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Stream: lean4

Topic: Application type mismatch in inductive type

Yicheng Qian (Jul 25 2023 at 01:24):

I came across an "application type mismatch" problem when I was trying to define an inductive type. I managed to reduce it to this example:

inductive WF.{u} : ((α : Type u) × α)  Type (u + 1)
  | ofApp (α β : Type u) (fn : α  β) (arg : α) : WF β, fn arg

How can I fix this?

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 25 2023 at 01:29):

β has type Type u, not α.

Yicheng Qian (Jul 25 2023 at 01:37):

Where is the β that has type α?

Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2023 at 01:38):

it helps to show the error message:

application type mismatch
  WF.ofApp α β fn
argument has type
  α  β
but function has type
  (fn : α  β)  (arg : α)  WF { fst := β, snd := fn arg }

Yicheng Qian (Jul 25 2023 at 01:39):

Yeah, I saw that. I was wondering what is α✝.

Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2023 at 01:40):

it appears that there is a second α in scope, at least somewhere internal to the inductive validity check

Yicheng Qian (Jul 25 2023 at 01:40):

If I change (Type (u + 1)) to Prop, the error disappears.

Yicheng Qian (Jul 25 2023 at 01:41):

But Type (u + 1) should be a valid universe level for this inductive type.

Yicheng Qian (Jul 25 2023 at 01:45):

Also this works:

inductive WF.{u} : ((α : Type u) × α)  Type (u + 1)
  | ofApp (α β : Type u) (fnarg : (α  β) × α) : WF β, fnarg.1 fnarg.2

Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2023 at 01:46):

minimized some more:

inductive WF : Nat  Type 1
  | mk (α : Type) (fn : α  Nat) (arg : α) : WF (fn arg)
application type mismatch
  WF.mk α fn
argument has type
  α  Nat
but function has type
  (fn : α  Nat)  (arg : α)  WF (fn arg)

Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2023 at 01:46):

it does seem to be a bug

Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2023 at 01:55):

it looks like the failure is somewhere in mkInjectiveTheorems

Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2023 at 01:55):

and indeed setting set_option genInjectivity false in makes the issue go away

Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2023 at 02:02):

here's the lean equivalent of what mkInjectiveTheorems does:

set_option genInjectivity false in
inductive WF : Nat  Type 1
  | mk (α : Type) (fn : α  Nat) (arg : α) : WF (fn arg)

example :
   {α : Type} {fn : α  Nat} {arg : α} {α_1 : Type}, WF.mk α fn arg = WF.mk α_1 fn arg  α = α_1 :=
  fun {α} {fn} {arg} {α_1} x  WF.noConfusion x fun α_eq fn_eq arg_eq  α_eq
application type mismatch
  WF.mk α_1 fn
has type
  α  Nat : Type
but is expected to have type
  α_1  Nat : Type

Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2023 at 02:03):

it is a fair point that it's not clear what the statement of the injectivity theorem for this inductive should be

Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2023 at 02:05):

here's what it looks like for a very similar variation on the inductive type that works:

set_option genInjectivity false in
inductive WF : Nat  Type 1
  | mk (α : Type) (fn : α  Nat) (arg : α) (x) : x = fn arg  WF x

example :
   {α : Type} {fn : α  Nat} {arg : α} {x : Nat} {a : x = fn arg} {α_1 : Type} {fn_1 : α_1  Nat} {arg_1 : α_1}
    {a_1 : x = fn_1 arg_1}, WF.mk α fn arg x a = WF.mk α_1 fn_1 arg_1 x a_1  α = α_1  HEq fn fn_1  HEq arg arg_1 :=
  fun {α} {fn} {arg} {x} {a} {α_1} {fn_1} {arg_1} {a_1} x_1 
  WF.noConfusion x_1 fun α_eq fn_eq arg_eq x_eq  { left := α_eq, right := { left := fn_eq, right := arg_eq } }

Yicheng Qian (Jul 25 2023 at 03:01):

Mario Carneiro said:

it is a fair point that it's not clear what the statement of the injectivity theorem for this inductive should be

What about

example :
   {α : Type} {fn : α  Nat} {arg : α} {fn_1 : α_1  Nat} {arg_1 : α_1},
    HEq (WF.mk α fn arg) (WF.mk α_1 fn_1 arg_1)  α = α_1  HEq fn fn_1  HEq arg arg_1 := sorry

Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2023 at 03:07):

I pushed a basic fix as lean4#2355, which solves the issue by treating not only fn and arg, but also α, as fixed because they are required for the type of the equality to work out. In this case that means there is nothing to equate and so no theorem is generated, but you can add another argument and it will assert equality of those arguments

Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2023 at 03:09):

Yicheng Qian said:

Mario Carneiro said:

it is a fair point that it's not clear what the statement of the injectivity theorem for this inductive should be

What about

example :
   {α : Type} {fn : α  Nat} {arg : α} {fn_1 : α_1  Nat} {arg_1 : α_1},
    HEq (WF.mk α fn arg) (WF.mk α_1 fn_1 arg_1)  α = α_1  HEq fn fn_1  HEq arg arg_1 := sorry

This theorem is (surprisingly) not true, as it relies on the injectivity of WF the type constructor itself, which is a non-theorem in lean's axiomatics

Yicheng Qian (Jul 25 2023 at 05:01):

What about this (fine-grained control which ensures that the arguments of WF are equal):
(I've renamed WF to SigmaFn)

inductive DepEq {α : Sort u} (f : α  Sort v) : {x : α}  (a : f x)  {y : α}  (b : f y)  Prop where
  /-- Reflexivity of dependent equality. -/
  | refl (x : α) (a : f x) : DepEq f a a

set_option genInjectivity false in
inductive SigmaFn : Nat  Type 1
  | mk (α : Type) (fn : α  Nat) (arg : α) : SigmaFn (fn arg)

theorem SigmaFn.inj {α : Type} {fn : α  Nat} {arg : α} {fn_1 : α_1  Nat} {arg_1 : α_1}
  (H : DepEq SigmaFn (SigmaFn.mk α fn arg) (SigmaFn.mk α_1 fn_1 arg_1)) : α = α_1  HEq arg arg_1  HEq fn fn_1

Yicheng Qian (Jul 25 2023 at 05:02):


inductive DepEq {α : Sort u} (f : α  Sort v) : {x : α}  (a : f x)  {y : α}  (b : f y)  Prop where
  /-- Reflexivity of dependent equality. -/
  | refl (x : α) (a : f x) : DepEq f a a

set_option genInjectivity false in
inductive SigmaFn : Nat  Type 1
  | mk (α : Type) (fn : α  Nat) (arg : α) : SigmaFn (fn arg)

def HEq.ofSigmaEq {α β : Type u} (x : α) (y : β) (H : @Sigma.mk _ id _ x = @Sigma.mk _ id _ y) : HEq x y :=
  by cases H; apply HEq.rfl

def DepEq.toSigmaEq {α : Type u} (f : α  Type v) (x : α) (a : f x)
  (y : α) (b : f y) (H : DepEq f a b) : Sigma.mk (β:=f) x a = Sigma.mk (β:=f) y b :=
  by cases H; rfl

theorem SigmaFn.inj {α : Type} {fn : α  Nat} {arg : α} {fn_1 : α_1  Nat} {arg_1 : α_1}
  (H : DepEq SigmaFn (SigmaFn.mk α fn arg) (SigmaFn.mk α_1 fn_1 arg_1)) : α = α_1  HEq arg arg_1  HEq fn fn_1 :=
  let lh : Sigma SigmaFn := { fst := fn arg, snd := mk α fn arg }
  let rh : Sigma SigmaFn := { fst := fn_1 arg_1, snd := mk α_1 fn_1 arg_1 }
  let lreq : lh = rh := DepEq.toSigmaEq _ _ _ _ _ H
  let rwFn₁ (x : Sigma SigmaFn) : Sigma id :=
    match x with
    | Sigma.mk fst snd =>
      match snd with
      | SigmaFn.mk α fn arg => α, arg
  let rwRes₁ : rwFn₁ lh = rwFn₁ rh := by rw [lreq]
  let argHeq := HEq.ofSigmaEq _ _ rwRes₁;
  let rwFn₂ (x : Sigma SigmaFn) : Sigma id :=
    match x with
    | Sigma.mk fst snd =>
      match snd with
      | SigmaFn.mk α fn arg => α  Nat, fn
  let rwRes₂ : rwFn₂ lh = rwFn₂ rh := by rw [lreq]
  let fnHeq := HEq.ofSigmaEq _ _ rwRes₂;
  And.intro (by cases argHeq; rfl) (And.intro argHeq fnHeq)

Yicheng Qian (Jul 25 2023 at 05:05):

If there are multiple arguments to the type constructor, we can bundle them by dependent pair.

Yicheng Qian (Jul 25 2023 at 05:42):


Yicheng Qian (Jul 25 2023 at 05:43):


Yicheng Qian (Jul 25 2023 at 05:52):

DepEq and HEq are probably not necessary. They can be modeled by Sigma/PSigma plus Eq.

Yicheng Qian (Jul 25 2023 at 06:18):

theorem SigmaFn.inj {α : Type} {fn : α  Nat} {arg : α} {fn_1 : α_1  Nat} {arg_1 : α_1}
  (H : (⟨fn arg, SigmaFn.mk α fn arg : Sigma SigmaFn) = fn_1 arg_1, SigmaFn.mk α_1 fn_1 arg_1⟩) :
  α = α_1  (⟨α, arg : Sigma id) = α_1, arg_1  (⟨α, fn : Sigma (fun α => α  Nat)) = α_1, fn_1 :=
  let lh : Sigma SigmaFn := fn arg, SigmaFn.mk α fn arg
  let rh : Sigma SigmaFn := fn_1 arg_1, SigmaFn.mk α_1 fn_1 arg_1
  let lreq : lh = rh := H
  let rwFn₁ (x : Sigma SigmaFn) : Sigma id :=
    match x with
    | Sigma.mk fst snd =>
      match snd with
      | SigmaFn.mk α fn arg => α, arg
  let rwRes₁ : rwFn₁ lh = rwFn₁ rh := by rw [lreq]
  let rwFn₂ (x : Sigma SigmaFn) : Sigma (fun (α : Type) => α  Nat) :=
    match x with
    | Sigma.mk fst snd =>
      match snd with
      | SigmaFn.mk α fn arg => α, fn
  let rwRes₂ : rwFn₂ lh = rwFn₂ rh := by rw [lreq]
  And.intro (by cases rwRes₁; rfl) (And.intro rwRes₁ rwRes₂)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC