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Stream: lean4

Topic: 0 < 2

Jeremy Avigad (Sep 13 2022 at 14:32):

Is it possible to prove (0 : ℝ) < 2 in Lean 4 with the mathlib3 binport? In full, the goal is here:

 @LT.lt.{0} Real Real.hasLt (@OfNat.ofNat.{0} Real 0 (@Zero.toOfNat0.{0} Real Real.hasZero))
    (@OfNat.ofNat.{0} Real 2 (@AddMonoidₓ.instOfNat.{0} Real 2 Real.addMonoid Real.hasOne))

@Gabriel Ebner @Mario Carneiro

Mario Carneiro (Sep 13 2022 at 14:34):

I would try to prove that 0 and 2 are equal to nat.cast 0 and nat.cast 2 and then use nat.cast_lt to reduce it to something norm_num / dec_trivial can do

Mario Carneiro (Sep 13 2022 at 14:35):

Oh wait, it's already in that form

Mario Carneiro (Sep 13 2022 at 14:38):

I'm not quite sure how you got ofNat in your terms given that this is from mathlib, maybe binport is doing it? But see if you can apply Nat.cast_lt or whatever it's called

Jeremy Avigad (Sep 13 2022 at 14:42):

rw [Nat.cast_lt] and apply Nat.cast_lt.mpr don't seem to work. E.g. the first gives:

tactic 'rewrite' failed, did not find instance of the pattern in the target expression
(fun a b [self : HasLiftT a b] => self.1) ℕ ?m.310 ?m.313 < (fun a b [self : HasLiftT a b] => self.1) ℕ ?m.310 ?m.314
⊢ 0 < 2

Alexander Bentkamp (Sep 13 2022 at 15:15):

Mario Carneiro said:

I'm not quite sure how you got ofNat in your terms given that this is from mathlib, maybe binport is doing it?

It's probably because we have this instance in our code:

noncomputable instance : CoeHTCT   where coe := AddMonoidWithOneₓ.natCast

Is there a better way to get real numerals?

Alexander Bentkamp (Sep 13 2022 at 17:10):

Oh, maybe

noncomputable instance : CoeHTCT   where coe := Nat.cast

? I'll try that tomorrow.

Ramon Fernández Mir (Sep 13 2022 at 18:23):

I proved it. But it's not pretty...

example : (0 : ) < 2 := by
  have h1 : 0 = ((fun a b [self : HasLiftT a b] => self.1)   0) := by rfl
  have h2 : 2 = ((fun a b [self : HasLiftT a b] => self.1)   2) := by rfl
  rw [h1, h2]
  apply Nat.cast_lt.mpr

Jeremy Avigad (Sep 13 2022 at 18:29):

It looks beautiful to me!

Jeremy Avigad (Sep 13 2022 at 18:36):

Interestingly, these give error messages:

example : (0 : ) < 2 := by
  have : ((fun a b [self : HasLiftT a b] => self.1)   0) < ((fun a b [self : HasLiftT a b] => self.1)   2) := by
  exact this

example : (0 : ) < 2 := by
  show ((fun a b [self : HasLiftT a b] => self.1)   0) < ((fun a b [self : HasLiftT a b] => self.1)   2)

Mario Carneiro (Sep 13 2022 at 18:40):

I would assume that the < is being interpreted differently in those examples?

Jeremy Avigad (Sep 13 2022 at 19:38):

I think it's a matter of type inference having a hard time finding the instance when it is buried under a lambda. I tried helping it out with more information:

example : (0 : ) < 2 := by
  have : @LT.lt.{0} Real Real.hasLt ((fun (a b : Type) [self : HasLiftT a b] => self.1)   0 : ) ((fun (a b : Type) [self : HasLiftT a b] => self.1)   2 : ) := by
    apply Nat.cast_lt.mpr
  exact this

But still:

type mismatch
has type
@LT.lt.{0} Real Real.hasLt
((@fun (a b : Type) [self : HasLiftT.{?u.1608, ?u.1607} a b] => @HasLiftT.lift.{?u.1611, ?u.1610} a b self) Nat Real
?m.1620 (@OfNat.ofNat.{0} ?m.1622 0 ?m.1623))
((@fun (a b : Type) [self : HasLiftT.{?u.1804, ?u.1803} a b] => @HasLiftT.lift.{?u.1807, ?u.1806} a b self) Nat Real
?m.1814 (@OfNat.ofNat.{0} ?m.1816 2 ?m.1817)) : Prop
but is expected to have type
@LT.lt.{0} Real Real.hasLt (@OfNat.ofNat.{0} Real 0 (@Zero.toOfNat0.{0} Real Real.hasZero))
(@OfNat.ofNat.{0} Real 2 (@AddMonoidₓ.instOfNat.{0} Real 2 Real.addMonoid Real.hasOne)) : Prop

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC