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Stream: lean4

Topic: Better way to preserve unexpander across namespaces?

Logan Murphy (Feb 02 2023 at 16:11):

I'm trying to learn how to use unexpanders for pretty printing custom syntax.

When I try to introduce a simple unexpander, I find it doesn't carry over across namespaces, as per the following MWE:

import Lean

inductive Foo | bar

namespace Foo

def myFun : Foo  Nat := λ _ => 0

syntax "∣" ident "∣" : term

end Foo

| `(∣$t:ident) => `(Foo.myFun $t)

open Lean PrettyPrinter  Delaborator SubExpr

@[app_unexpander Foo.myFun]
def unexpand_myFun : Unexpander
| `(myFun $f:ident) =>  `( $f ) -- needed for example 1
| `(Foo.myFun $f:ident) =>  `( $f ) -- needed for example 2
| _ => throw ()

namespace Foo
-- example 1, inside namesapce Foo
example {f : Foo} : f = 0 := _
end Foo

-- example 2, outside namespace Foo
example {f : Foo} : f = 0 := _

As far as I can tell, if I want the pretty-printing to work both inside and out of namespace Foo, I need both alternatives in the implementation of unexpand_myfun , and I get the same effect if I declare the unexpander within Foo. Is there a simpler way to get it to work in both spaces? Or am I doing something wrong?

Gabriel Ebner (Feb 02 2023 at 17:33):

I guess that's the reason why many built-in unexpanders match on underscores, i.e., `($_ $f:ident)

Logan Murphy (Feb 02 2023 at 17:45):

Oooh, I see. I was getting a warning from the linter about this, but I thought it was referring to the ident rather than the function name. Works great now. Thanks Gabriel!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC