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Stream: lean4

Topic: Alternative ways to use Lean4 outside of VSCode?

Phillip (Sep 12 2021 at 05:35):

I am currently new to Lean, and am playing around in Lean4. I am yet to understand, but playing around is fun. Currently, I have Lean on my home PC, and I use VS Code. I pulled the nightly release, and all has been well (since I am yet to do anything beyond proving true != false haha).

I wondered if there is any other way I can use lean, other than in VS Code. I am a uni student and spend a lot of time on my iPad, and I would enjoy having some way to access a Lean environment. I don't suppose there are any notebook tools or anything?

I have heard of Code-Server, and use it on and off; however, it doesn't have the lean4 extensions, so it doesn't work (afaik). Any suggestion on alternate ways I can continue to play around while not on my main PC? Thanks!

Matthew Ballard (Sep 13 2021 at 15:26):

If you can find the vsix, you can install the extension directly on code-server similar to vs code. (There is some hesitancy about whether the terms of use of the vs code extension library prohibit downloading vsix files for use in non-vs code editors or just to keep non-vs code editors from using the vs code extension library as a back-end.)

Another option is GitPod. I believe there are people with Lean4 GitPod experience around here: eg https://github.com/IPDSnelting/tba-2021/blob/master/.gitpod.yml The PWA experience with GitPod is not great YMMV.

Mac (Sep 13 2021 at 19:19):

@Matthew Ballard Both the lean and lean4 extensions are available through Open VSX, which is specifically designed not to have the licensing concerns you mentioned.

Matthew Ballard (Sep 13 2021 at 19:28):

Thanks. Last I checked. This wasn’t the case.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC