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 07:10):

Why not just leave out the ,s? You could just define 𝓔𝓧𝓣 or something?

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 07:16):

@Scott Morrison you mean as an abbreviation?

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 07:16):

Also, that looks very much like an internal Ext object, with all those curly letters.

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 07:17):

True. It would be better to just write Ext.

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 07:17):

Ordinary notation cannot deal with multiple variables in a row, right? So notation would need some form of delimiters.

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 07:18):

Why not just a def? You might even work out how to keep the usual Ext out of scope.

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 07:18):

I was going to have a look, but haven't compiled liquid oleans in some time. :-)

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 07:21):

Like this?

abbreviation Ext (i : ) (AB : Condensed Ab × Condensed Ab) :=
((Ext  (Condensed Ab) i).obj (op AB.1)).obj AB.2

theorem main_challenge (i : ) (hi : 0 < i) :
  is_zero (Ext i (( p').obj S, Condensed.of_top_ab V)) :=

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 07:21):

I think that is certainly an improvement (notationwise).

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 07:29):

I pushed this to master

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 07:30):

Scott Morrison said:

I was going to have a look, but haven't compiled liquid oleans in some time. :-)


Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 07:30):

Ah, I was running leanproject get-cache, with no success.

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 07:32):

Why did you make your abbreviation take a pair? Just to make it look slightly more like normal notation? That seems to be overdoing it. :-)

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 07:33):

Next you're going to be introducing notation = 0 for is_zero. :-)

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 07:33):

I guess it's not insane. Use some strange canadian syllabics unicode equality.

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 07:43):

Yeah, maybe it is overdoing it

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 07:44):

Probably, getting rid of the Condensed.of_top_ab is more important.

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 08:09):

Actually, why do you use is_zero? What's wrong with ≅ 0?

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 08:55):

@Scott Morrison That contains data, right? So you need to write a nonempty.

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 08:56):

What would be wrong with data here?

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 08:56):

Also, with all those exact sequences, you want a smooth API for showing that objects are trivial. I'm not sure if ≅ 0 is "agile" enough for that.

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 08:56):

Scott Morrison said:

What would be wrong with data here?

It's a theorem. But maybe we can ignore that, and define data anyway. The linter will complain (-;

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 08:56):

Sure -- in the proofs. But for now you're just trying to write a readable statement.

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 08:57):

I think the for_twitter/ files are allowed to make the linter unhappy.

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 08:57):

So, def or @[nolint] theorem?

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 08:58):

abbreviation Ext (i : ) (A B : Condensed Ab) :=
((Ext  (Condensed Ab) i).obj (op A)).obj B

variables (S : Profinite.{1})
variables (V : Type 1) [normed_group V] [module  V] [normed_space'  p V] -- `V` is a `p`-Banach

theorem main_challenge (i : ) (hi : 0 < i) :
  Ext i (( p').obj S) (Condensed.of_top_ab V)  0 :=

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 08:59):

I guess we could try to get (V : Condensed_Banach' p)?

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 09:07):

structure pBanach :=
(V : Type 1)
(normed_group : normed_group V)
(module : module  V)
(normed_space' : normed_space'  p V)

instance : has_coe_to_sort (pBanach p) :=
{ S := Type 1,
  coe := λ X, X.V }

instance (X : pBanach p) : normed_group X := X.normed_group
instance (X : pBanach p) : module  X := X.module
instance (X : pBanach p) : normed_space'  p X := X.normed_space'

instance : has_coe (pBanach p) (Condensed Ab) :=
{ coe := λ V, Condensed.of_top_ab V }

variables (S : Profinite.{1})
variables (V : pBanach p)

theorem main_challenge (i : ) (hi : 0 < i) :
  Ext i (( p').obj S) V  0 :=

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 09:09):

Please push that (-;

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 09:09):

I guess we can get rid of the final .obj as well, by making an abbreviation?

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 09:20):

Okay, I pushed. pBanach should go in a different file, however.

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 09:20):

isn't a valid identifier.

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 09:22):

You could however write Ext i (ℳ_{p'} S) V ≅ 0 using notations

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 09:29):

That looks good!

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 09:29):

I suggest that we go for that!

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 09:30):


Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 09:36):


Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 09:39):

I did another commit that tidies things up by adding a challenge_notations.lean file.

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 09:39):

Only really useful for making challenge.lean audience friendly. Feel free to revert.

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 09:40):

Scott Morrison said:

I did another commit that tidies things up by adding a challenge_notations.lean file.

Forgot to git add

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 09:40):

Got it.

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 09:40):

I am congenitally incapable of using git add.

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 09:50):

For those of you who aren't pulling every 5 minutes. The non-commenty part of the file now looks like

open_locale nnreal liquid_tensor_experiment

namespace liquid_tensor_experiment

variables (p' p : 0) [fact (0 < p')] [fact (p'  1)] [fact (p' < p)] [fact (p  1)]

variables (S : Profinite.{1})
variables (V : pBanach p)

theorem main_challenge (i : ) (hi : 0 < i) :
  Ext i (ℳ_{p'} S) V  0 :=

end liquid_tensor_experiment

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 09:51):

I propose 1 more tweak:

open_locale nnreal liquid_tensor_experiment
open liquid_tensor_experiment

variables (p' p : 0) [fact (0 < p')] [fact (p'  1)] [fact (p' < p)] [fact (p  1)]
variables (S : Profinite.{1}) (V : pBanach p)

theorem liquid_tensor_experiment (i : ) (hi : 0 < i) :
  Ext i (ℳ_{p'} S) V  0 :=

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 10:01):

Actually, you can make the open_locale do the open, as well.

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 10:01):

Saves another line!

Scott Morrison (Oct 05 2021 at 10:13):

And I guess if you want to break the fact rule you could make an instance for [fact (p' ≤ 1)], deriving it from the others.

Sebastien Gouezel (Oct 05 2021 at 10:15):

Is there a reason why your statement is not universe polymorphic?

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 10:20):

The universes are a mess.

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 10:21):

And this might actually Lean-bite us :scream:

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 10:21):

After all, we want to reduce the main challenge to

theorem first_target :
   m : ,  (k K : 0) (hk : fact (1  k)) (c₀ : 0),
   (S : Type) [fintype S] (V : SemiNormedGroup.{0}) [normed_with_aut r V],
    ((BD.data.system κ r V r').obj (op $ of r' (Mbar r' S))).is_weak_bounded_exact k K m c₀ :=

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 10:21):

which lives in Type = Type 0.

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 10:21):

And the main challenge is stated in terms of stuff in Type 1

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 10:22):

Both "for technical reasons".

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 10:22):

I'm going to have lunch first.

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 11:16):

The problem is that first_target specializes to the polyhedral lattice ℤ : Type. And all the universe variables in the statement of thm95 have to be the same.

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 11:17):

So I guess we want to make ulift ℤ into a polyhedral lattice.

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 11:17):

But S and V will still need to live in the same universe.

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 11:17):

Decoupling those can be done, but will be an interesting journey.

Sebastien Gouezel (Oct 05 2021 at 11:34):

Starting with Type 0 first looks reasonable.

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 11:45):

So the main statement lives in universe u+1 because of technical complications with making Profinite a small category. Getting rid of this, probably means that we have to inject all the κ-bounds from the first part of Condensed.pdf into lean.

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 11:46):

(Where κ is some uncountable strong limit cardinal.)

Adam Topaz (Oct 05 2021 at 14:44):

I might be confused (as usual) about universes... why is S : Profinite.{1} and not S : Profinite.{0}?

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 14:45):

Je ne sais pas :shrug: universes never fail to give me headaches.

Adam Topaz (Oct 05 2021 at 14:46):

I mean, we should be worrking in Condensed Ab.{1}, which are sheaves on as_small.{1} Profinite.{0}, right?

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 14:50):

I guess so...

Adam Topaz (Oct 05 2021 at 15:20):


theorem liquid_tensor_experiment (S : Profinite) (V : pBanach p) (i : ) (hi : 0 < i) :
  Ext i (ℳ_{p'} S) V  0 :=

supposed to work? I'm getting an error at Ext.

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 15:41):

I think you need to provide the universe variable for S, right?

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 15:43):

Hmm, you are right, it's not working properly

Adam Topaz (Oct 05 2021 at 15:44):

I think there is a universe issue with real_measures.functorr

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 16:21):

Hmmz, is it easily fixable?

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 16:50):

I have something that typechecks...

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 16:50):

no clue whether it makes universe-sense though.

Johan Commelin (Oct 05 2021 at 16:50):

I pushed it. It's (S : Profinite.{1}) (V : pBanach.{1} p)

Adam Topaz (Oct 05 2021 at 17:39):

I'm a little concerned....

Peter Scholze (Oct 05 2021 at 20:40):

Me too, actually. You definitely want the profinite set SS to live in the site defining condensed sets. A priori you might defined condensed sets using some universe of profinite sets, and then define the functor Mp\mathcal M_{p'} on some larger class of profinite sets, but then the theorem wouldn't be true for those larger profinite sets.

Peter Scholze (Oct 05 2021 at 20:43):

(Otherwise, the theorem statement looks very nice now :-)!)

Peter Scholze (Oct 05 2021 at 20:45):

Even worse, I think you will have to arrange that the profinite sets M(S,Z((T))r)c\mathcal{M}(S,\mathbb Z((T))_r)_{\leq c} live in the site defining condensed sets. So be careful with your universes!

Peter Scholze (Oct 05 2021 at 20:48):

(Well, I can't really believe that when you try to glue stuff together you will get unresolvable universe issues. But it may not be a completely trivial task. And it is likely that the current version of the theorem is not true.)

Adam Topaz (Oct 05 2021 at 21:46):

I think the key thing that needs to be changed is
to_Condensed : CompHausFiltPseuNormGrp₁.{u+1} ⥤ Condensed.{u} Ab.{u+1} should instead be to_Condensed : CompHausFiltPseuNormGrp₁.{u} ⥤ Condensed.{u} Ab.{u+1}

Adam Topaz (Oct 05 2021 at 21:47):

Well, and we will need to have a functor pBanach.{0} p to Condensed Ab.{1}.

Adam Topaz (Oct 05 2021 at 21:50):

Do we have a ulift-like functor from Ab.{u} to Ab.{max u v}?

Johan Commelin (Oct 06 2021 at 04:55):

Nope, I don't think such a ulift-like functor exists.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC